Meet the EHS Lead Oversight Team (LOT)
NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department’s (EHS) Lead Oversight Team (LOT) oversees all lead-based paint (LBP) activities to identify, prevent, or correct any non-compliance with the applicable requirements. The team consists of three U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-certified Risk Assessors who are led by a certified Field Supervisor.
As part of NYCHA’s Lead Compliance Assurance program, the LOT performs field oversight of various LBP activities, including lead abatement; renovation, repair, and painting (RRP); dust wipes activities; and visual assessment. The LOT also investigates LBP complaints from employees and residents.
If the LOT identifies severe deficiencies during field oversight, the work is paused and corrective actions are taken before the work is restarted. These observations are brought to the attention of the Compliance Department for possible follow-up.

A LOT specialist reviews the skilled trades and vendor logs to see if any staff is assigned to perform RRP-related work at the development that day.

A LOT specialist speaks with painters about the work planned for the day.

A handheld device is used to review an inspection checklist and capture observations.

After arriving at the apartment where the work is planned, the LOT specialist verifies the plasterer’s credentials, checks if workers have the EPA cleaning verification card prior to performing RRP work, and ensures the resident receives the “Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right” pamphlet.

Specialists check the entrance of the work area to ensure that the required warning signage is posted and the air lock to the work area is secured.

As part of preparation works, the plasterers secure the resident’s personal belongings.

The plasterer secures the window with polyethylene sheeting to ensure that any dust generated does not escape the work area.

A LOT specialist observes the demolition of a wall to ensure that the plasterer uses the adequate “wet methods” to minimize dust in the air.

The specialist ensures that the waste is bagged and removed from the apartment, and that the staff working on the premises mops the floor with a lead-specific detergent and performs a final cleaning using a Swiffer.

To ensure that the work area was cleaned properly, the LOT specialist compares the cleaning verification card to the Swiffer pad.

LOT specialists ensure that RRP supplies and equipment are available in the storeroom for use by NYCHA staff for LBP activities.

A LOT specialist reviews the property management disclosure folder with the property manager to ensure that it contains the required documentation. LOT specialists also review randomly selected tenant folders to ensure they contain apartment-specific lead disclosure documents.

Before submitting an inspection work order, the LOT specialist reviews the results of all inspections on a handheld device to ensure accuracy. Any items that require immediate action are brought to the attention of property management.
EHS encourages NYCHA residents to report any unaddressed, previously reported safety conditions by calling the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 (select menu option 7, then option 3) or by visiting
For more information about lead, please visit: