Prosperity Now!

On November 28, Tischelle George, NYCHA’s Senior Advisor for Community Engagement and Partnerships, participated in a panel discussion at a conference in Washington, DC, titled “Catalyzing Economic Mobility and Inclusion through Affordable Housing and Financial Capability Integration.” While the conference name might be a mouthful, its intentions were simple: Ms. George discussed how City agencies and nonprofit partners can work together to help public housing residents increase their income and assets through financial coaching services.
“Housing assistants have been doing debt counseling and financial capability work with residents long before there was a name for it,” Ms. George said. “NYCHA’s ability to partner with dedicated financial service providers, who understand the unique financial considerations in public housing communities, allows property management to focus on supplying the housing needs while still satisfying residents’ needs for financial assistance with rent and budgeting.”
Residents can visit REES’ website to connect with certified financial counselors citywide.