Beware of COVID-19 Phishing Scams

Stay Cyber Safe

The FBI issued a warning about phishing campaigns that use government checks as lures. Look out for phishing emails that ask you to verify your personal information in order to receive a check from the government. Government agencies will not send emails asking for your private information in order to send you money.

The FBI also warned of messages impersonating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hackers have sent phishing messages posing as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other health agencies offering information on COVID-19.

Before you act, share the message, or even worry about it, ask — and answer — all three of these questions

  • Who is the message from? Do I know them? Do I trust them? Am I positive they are who they say they are?
  • What do they want me to do? Are they trying to get me to act in some way or give up personal info?
  • What evidence supports the message? Fact-check it — or debunk it. Always verify, using a few additional sources. Does the message still seem accurate?

How do I protect myself against phishing attacks? 

Don’t share too much. The more an attacker knows about you, the easier it is for them to con you. The less you share publicly, including via social media posts, the safer your personal information will be.

If you suspect a scam, report it!

Contact NYCHA’s IT Security Team in a cyber emergency.