Launch of FlexOps Pilot Expands Service Hours for Residents

On July 5, Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye sent the following email to all staff announcing the launch of FlexOps. NYCHANow will continue to cover the impact of this historic initiative.
This morning before most of you arrived at work, the GM and I had already greeted the staff at 12 consolidations with coffee and donuts. As part of an exciting new NextGeneration NYCHA initiative, they had arrived for work at 6 a.m.
Today, NYCHA is moving into the 21st century, improving customer service at 12 developments in a four-month pilot of a flexible operations expanded service hours schedule, better known as FlexOps.
We are implementing a staggered shift for frontline staff, including caretakers, maintenance workers, and property managers. All participating staff are volunteers or new hires. One day a week each property management office will be open until 8 p.m., where staff will see residents by appointment.
We know this is what residents want and need: NYCHA conducted a recent survey of more than 1,400 residents, including 58 resident leaders, and found that 94 percent supported extending service hours beyond the traditional 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. In adopting this industry standard best practice, we need to do our best to provide great service for both residents and employees.
In partnership,
Shola Olatoye