Tips for a Safer Holiday Season

Here are some holiday safety tips that may be helpful for you and your family. Enjoy the holidays and stay safe!

NYPD Holiday Community Safety Tips
With the holiday season upon us, most people are preoccupied with the details of holiday plans and shopping. Unfortunately, the safety precautions which we normally take are sometimes forgotten, or the excitement of the season causes us to let down our guard. The Police Department wants this to be a SAFE holiday season for all, and we remind you to follow these safety tips and enjoy the city and the season.

NYC DOHMH Suicide Prevention & Mental Health During the Holidays
Suicide is preventable. If you or someone you know is at immediate risk of hurting themselves, or in immediate danger because of a health condition or other situation, call 911. If you are thinking about suicide, or know someone who is, counselors are available to listen to and support you 24/7. Contact NYC Well by calling 888-NYC-WELL (888-692-9355) or texting “WELL” to 65173.

Please note: Warning signs that someone may be thinking about suicide can present differently across different racial, ethnic, cultural, regional, and religious groups. For example, speaking about mental health challenges and thoughts of suicide may be less common and less accepted in some cultures and communities. Physical social distancing can make warning signs harder to observe. Check in with your loved ones to see how they are coping,
especially those with a history of suicide, depression, anxiety, or other mental illness, or those who have experienced a recent loss.

For more information and available resources from the NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene click here.

For additional resources from the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, click here.

NYC DOHMH Holiday COVID-19 Precautions
Make a plan to celebrate the holiday season safely. Be festive while protecting your loved ones and preventing the spread of COVID-19: Do not travel (rediscover holidays at home!); do not host or attend a holiday party (go virtual instead!); do not gather in groups; and only celebrate with household members (less is more!).

For more safety precautions from the NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, click here.