Equal Opportunity at NYCHA

Dear Colleagues,

As we continue our collective work to transform NYCHA into an organization of excellence, we must fully integrate equal opportunity into NYCHA’s vision, mission, and strategic plan. Discrimination, harassment in the workplace, and retaliation are contrary to our core values of respect, diversity, inclusion, and collaboration.

As Chair and Chief Executive Officer, I am committed to providing our employees with a workplace consistent with NYCHA’s non-discrimination polices. NYCHA leadership is charged with fostering a work environment based on NYCHA’s core values, and to take proactive roles within their areas of responsibility to ensure that our non-discrimination policies are followed. This includes reviewing these policies with their staff and colleagues, encouraging discussions regarding expectations, and taking prompt, appropriate, and effective action when faced with violations.

All NYCHA employees and affiliates share in the responsibility of fostering a discrimination-free workplace. We must make an active commitment to shape our NYCHA workplace into a discrimination-free and retaliation-free environment for everyone. Join me and reaffirm your commitment to nondiscrimination at NYCHA. All employees must acknowledge the 2020 NYCHA Non-Discrimination Policy Statements in the NYCHA Acknowledgement Requests Portal by May 29, 2020. The Department of Equal Opportunity (DEO) will record employee acknowledgments and will report noncompliance to the Office of the Chair and NYCHA General Manager for appropriate action.

I strongly encourage any employee who experiences or witnesses unlawful discrimination, retaliation, or behaviors that violate the NYCHA Non-Discrimination Policy Statements to immediately report such matters using the avenues described in the Policy Statements. NYCHA’s DEO is available to provide assistance in equal opportunity matters, including investigating EEO complaints. The DEO is located at 90 Church Street, 6th Floor, in Manhattan. Employees may file a complaint or seek assistance with a DEO matter from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, or via email at deo@nycha.nyc.gov. Employees may also electronically file a Complaint of Alleged Discrimination via Movaris (NYCHA Form 036.025, rev.  2/6/20).

We can accomplish NYCHA’s vision of excellence only with an engaged and valued workforce that is equally committed to delivering reliable and professional service to the residents we serve. Your commitment to equal opportunity is critical to NYCHA’s transformation.

Thank you,

Greg Russ

Chair & Chief Executive Officer