Kudos to Madeline Mendez, Property Manager at Sotomayor Houses

From Regional Asset Manager Alex Tolozano:

“Madeline Mendez has been a NYCHA employee for 24 years. She is currently the Property Manager at Sotomayor Houses who has shown exceptional management skills in running the development since July of 2019, and especially while dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on staffing levels. Ms. Mendez has shown endurance and passion for this job. During this COVID-19 pandemic she has been encouraging staff to be safe, wear a mask, keep social distance, and has been keeping morale at its highest levels….and she has not missed a single day of work.

“Ms. Mendez and her great team of supervisors are a tremendous asset to Sotomayor Houses. Her willingness and overall leadership are impressive and should not go unnoticed. Every report that is due is sent on time, whether it’s from Management or Maintenance.

“Ms. Mendez has risen above and beyond during this pandemic. It gives me great pleasure to recognize her for a job well done.”