Digital Van Driver Will Be NYCHA’s First ‘Neighborhood Tech Supervisor’
Kim Maxwell, a senior driver with NYCHA’s Digital Van program, has been tapped to become NYCHA’s first Neighborhood Tech Supervisor. He will lead a new mobile team of IT technicians who will visit property management offices to help staff troubleshoot their computers and train them on new software. Mr. Maxwell has been a digital van driver since 2015.
Digital Vans are free computer labs on wheels that bring technology to NYCHA communities that have no or limited access to high-speed Internet. “It’s like the bookmobile from the library,” Mr. Maxwell said. “Instead of there being books, we are a computer-mobile.”
After they park their vans at the developments, the drivers become instructors and the vans classrooms, where residents can access the Internet (or learn how to navigate it if they are unfamiliar with it). Each van is retrofitted with wireless Internet, eight laptops, and a printer/scanner. Helping residents understand how to navigate NYCHA’s digital Self-Service Portal and the MyNYCHA app has become vital as paperwork throughout the Authority becomes increasingly digitalized.
Mr. Maxwell helps NYCHA residents navigate within the MyNYCHA app, where they can create and manage repair requests for their apartments, pay rent, and more. He has also helped residents navigate NYCHA’s Self-Service Portal, where they can submit their lease renewal applications, request transfers to other apartments or buildings, seek employment through the Office of Resident Economic Empowerment & Sustainability (REES), and more.
“I’m very excited for this new role because it mirrors what I am doing now,” Mr. Maxwell said. “But instead of being in the truck helping residents, I’ll be in the management office leading a team of mobile help desk techs to install, maintain, and update computer systems, as well as train staff,” adding, “I love helping people, and am excited to have the opportunity in this new position to share my passion for and expertise in computers.”
IT Department Vice President of Service Management Cindy Anderson is pleased with the new role for Mr. Maxwell, noting that, “He is the perfect person to lead this new team that is focused on ensuring that our front-line workers have the technology tools they need to better serve our residents.”