Meet NYCHA Change Ambassador Albert Freeman

When speaking to issues of change at NYCHA, Albert Freeman can draw from his extensive experience as both an employee and former resident. 

After growing up at Ingersoll Houses in Brooklyn, Mr. Freeman joined the NYCHA workforce 32 years ago thanks to a program from the nonprofit Grand St. Settlement. He has served for more than a decade as an administrative secretary in the Law Department and was most recently assigned to the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) unit, where he provides requested records to residents and attorneys. 

In addition to his daily duties, Mr. Freeman volunteers along with hundreds of fellow NYCHA employees as a Change Ambassador, bringing up-to-date news to colleagues about NYCHA’s Transformation Plan and other initiatives.   

The Ambassadors help support change at NYCHA by sharing feedback from their colleagues, meeting with employees from other departments to learn about their work and better understand issues impacting the organization, and helping to address various concerns at their work locations.  

As a former longtime resident, Mr. Freeman said he found the ambassador program appealing because it allows him to stay up-to-speed on the efforts to better serve residents across the Authority.  

“I wanted to know what was going on with NYCHA in how we are relating to the residents, what steps we are taking, the progress we’re making, and the direction we’re taking to make things better,” said Mr. Freeman. “I wanted to be a part of it because of what I do, and to help the residents in any way I can because we all represent NYCHA.” 

In regards to critical issues such as the security and well-being of residents, as well as the maintenance of buildings and grounds, the Change Ambassadors send the message to residents that NYCHA employees are “here for them,” Mr. Freeman noted.  

According to Rosanne Pisem, Deputy General Counsel in the Law Department, Mr. Freeman is “very dedicated and a pleasure to have on our team.”  

The Change Ambassadors meet virtually once per month, enabling employees to learn about the various responsibilities of different departments within the organization and exchange ideas on how they can be a voice for the improvements taking place. Along with informing colleagues about Transformation Plan initiatives and other programs, the Ambassadors pass on information, including which developments are the latest to convert to the Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) program.  

“When you see each department working to help those on the outside, it’s a really great experience,” Mr. Freeman said of the relationship between Ambassadors. “It’s encouraging to know that you’re part of the plan and in the loop.” 

The veteran NYCHA employee said that any of his colleagues who hope to make a difference for residents should join the Ambassador program, noting that a key focus of this “Change Network” is on customer service.  

“We have a group of people coming together on common ground with one goal – to make NYCHA better,” he said.   

To get in touch with the Change Network, please send an email to