It’s Italian-American Heritage & Culture Month

Congress proclaimed October as National Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Italian immigrants and their descendants in the United States. Over 5 million Italians immigrated to the United States between 1820 and 2000; currently, there are over 26 million Americans of Italian descent residing in the United States.

The Italian American Association, an employee association at NYCHA that was established in 1994, celebrates Italian-American heritage and culture by organizing educational, social, and cultural activities; performing charitable work; and raising awareness about the contributions of Italian Americans to our society.

Italian American Association membership is open to all NYCHA employees who are interested in the culture of Italy and the experience of Italian Americans. Some of the events and initiatives that the Italian American Association has participated in over the years, including with other NYCHA employee associations, are:

  • Establishing the John DeCarlo Fund, which honors the legacy of a former association member who was a caretaker at Marlboro Houses;
  • Supporting the Italian American Museum, a Novi di Modena region earthquake relief fund, and a Haiti earthquake relief fund;
  • Attending the Marco Polo Festival in Little Italy and Chinatown;
  • Visiting the Tenement Museum; and
  • Honoring numerous former NYCHA employees for their service at an annual luncheon.

If you have any questions or would like to join the Italian American Association, please email