Summer Safety Tips for Field Employees

Summer is here—as is the hot weather. To ensure that employees who work outdoors are not overcome with heat induced stress or illness, here are some safety tips. Supervisors should ensure that there is plenty of drinking water located as close as possible to employees.
Employees should:
- drink water about every 15 minutes even if not thirsty,
- rest in the shade or an air-conditioned office,
- wear hats and light-colored clothing, and
- watch out for each other.
If a co-worker suffers heat stroke:
- call your supervisor to get medical help,
- move the person to cool off in the shade,
- little by little, give the employee water (if not vomiting),
- loosen his or her clothing, and
- help cool the person by fanning or placing ice packs in the underarms and groin area or soaking the person’s clothing with cool water.
You may send questions about safety to You may report dangerous work condition to NYCHA’s Safety and Security Command Center at 212-306-8800 or by email at