Message from Interim Chair & CEO Stanley Brezenoff

Dear Colleagues,
I am excited to join you today as Interim Chair & CEO of the Housing Authority.
As the landlord for a population the size of the city of Milwaukee, NYCHA is critical to the health and well-being of all New Yorkers. I want you to know that I care deeply about our city and all its residents. I believe that government can make a powerful difference in people’s lives when it is managed effectively. Working in partnership with General Manager Vito Mustaciuolo and all of you, we will move forward together to address every issue we now face.
There is no magic button to push; it will take time, hard work, and collaboration. But I am confident we can revitalize the Authority to successfully achieve our goal of safe, clean, and connected communities for every NYCHA resident.
I look forward to meeting you,
Stanley Brezenoff, Interim Chair & CEO