NYCHA Celebrates New Community Garden at Manhattanville Houses
NYCHA has a long-standing commitment to fostering resident access to green spaces at its developments. A 2017 survey of NYCHA gardens, conducted by the NYC Parks Department’s GreenThumb program, counted 595 gardens at 146 NYCHA developments. One recent community garden was created at Manhattanville Houses in West Harlem by former NYCHA residents in partnership with NYCHA, the New York Restoration Project (NYRP), Graham Windham, and Disney, which provided funding and volunteers. This is the first garden developed through the NYCHA and NYRP partnership.
Annette Wilcox – one of Manhattanville Houses’ first residents – started the community garden with a few donated daffodils and the idea to create a space for residents to relax and enjoy nature. Starting with just one garden bed four years ago, Annette and her twin sister Arlene expanded the garden space with the help of various plant and seed donations. In the garden’s third year, Ms. Wilcox reached out to the NYRP about upgrading the space. The NYRP agreed and assisted the Wilcox sisters with gardening, consultation, and securing funding for the materials and volunteers through Disney.
“When the pandemic hit, the garden became the only place we could go without a mask, work, and relax,” said Ms. Wilcox. “People passing by and appreciating what we’ve done made me think about going to the next level and planting vegetable beds and expanding the ornamental beds.”
Delores Hull, Assistant Property Manager at Manhattanville Houses, said that the garden helps beautify the neighborhood and create stronger community engagement: “Partnerships like this bridge the gap with residents and NYCHA staff. The garden gives residents a sense of pride. When everything blooms, it’s going to be beautiful!”
The Wilcox sisters inherited their green thumb from their extended family of farmers and horticulturalists, including their mother who, 60 years ago as a girl scout leader, created a garden at Manhattanville Houses that won second prize in a citywide contest.
“I was always around people who did gardening,” Ms. Wilcox said. “Since I retired, gardening has become my full-time passion. We have a lot of elderly people struggling to walk along the steep street where the garden is. It would be nice if they can sit, take a break, and enjoy the garden.
NYCHA’s Director of Resident Engagement Tischelle George said: “This collaboration between the Wilcox sisters, property management, Graham Windham, NYRP, and Disney to build a garden is a prime example of how vital public-private partnerships are to uplifting NYCHA communities.”
The completion of the project was celebrated at Manhattanville Houses by NYCHA and partners. Although they were NYCHA residents for only the first seven years of their lives, the Wilcox sisters believe that the garden they started will become a place of green refuge, gardening, and community engagement for many current and future residents.
“Growing up, I always loved how bright and beautiful it was here. There was so much sunlight,” said Ms. Wilcox. “This garden is a thank you to Manhattanville.”
For more information or to get involved with gardening at NYCHA, email To apply for NYRP’s Gardens for the City garden creation and renovation support program, click here.