NYCHA’s Running Team at the Corporate Challenge

NYCHA’s Running Team turned out in force at the 39th Corporate Challenge run in Central Park on June 4. Led by veteran team captain Bob Nordman, 15 staunch members participated in the 3.2 mile race, sponsored by JPMorgan Chase to raise funds for the preservation and maintenance of Central Park.
Marathon runner Bob Nordman and triathlete enthusiast Ramon Lugo found the NYCHA team spirit and weather perfect for the evening run that celebrates fitness, camaraderie and a healthy measure of competition.
Larry Hilbert, on his first outing at the event, was the team’s first finisher, clocking in at 21:59 minutes. Jeff Pagelson, who was described as “running like a roadrunner past numerous racers,” did his personal best this year. And Nicole Ferreira who was seen “running with NYCHA pride” also put in a strong performance.
“I was originally planning to stroll, as I am not a runner,” said first-time participant Elena Tenchikova. “But I was taken by the energy and ended up running the entire race. I definitely recommend others to join us next year,” she said.
“I was very excited when I joined NYCHA in December 2014 and learned that NYCHA participates in the race,” said Lindsay Haddix. “It was a great opportunity to get to know other employees while supporting a good cause.” Lindsay ran the entire race with Amy Stokes, “chatting the whole time.”
Congratulations to all the NYCHA runners at the event and special thanks to captain Bob Nordman who helped collect runners’ comments by emailing them from Alaska— where he and his son were preparing to run the Anchorage Marathon the next day.