NYCHA’s Capital Projects Roundup: March
In March, NYCHA’s Capital Projects Division (CPD) marked the completion of energy conservation and restoration projects across the city that will bring a variety of benefits and improved services for residents and the surrounding community.
CPD oversees more than $1 billion in construction projects across the Authority’s portfolio that are funded with federal, State, and City investments. The department works to preserve and modernize public housing for NYCHA residents through professional design and construction services that are carried out efficiently and with the highest degree of safety and quality.
On March 8, CPD completed the restoration of gas service for nearly 100 residents in 33 apartments at Lower East Side Rehab in Manhattan by replacing gas meters, overhead gas piping, as well as six gas risers with associated valves and fittings. The $200,000 project was federally funded.

CPD completed the overhaul of the space and domestic hot water heating systems at Jackson Houses in the Bronx on March 20. Systems were repaired, replaced, or upgraded throughout the development to allow for adequate heating. The approximately $3.7 million project, which also included associated electrical and plumbing work, was federally funded.

To reduce energy and water use and increase operational efficiency, CPD installed a variety of temperature control upgrades at developments such as Breukelen Houses in Brooklyn and South Jamaica Houses in Queens. The upgrades included new sensors, building management systems, and solar panels, as well as the renovation of boilers, windows, and air conditioning units. The approximately $18 million project was funded by a federal grant.

CPD also completed various renovations of the community center at Brooklyn’s Marcy Houses, where crews performed environmental remediation, architectural upgrades, and work on mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. The project included the installation of new concrete ramps and restoration of lawns and other surfaces. A federal grant funded the $891,000 project.
Through the New York State Homes and Community Renewal (NYSHCR) Weatherization Assistance Program, CPD partnered with a community-based provider to reduce energy usage at Penn-Wortman Houses in Brooklyn. CPD completed LED lighting upgrades and replaced roof fans and windows at the development. Through energy efficiency measures, weatherization projects aim to reduce heating/cooling costs and improve safety for residents. At Penn-Wortman, that included pipe insulation, upgrades to ventilation and lighting, and replacement of some refrigerators, showerheads, and aerators. The $1.86 million project was mostly funded by NYSHCR and supplemented by NYCHA’s federal funds.

Also in March, various repair and replacement work was completed on the roofs of buildings at Smith Houses in Manhattan. That involved renovating bulkheads, canopies, and roof decks; installing ballast materials, insulation, drains, and other components; and sealing work. The $7.3 million project was federally funded.