Now That’s NextGen!

It was a typical day for Dominique Derville, a housing assistant at the CCC Walk-in Center in Brooklyn, as she cheerfully answered the questions of residents and Section 8 voucher holders and made sure they understood the information she provided. Little did she know, however, that some of these residents were really staff from the Mayor’s Office of Operations – they were pretending to need assistance as part of a “secret shopper” program that assesses the quality of services provided by City agencies.
Several weeks later, on October 5, 2017, Ms. Derville received a Certificate of Excellence from the Mayor’s Office of Operations for providing exceptional customer service. “My colleagues and I – because my colleagues deserve acknowledgement as well – were very happy to get the recognition,” Ms. Derville remarked. “Having the Mayor recognize us was very exciting, and we felt very appreciated.”
A NYCHA employee for 10 years, Ms. Derville finds fulfillment in being able to help her customers. Watch Ms. Derville speak about the importance of customer service – she clearly embodies our NextGeneration work to improve the way we do business: