NYCHA Staff Get Educated about Intimate Partner Violence

On October 30, Kevin Morris, a community liaison from the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) presented a workshop, Intimate Partner Violence 101, for property management and community center staff at Van Dyke Houses in Brooklyn.
Since many NYCHA residents regularly meet with and confide in property management staff, NYCHA partnered with ENDGBV to help staff learn how to identify signs of abuse and refer residents to City resources for victims and survivors.
The workshop, which has been presented at all 15 developments that are the focus of the Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety, covered several topics concerning intimate partner violence, including:
- The various forms that abuse can take, such as physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or technological;
- Common barriers that victims face in reporting or disclosing abuse; and
- City resources available to victims of intimate partner and domestic violence, elder abuse, and sex trafficking, including the NYC Hope resource portal and the NYC Family Justice Centers (one-stop centers in each borough providing vital social service, civil legal, and criminal justice assistance).
One participant, Caretaker China Stewart, said: “The domestic violence workshop was very educational. I learned a lot of new information, including how to handle myself in a domestic violence situation.”
Workshop presenter and ENDGBV Community Liaison Kevin Morris said: “NYCHA and the City of New York remain committed to raising awareness and ensuring that victims and survivors of abuse know that they are not alone. Resources exist for those seeking help for themselves or their children.”
To bring the Intimate Partner Violence 101 workshop (or other workshops about domestic and gender-based violence) to your development, you can contact Mr. Morris at (212) 788-2405 or