Is Drinking a Problem for You?

April is Alcohol Awareness Month - NCADD.orgDo you often drink more than you planned, or seem to become a “different person” when you drink? Do you need alcohol just to feel normal or relaxed? These are some of the signs of a developing or existing alcohol problem that should not be ignored.

To learn about available treatments, call the NYC Employee Assistance Program at 212-306-7660 or email NYC EAP is a professional service that can provide free, confidential referrals for employees and their family members for a variety of problems, including alcoholism, drug abuse, marital or family conflict, mental or emotional stress, and family.

The NYC EAP is located at 250 Broadway – 28th Floor, in Manhattan, and is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Employees and their family members can receive services. Confidentiality laws and regulations protect the personal information that may be discussed with the EAP.