Employees Get Forum with Interim CEO in New Monthly Coffee Sessions 

For one morning each month, some NYCHA employees are getting the chance to grab a coffee with the boss.  

The informal meetings with Interim CEO Lisa Bova-Hiatt are part of the newly relaunched “Coffee with the Interim CEO” series. A group of approximately 20 NYCHA employees can speak directly with Ms. Bova-Hiatt about their work experience, ask questions, and discuss various issues related to the NYCHA community.  

The sessions are scheduled from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the 90 Church Street Ceremonial Room. Invited participants, who are randomly selected for each meeting, include staff from diverse departments/developments with a range of titles and years of service at the Authority.  

At the kickoff gathering on March 31, employees in attendance praised the welcoming environment for a casual and candid conversation between colleagues and the Interim CEO.   

“It was a warm welcome from the Interim CEO, and everyone was outspoken,” said John Frassetti, a 30-year NYCHA employee who serves as a skilled trades administrator in Brooklyn. “When you look at the chain of command, a lot of people never get to talk to the CEO, so this is a very good opportunity to do something like that.”  

Donesia Ellis, Deputy Director of the Customer Contact Center, also pointed to the unique setting in which NYCHA employees of various backgrounds can have a closer line of communication with Authority leadership.  

“To bring staff together, where you have plumbers, electricians, and others who are able to sit here and speak with the Interim CEO, I think that is awesome,” said Ms. Ellis, who has worked at NYCHA for 34 years.  

Ms. Bova-Hiatt said that the off-the-record discussions enable her to learn firsthand from employees about their workplace experience and share ideas on how staff members can work together more effectively. She hopes to have at least one future coffee session at a development in each borough. 

“Our dedicated and hardworking employees are our greatest asset at NYCHA, and I am excited about this opportunity to come together for a meaningful exchange of knowledge and suggestions on how we can improve services across the Authority,” Ms. Bova-Hiatt said.  

Noting that the Interim CEO recognizes how NYCHA is a “complex organization,” Ms. Ellis added: “She’s reaching out to the different levels of staff, which shows a lot of interest. What she’s trying to do is make things better and more efficient going forward, and I appreciate that very much.”  

Employees will be contacted by email if invited to attend an upcoming “Coffee with the Interim CEO” session. If you are invited and would like to participate, please RSVP by emailing evelyn.sanchez@nycha.nyc.gov or calling (212) 306-3434 after receiving your invitation.