NYCHA Conducts Coastal Storm Preparedness Tabletop Exercise
On August 4, NYCHA’s Emergency Management and Services Department conducted a coastal storm preparedness tabletop exercise with Operations’ borough vice presidents and neighborhood administrators at the Emergency Operations Center in Long Island City. The tabletop exercise and dialogue with Operations leadership was designed to provide a better understanding of preparedness issues or gaps that impact NYCHA staff and properties. Some scenarios sparked conversations among Operations staff that highlighted changes and improvements made since Superstorm Sandy, including increased collaboration with NYC Emergency Management, a City agency.
As NYCHA continues to develop its Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), tabletop exercises and discussions like these help ensure that all aspects of the operational response to emergencies are captured in the CEMP. The CEMP includes multiple plans to manage hazards the Authority may face. NYCHA plans to conduct more of these tabletop exercises for different potential hazards and with different departments.