Lighting Installed at Polo Grounds

Chair and CEO Shola Olatoye announced the completion of a $4.8 million lighting installation project at Polo Grounds Towers in Harlem on March 10. Beginning August 2015, NYCHA replaced the development’s outdated exterior lighting system—installed when the buildings were originally built in the late 1960s—with state-of-the-art, energy-efficient lighting located at entrances, walkways and parking areas.
“Lighting is an important aspect of community safety,” said Chair Olatoye. “Following an $18 million investment in security cameras and modern layered-access doors, we are proud to further our comprehensive security vision through the installation of permanent lighting. Improving safety and security in public housing is a key strategy in NextGeneration NYCHA, the Authority’s 10-year strategic plan, and these new lights will support a safer environment for both NYCHA residents and the larger community.”