Hispanic Society Invites ESD Director to Celebrate Womens’ History Month

NYCHA’s Hispanic Society held a general membership meeting on March 8 in the Ceremonial Room at 90 Church Street, where guest speaker Erenisse Tavarez, Director of the Emergency Services Department (ESD), provided an overview of its operations. A critical aspect of ESD’s mission is to address highpriority emergencies during after-hour operations, such as weekends and holidays, when regular development staff are not on duty.

In responding to emergencies, ESD works closely with multiple NYCHA departments as well as City agencies such the NYPD, the NYC Fire Department and its Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, the Department of Environmental Protection, and New York City Emergency Management. Ms. Tavarez emphasized the importance of building cooperative relationships with property management and NextGeneration Operations staff to effectively coordinate all available resources, particularly at a time of vastly reduced funding. In the spirit of International Women’s Day, Ms. Tavarez also spoke about the important work that women do throughout NYCHA. (For additional comments by Ms. Tavarez and other female employees about their experiences at the Authority, please see p. 5.) Also showing a concern for young people, Ms. Tavarez encouraged members and guests to support the Hispanic Society’s longstanding scholarship dinner-dance coming up in October. Proceeds of the dance are used to provide deserving college students with funds to help pay for books and other college-related expenses.
A question and answer period followed the formal presentation. For membership and other information about the Hispanic Society, please call Jose Ortiz at 646-420-8354 or Fernando Pagán at 212-306-4068.