It’s Fire Prevention Week
The theme of this year’s Fire Prevention Week – Fire won’t wait; plan your escape – highlights the importance of creating a home fire escape plan. In observation of this national event and to promote your family’s safety, NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department would like to provide the following information.
NYCHA Fire Safety Notice:
- This notice is posted in all building lobbies and on the inside of apartment doors.
- It contains guidance to help you in the event of a fire.
- It includes steps to take if the fire is inside the apartment and if it is outside the apartment.
If the Fire Is in Your Apartment:
- Close the door to the room where the fire is and leave the apartment.
- Make sure EVERYONE leaves the apartment with you.
- Take your keys.
- Close, but do not lock, the apartment door.
- Alert people on your floor by knocking on their doors on your way to the exit.
- Use the nearest stairwell to leave the building.
- Call 911 once you reach a safe location. Do not assume the fire has been reported unless firefighters are on the scene.
- Meet the members of your household at a pre-determined location outside the building. Notify the firefighters if anyone is unaccounted for.
NYCHA Fire Safety Guide:
- This is posted in all building lobbies and provided to every NYCHA household.
- It includes the following information about your building, fire suppression equipment, and staircase and exit locations:
- Whether your building is made of “combustible” or “non-combustible” materials
- Number of floors
- Sprinkler coverage
- Fire alarm coverage
- Means of egress (ways to get out of building)
Home Fire Escape Plan
The Fire Safety Notice and the Fire Safety Guide provide essential information that can help you create a Home Fire Escape Plan that you can share with household members. The plan should include information on the actions to take in the event of an emergency, closest exits and ways to get out of the building, as well as a pre-determined meeting place outside the building and important contact numbers. A proactive approach to fire emergency planning can save valuable time in ensuring your family’s safety. Click here for more information about creating a Home Fire Escape Plan.
For more vital information on fire safety and prevention, please visit the websites of the NYC Fire Department and the National Fire Protection Association.