High Tech at Your Fingertips

The IT Department recently finished installing 5,700 new desktop computers for all NYCHA computer users. The rollout, which began at developments and concluded at the central offices, provides every computer user with upgraded technology and features.
The Dell machines are outfitted with the latest Microsoft software, including Windows 10 and Office 365 programs like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Office 365 has tools for more effective collaboration and communication, like Skype for Business (which offers instant messaging, online meetings and videoconferencing, and screen sharing), online storage and sharing of documents, and the ability to split the screen to work on or view two documents at once.
Prior to installation, employees received emails on how to back up their old computers as well as video tips about using some of the new software’s time-saving features.
The IT Department surveyed a sampling of employees to gauge their satisfaction with the new computers and their deployment – and staff was overwhelmingly satisfied.
“IT handled this deployment really well,” said Tobi Brown, Property Manager at Beach 41st Street Houses. “I’ve been a Housing employee for 21 years, and I see a big difference in IT. They came a long way. They’re amazing – very responsive and helpful.”
“We were dying to get these new computers, and we were more than ready and prepared to use them,” noted Curtis Priester, Resident Buildings Superintendent at Dyckman Houses. “The new computers make my job easier,” added Jasmine Williams, Housing Manager at Morris Houses.
The NextGen Office initiative involves several other technologies and upgrades that will enhance communication and collaboration at NYCHA. In addition to the new computers, every property management office will be equipped with a Smart Screen, a super-sized, touch-screen computer mounted on a wall that can be used for trainings, real-time virtual meetings with colleagues in other locations, instant access to real-time development statistics for planning, and other vital information. IT is also improving computer network speeds and rolling out new, high-quality digital phones.
If you need IT’s assistance, please open a service ticket via the online Service Desk (on the Connect homepage) or by calling 212-306-7000.