Guidance Regarding COVID-19 (Updated 2/8/23)
2/8/23 update (COVID-19 Vaccination Now Optional for City Employees):
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the success of the City’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate, over 331,000 City workers – more than 96 percent – are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
On February 6, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced that the City will make vaccination optional for current City employees and prospective City employees. These changes are expected to be ratified at the next Board of Health meeting (on February 9, 2023) and will take effect thereafter.
NYCHA’s Human Resources Department will reach out to current employees with a reasonable accommodation for the vaccine requirement, but if you have additional questions about reasonable accommodations regarding the vaccine requirement, please contact NYCHA HR’s Reasonable Accommodations Unit at
Vaccine requirements will also be optional for Early Intervention, child care program, and non-public school staff.
For more information, including details on the City’s current face covering and COVID-19 leave policies, please review these FAQs. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact Human Resources at
Thank you,
Lisa Bova-Hiatt
Interim Chief Executive Officer
12/23/22 update (Updated guidance, COVID-19 Leave Policy, December 22, 2022):
The updated COVID-19 leave policy, effective December 22, 2022, was emailed to staff.
12/19/22 update (Message from the COO: CV19 Guidance):
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 (and other respiratory illnesses such as the flu and RSV) in New York City, the City’s Health Commissioner recently issued an advisory that strongly encourages all New Yorkers, regardless of their vaccination status, to wear a mask indoors at all times (provided that they are over the age of 2 and medically able to tolerate a mask).
As a reminder, according to the Directive from the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), employees should still wear face coverings when:
- Interacting with members of the public indoors, including when performing work in apartments or meeting with residents in property management offices; and
- During days 6 to 10 after infection with COVID-19 upon returning to the work site.
The DCAS Directive also strongly recommends that employees wear face coverings when:
- Not fully vaccinated;
- Interacting in close quarters, such as in meeting spaces, elevators, and building lobbies; and
- For 10 days following close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
Surgical masks will continue to be available for NYCHA employees. Masks should cover the nose and the mouth and rest snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face. For more information on how to use masks properly, please visit the CDC’s website.
We also urge you to get vaccinated, including your booster shot, if you have not done so already. The vaccine is free and available to everyone age 6 months and older (click here to find a vaccination site near you).
For more information about COVID-19 in NYC, please visit the NYC Health Department’s website.
As always, we will monitor the latest guidance from experts and government partners and keep you updated.
Thank you for your service to residents and for helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.
5/18/22 update (New COVID-19 mask guidance):
We emailed to residents and posted on The NYCHA Journal the below message:
Dear Residents,
We hope you and your family are well. Please be aware that due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 in New York City, the City’s Health Commissioner recently issued an advisory that strongly encourages all New Yorkers, regardless of their vaccination status, to wear a mask indoors at all times (provided that they are over the age of 2 and medically able to tolerate a mask).
We would like you remind you that NYCHA employees must still wear face coverings when interacting with members of the public indoors, including when performing work in apartments or meeting with residents in property management offices. Additionally, we strongly recommend that residents, employees, and visitors wear face coverings in all NYCHA building common areas, including elevators and lobbies.
Masks should cover the nose and the mouth and rest snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face. For more information on how to use masks properly, please visit the CDC’s website.
We also urge you to get vaccinated, including your booster shot, if you have not done so already. The vaccine is free and available to everyone age 5 and older (click here to find a vaccination site near you).
As always, we will monitor the latest guidance from experts and government partners and keep you updated.
Thank you, and stay safe,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Sherrod, Chief Operating Officer
5/17/22 update (New COVID-19 mask guidance):
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 in New York City, the City’s Health Commissioner recently issued an advisory that strongly encourages all New Yorkers, regardless of their vaccination status, to wear a mask indoors at all times (provided that they are over the age of 2 and medically able to tolerate a mask).
As a reminder, according to the latest Directive from the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), employees should still wear face coverings when:
- Interacting with members of the public indoors, including when performing work in apartments or meeting with residents in property management offices; and
- During days 6 to 10 after infection with COVID-19 upon returning to the work site.
The DCAS Directive also strongly recommends that employees wear face coverings when:
- Not fully vaccinated;
- Interacting in close quarters, such as in meeting spaces, elevators, and building lobbies; and
- For 10 days following close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
Surgical masks will continue to be available for NYCHA employees. Masks should cover the nose and the mouth and rest snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face. For more information on how to use masks properly, please visit the CDC’s website.
We also urge you to get vaccinated, including your booster shot, if you have not done so already. The vaccine is free and available to everyone age 5 and older (click here to find a vaccination site near you).
For more information about the current COVID-19 risk levels in NYC, please visit the NYC Health Department’s website.
As always, we will monitor the latest guidance from experts and government partners and keep you updated.
Thank you for your service to residents and for helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Greg Russ , Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Sherrod, Chief Operating Officer
3/16/22 update (Return to normal, pre-pandemic operations):
We emailed to residents and posted on The NYCHA Journal the below message:
Dear Residents,
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, NYCHA has modified our policies and practices to promote the health and safety of our residents and employees, and to follow the guidance of State and local officials and federal partners, including the City’s Health Department.
With a tremendous increase in vaccinations and the significant decline in COVID-19 cases in New York, there are no longer any restrictions on the type of work that NYCHA employees can conduct within apartments and we are resuming all pre-pandemic activities, effective immediately. That includes all types of work in all apartments, including scheduled repairs for non-emergency work, annual inspections, and work involving skilled trades or maintenance staff. NYCHA employees will continue to conduct the “5 Alive” safety checks, and correct any related deficiencies, whenever they enter an apartment. Additionally, property staff may exercise their right to enter an apartment, in certain scenarios and in accordance with the NYCHA lease. Management office staff will also continue rent collection activities.
Also, City employees are no longer required to wear face coverings indoors. However, employees must still wear face coverings when interacting with members of the public indoors, including when performing work in apartments or meeting with residents in property management offices. Additionally, we strongly recommend that residents, employees, and visitors still wear face coverings in all NYCHA building common areas, including elevators and lobbies.
For the latest general guidance on face masks, including how to use them properly, please visit the CDC’s website. We also urge you to get vaccinated, including your booster shot, if you have not done so already. The vaccine is free and available to everyone age 5 and older (click here to find a vaccination site near you).
We will continue to monitor the latest guidance from experts and government partners and will keep you updated.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Sherrod
Chief Operating Officer
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3/15/22 update (Return to normal, pre-pandemic operations):
Dear Colleagues,
Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, NYCHA has modified our business practices to reduce risk to employees and residents and to align with guidance provided by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Executive Orders, and other mandated protocols issued by State and local officials and federal partners. With a tremendous increase in vaccinations and the significant decline in COVID-19 cases in New York, we are announcing today that there are no longer any restrictions to the type of work in which NYCHA employees can engage and we are resuming all pre-pandemic activities. Please read below for clarifications and reminders:
- Resume All Work: ALL work in ALL apartments, including scheduled repairs for non-emergency work, annual inspections, and other skilled trades or maintenance work, will now resume.
- Conduct “5 Alive” Safety Checks: NYCHA employees must conduct the “5 Alive” safety check, and correct any related deficiencies, each time an employee enters an apartment.
- Court Orders/Commissioner’s Order to Abate (COTA)/Violations: All work orders generated from a court order, a Commissioner’s Order to Abate or other violation, or through our own compliance process must be performed in a timely manner.
- Right to Enter: Property staff may exercise their right to enter in accordance with Standard Procedure SP 040:17:3. The apartment can be accessed after a 48-hour notice (NYCHA form 042.727) is placed under the resident’s door and access CANNOT be arranged with the tenant.
- Rent Demands: Continue all current rent collection activities, except for initiating legal action (see the below graphic for the rent collection activities to conduct, each of which is described in the Management Manual, Chapter 2).

Courts are scheduled to re-open in person on March 28, and there will be a need for some staff in-person appearances. The Law Department attorney or staff will inform property management whether the appearance is in-person or virtual. More information will be forthcoming as Courts continue to announce plans to reopen in-person.
- You are REQUIRED to appear for all court appearances (virtual and in-person) on time and be prepared to discuss the relevant facts of the case;
- Please note that for HP proceedings, those facts include:
- Repairs that have been completed;
- Specific dates of the next repairs scheduled;
- Remaining work that needs to be done;
- Whether there have been any access issues with the tenant; and
- Other issues regarding the condition of the apartment.
- Contact with questions on housing litigation issues.
Employee Safety
Effective Monday, March 7, 2022, City employees are no longer required to wear face coverings indoors. However, as noted in this Directive from the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), employees must still wear face coverings when:
- Interacting with members of the public in an indoor setting (including when performing work in apartments); and
- During days 6 to 10 after infection with COVID-19 upon returning to the work site.
The DCAS Directive also strongly recommends that employees continue to wear face coverings when:
- Not fully vaccinated;
- Interacting in close quarters, such as in shared meeting spaces, elevators, and building lobbies; and
- For 10 days following close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
Surgical masks will continue to be available for NYCHA employees who choose to wear face coverings. For the latest general guidance on face masks, including how to use them properly, please visit the CDC’s website.
Please note that if a work location experiences an increase in COVID-19 cases, NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department will require that all personnel assigned to the location wear face coverings for a certain period of time to limit the spread of the virus.
Reporting Concerns
Your work is essential, and your health and safety is our number one priority.
- For COVID-19 related matters: please contact EHS at
- For time and leave policies: please email As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Sherrod
Chief Operating Officer
3/7/22 update (Change in the mask requirement for City employees):
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the decline in COVID-19 cases in New York City, Mayor Adams announced that effective Monday, March 7, 2022, City employees are no longer required to wear face coverings indoors. However, as noted in this Directive from the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), employees must still wear face coverings when:
- Interacting with members of the public in an indoor setting (including when performing work in apartments); and
- During days 6 to 10 after infection with COVID-19 upon returning to the work site.
The DCAS Directive also strongly recommends that employees continue to wear face coverings when:
- Not fully vaccinated;
- Interacting in close quarters, such as in shared meeting spaces, elevators, and building lobbies; and
- For 10 days following close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
Surgical masks will continue to be available for NYCHA employees who choose to wear face coverings. For the latest general guidance on face masks, including how to use them properly, please visit the CDC’s website.
Please note that if a work location experiences an increase in COVID-19 cases, NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department will require that all personnel assigned to the location wear face coverings for a certain period of time to limit the spread of the virus.
If you have any questions about this or other COVID-19 matters, please contact EHS at
Thank you, as always, for your service to residents and for helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Sherrod, Chief Operating Officer
We emailed to residents and posted on The NYCHA Journal the below message:
Dear Residents,
We hope you and your family are well. Due to the decline in COVID-19 cases in New York City, Mayor Adams announced that effective Monday, March 7, 2022, City employees are no longer required to wear face coverings indoors.
However, employees must still wear face coverings when interacting with members of the public indoors, including when performing work in apartments or meeting with residents in property management offices. Additionally, we strongly recommend that residents, employees, and visitors still wear face coverings in all NYCHA building common areas, including elevators and lobbies.
For the latest general guidance on face masks, including how to use them properly, please visit the CDC’s website. We also urge you to get vaccinated, including your booster shot, if you have not done so already. The vaccine is free and available to everyone age 5 and older (click here to find a vaccination site near you).
As always, we will monitor the latest guidance from experts and government partners and keep you updated.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Sherrod, Chief Operating Officer
2/7/22 update (Using masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19):
We sent the below email to Operations staff:
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your extraordinary hard work and ongoing partnership to fight the spread of COVID-19. As a reminder, all staff are required to wear a face covering while indoors at any NYCHA location. To protect yourself and others from COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to recommend that you wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently, and correctly.
According to the most recent CDC guidance:
- Some masks and respirators offer higher levels of protection than others, and some may be harder to tolerate or wear consistently than others. It is important to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator correctly that is comfortable for you and that provides good protection. While all masks and respirators provide some level of protection, properly fitting respirators provide the highest level of protection.
- Surgical masks are most effective when worn with a cloth mask over it.
NYCHA will make KN95 respirators available to staff interested in wearing one to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. A respirator fits closely on the face and filters the air (while filtering particles spread by others), providing a higher level of protection.
Staff electing to wear a respirator are advised to read the guidance on how to properly put on and remove the respirator. Staff may reuse the respirator as long as it does not become damaged or dirty. The KN95 respirator must be replaced after every fifth day of use.
Please contact your supervisor if you would like to obtain a respirator. Any departments requiring respirators should email Anthony Porcelli and Jose Ramos in the Supply Chain Operations Department by February 9, 2022; please include the number of staff requiring respirators and a point of contact (along with phone number and office location) to whom the respirators should be delivered.
If you have any questions, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Thank you,
Daniel Sherrod, Chief Operating Officer
1/6/22 update (Guidance on NYCHA’s COVID-19 policies):
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your dedication to the NYCHA community. With the recent surge in COVID-19 cases across the world, we would like to remind you about some key points from NYCHA’s latest COVID-19 leave policy, effective December 29, 2021, that will help ensure a safe and healthy workplace:
If you are considered an employee whose physical presence in the workplace is critical to operations or the safety of the workplace, you may return to work five days after COVID-19 symptoms began and/or a positive test if:
- You are fully vaccinated; AND
- You don’t have symptoms. Or if you have mild symptoms, when you return to work, you must:
- Not have had a fever for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing drugs;
- Have symptoms that are resolved or improving;
- Not have a runny nose; AND
- And have no more than a mild cough that doesn’t interfere with mask wearing or produce phlegm.
If you are considered a “non-critical” employee, and you have COVID-19 symptoms but have not tested positive for COVID-19, you may not report to work (other than supervisor-approved telework) until:
- Your symptoms have resolved or are improving;
- You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing drugs; AND
- You have received a negative PCR (not rapid antigen) test OR it has been at least 10 days since your symptoms began. However, if you were in close contact with someone with COVID-19, you may not report to work until at least 10 days after your symptoms began, even if you test negative.
If you are a “non-critical” employee and you tested positive for COVID-19, you may not report to work (other than supervisor-approved telework) until:
- It has been at least 10 days since your symptoms began OR if you don’t have symptoms, since your positive test result;
- You have not had a fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing drugs; AND
- Respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) have improved. However, if you were in close contact with someone with COVID-19, you may not report to work until at least 10 days after your symptoms began, even if you test negative.
If you are a “non-critical” employee who has been in contact with someone with COVID-19, you may not report to work (other than supervisor-approved telework) unless:
- You are fully vaccinated; AND
- You haven’t had COVID-19 symptoms since the last exposure to COVID-19.
Please review the latest HR guidance and the FAQs below for more information, including details on how COVID-19 symptoms, full vaccination, and close contacts are defined; what to do if you develop symptoms after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine; and NYCHA’s COVID-19 leave policy. If you have any questions about COVID-19 time and leave policies, please contact Please speak with your supervisor if you’re unsure whether you’re considered a critical employee.
If you have not received your COVID-19 vaccine, we urge you to do so as soon as possible at any of the available walk-up sites, by booking an appointment at, or by calling 877-VAX4NYC (877-829-4692). And you can find a COVID-19 testing site near you by visiting
We will continue to keep you updated as new information emerges.
Thank you, and stay safe,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Frequently Asked Questions About NYCHA’s COVID-19 Leave Policy
- Do I qualify for excused leave?
To qualify for excused leave, you must fall within one of the categories set forth in the COVID-19 leave policy, provide corroborating documentation to, and be unable to perform your duties remotely. The leave mailbox will confirm your eligibility for excused leave. If you are denied leave, you will be granted excused leave from the time you requested excused leave until you receive a decision from - Will I be able to telework if I have to quarantine?
Yes, if you fall within any of the leave categories set forth in the COVID-19 leave policy and your duties may be performed remotely. You may confirm your eligibility to telecommute with your supervisor (you do not need to contact HR). - How do I know I’m cleared to return to work after being a close contact or COVID-19 positive?
Your ability to return to work is based on a few factors, such as your criticality to NYCHA’s operations, your vaccination status, your test results, and whether you had or have COVID-19 symptoms. Employees and supervisors are advised to use the following chart to determine when an employee will be able to safely return to the workplace. If you have any questions about this information, please contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Employee Designation | Employee Vax Status | COVID-19 Test Results | COVID-19 Symptoms? | Employee Can Return to Work When: |
Non-Critical/Critical | Partially/Unvaccinated | Negative | Yes | Symptom free or symptoms have improved and They are fever free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing drugs and They have received a lab-confirmed (not rapid) negative PCR test or It has been 10 days since symptoms began |
Non-Critical/Critical | Partially/Unvaccinated | Positive | Yes | It has been 10 days since their symptoms began and They are fever free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing drugs and Respiratory symptoms have improved |
Non-Critical/Critical | Partially/Unvaccinated | Positive | No | It has been 10 days since a positive test result and They have not developed any COVID-related symptoms since testing positive |
Non-Critical (Close Contact) | Fully Vaccinated | Negative | No | No restrictions |
Critical (Close Contact) | Fully/Partially/Unvaccinated | Negative | No | No restrictions |
Non-Critical/Critical (Close Contact) | Partially/Unvaccinated | Negative | Yes | It has been 10 days since their symptoms began |
Critical (this guidance can be for either a positive test or a symptomatic, fully vaccinated critical employee) | Fully vaccinated | Positive | Yes | It has been 5 days since their symptoms began and Symptom free or symptoms have improved and They are fever free for 72 hours without use of fever-reducing drugs |
Non-Critical | Fully vaccinated | Negative | Yes | Symptom free or symptoms have improved and They are fever free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing drugs and They have received a lab-confirmed (not rapid) negative PCR test or It has been 10 days since symptoms began |
Non-Critical | Fully vaccinated | Positive | Yes | It has been 10 days since their symptoms began and They are fever free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing drugs and Respiratory symptoms have improved |
Non-Critical | Fully vaccinated | Positive | No | It has been 10 days since a positive test result and They have not developed any COVID-related symptoms since testing positive |
1/4/22 update (COVID-19 testing sites for the week of January 3):
Dear Colleagues,
As part of its strategy to combat COVID-19, the City is expanding COVID-19 testing sites throughout the five boroughs. To find a location near you, visit
As of today, the City has launched testing at over 120 locations. This week alone, we are opening 40 new sites that can perform over 14,000 tests per day, in addition to existing publicly and privately managed testing.
The first line of defense against COVID-19 are the free and accessible COVID-19 vaccines. If you have not yet received a vaccine against COVID-19, we urge you to do so as soon as possible at any of the available walk-up sites, by booking an appointment at or by calling 877-VAX4NYC (877-829-4692). The vaccines against COVID-19 are also available for children ages 5 to 17. Please review this FAQ for any questions about youth vaccinations.
You can sign up for vaccination services in the comfort of your home (available to all vaccine-eligible New Yorkers) through this form.
Booster shots: People 16 and older who received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at least 6 months following their second vaccine dose, or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least 2 months following vaccination, may receive a booster dose. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines and the benefits of booster shots, visit
A few additional reminders:
- Incentives include $100 for anyone receiving a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at certain sites throughout the city.
- City employees are entitled to excused leave of up to 4 hours per COVID-19 dose and 3 hours of compensatory time after completing the vaccination series.
- City employees are entitled to excused leave of up to 4 hours per COVID-19 dose per child, in order to accompany them to a vaccine appointment.
- If you have any questions about these time and leave policies, please contact
Supervisors, please post the below testing site flyers at your location for your staff.
Thank you for your dedication as public servants and your support in bringing back our city.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, Chief Operating Officer
12/29/21 update (Additional COVID-19 testing resources across the city):
Dear Colleagues,
As part of the City’s strategy to combat COVID-19, the City is expanding COVID-19 testing throughout the five boroughs. To find a location near you, visit
As of today, the City has launched testing at over 120 locations. This week alone, we are opening 40 new sites that can perform over 14,000 tests per day, in addition to existing publicly and privately managed testing.
The first line of defense against COVID-19 are the free and accessible COVID-19 vaccines. If you have not yet received a vaccine against COVID-19, we urge you to do so as soon as possible at any of the available walk-up sites, by booking an appointment at or by calling 877-VAX4NYC (877-829-4692). COVID-19 vaccines are also available for children ages 5 to 17. Please review this FAQ for more information about youth vaccinations.
You can sign up for vaccination services in the comfort of your home (available to all vaccine-eligible New Yorkers) through this form.
Booster shots: People 18 and older who received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at least six months following their second vaccine dose, or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two months following vaccination, may receive a booster dose. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines and the benefits of booster shots, visit
A few additional reminders:
- Incentives include $100 for anyone receiving a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or the COVID-19 booster vaccine through the end of 2021 at certain sites throughout the city!
- City employees are entitled to excused leave of up to four hours per COVID-19 dose and three hours of compensatory time after completing the vaccination series.
- City employees are entitled to excused leave of up to four hours per COVID-19 dose per child, in order to accompany them to a vaccine appointment.
- Additionally, employees may take excused leave if they experience side effects associated with the vaccine and will not need to use their sick leave balance.
- If you have any questions about these time and leave policies, please contact
Supervisors, please post the below testing site flyers at your location for your staff.
Thank you for your dedication as public servants and your support in bringing back our city.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, Chief Operating Officer
12/21/21 update (New COVID-19 face covering requirements for indoor public areas):
[A version of this message was also emailed to residents and posted on The NYCHA Journal.]
Dear Colleagues,
Please be aware that due to concerns about the rising number of COVID-19 cases, including those caused by variants, New York State has issued new requirements regarding face coverings.
According to these requirements, everyone over the age of 2 must wear a face covering while in a common area of a NYCHA building, including development management offices, regardless of their vaccination status.
As a reminder, all NYCHA employees, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a face covering while in any NYCHA building, except as otherwise allowed by an approved reasonable accommodation or while eating or drinking at your desk. If an employee has a medical reason that prevents them from wearing a face covering, they must submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request (NYCHA Form 015.208), with appropriate medical documentation, to NYCHA vendors and contractors, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while indoors at NYCHA developments and central offices.
Properly wearing an appropriate mask is an effective way to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Click here to learn more about proper use of a face covering. We also urge you to get your vaccine booster shot, if you have not done so already. The vaccine is free and available to everyone age 5 and older. Click here to find a vaccination site near you, and click here to learn more about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.
We wish you and your family a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, Chief Operating Officer
12/13/21 update (COVID-19 health & safety reminders):
Dear Colleagues,
Considering the surge in COVID-19 cases that public health authorities anticipate for the holiday season and winter months, as well as the spread of the new variant (Omicron), NYCHA’s Environmental Health & Safety Department (EHS) would like to remind employees of the following COVID-19 safety policies and protocols.
Face Coverings
- All NYCHA employees, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a face covering while in any NYCHA building, except as otherwise allowed by an approved reasonable accommodation or while eating or drinking at your desk. Failure to follow these rules may result in disciplinary action. If an employee has a medical reason that prevents them from wearing a face covering, they must submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request (NYCHA Form 015.208), with appropriate medical documentation, to
- NYCHA vendors and contractors, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while indoors at NYCHA developments and central offices.
- Visitors to NYCHA development management offices and central/satellite offices, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while indoors.
- Face coverings must cover both the nose and mouth. If using a cloth face covering, it should be washed and completely dry before re-using. If using a disposable face covering, make sure that it covers the side of your face. Finally, wash your hands after removing the face covering and before putting on a fresh one.
- Employee-supplied face coverings must not have an exhalation valve: exhalation valves or vents allow virus particles to escape and are prohibited for use while indoors at NYCHA developments and central offices.
General Health & Safety Precautions
As the virus continues to spread, NYCHA employees must continue to follow infection prevention strategies recommended by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
- Get vaccinated, including your booster shot. Vaccine booster shots are now available for all fully vaccinated people 18 and older. These shots boost your immunity from an initial vaccination series. DOHMH and the CDC recommend a booster shot for any adult who received the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at least six months ago, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two months ago. Your booster shot can be any of the three authorized or approved vaccines. If you are not sure whether to get a booster shot or which type of vaccine you should get for your booster, talk to your health care provider. Visit the DOHMH’s webpage on COVID-19 Vaccines for more information on the vaccines and booster shots. To find a COVID-19 booster, visit
- Stay home if you are sick.
- Cover your cough and sneezes with a tissue, shirt sleeve, or bent arm (but not your hands).
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
- Monitor your health more closely than usual for cold or flu symptoms.
Reporting Suspected/Confirmed Cases of COVID-19
All employees must notify their supervisors if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspect that they may have COVID-19. Supervisors must immediately contact EHS ( when informed of a suspected/confirmed case and must promptly provide the information requested so that EHS can report the case to the NYC Test & Trace Corps. More information about this protocol is outlined in the EHS COVID-19 Supervisory Guidance on the SafeNYCHA COVID-19 Resources Page.
If you have any questions about COVID-19 safety protocols, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Thank you for your assistance in promoting a safe and healthy workplace,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
8/30/21 update (Updates on the City’s COVID-Safe Requirement):
Dear Colleagues,
Please note that effective Monday, September 13, 2021, NYCHA will begin implementation of the City’s “COVID-Safe Requirement.” In accordance with the City’s COVID-Safe Requirement, all NYCHA employees who were hired before August 16, 2021 must either:
- Provide verification that they are fully vaccinated; OR
- Provide a weekly record of a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test processed by medical professionals as evidence that they are in compliance with the mandate.
More information about the COVID-Safe Requirement will be issued before it goes into effect on September 13.
As a reminder, all NYCHA employees, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a face covering while in any NYCHA building, unless they have been granted a reasonable accommodation. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please submit a completed Request for Reasonable Accommodation form (NYCHA Form 015.208), with appropriate medical documentation, to
Beginning Tuesday, August 31, 2021, you will receive an email that will ask you to complete an online survey. You must log on using your NYCHA email address and password. The purpose of this survey is to determine if you are fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. If you are fully vaccinated, you will be asked to upload an image of your Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination card as part of the survey, so please have that documentation ready. All employees are strongly encouraged to complete this survey so that NYCHA may begin verifying our employees’ vaccination status. NYCHA will maintain a confidential record of the employees who have demonstrated proof of vaccination, according to the Authority’s policies and procedures for safeguarding personal information.
If you fail to complete the survey regarding your vaccination status by Wednesday, September 15, 2021, or if you have not yet been fully vaccinated, you will be required to provide proof of a negative PCR test on a weekly basis in order to report to work.
Vaccination is free and convenient across the five boroughs and in bordering counties. Over 95 percent of all NYC residents live within half a mile of a public vaccination site. Convenient vaccination sites can be found via or by calling 877-VAX-4-NYC. For anyone who lives within the five boroughs, the City is also making at-home vaccination free and available; call 877-VAX-4-NYC or visit to sign up to have a team member come to your home to vaccinate you and any other household members with any of the three FDA-authorized vaccines you choose.
All employees are allowed to take up to four hours to get vaccinated during their workday. Employees who get a vaccine that requires two doses may take up to four hours on both days they receive a dose of that vaccine. Consistent with HR Memo 05-21, if you have completed vaccination, you are eligible for 3 hours of compensatory time in addition to any excused time to which you may be entitled. If you have been fully vaccinated but have not yet received your 3 hours of compensatory time, you may upload proof of vaccination through the survey.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, please contact Please contact if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving. If you have any questions about COVID-19 safety protocols, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
7/28/21 update (Updated face covering policy):
Dear Colleagues,
As you may be aware, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its face covering guidance in response to the latest developments in the coronavirus pandemic. According to the CDC, while the risk of COVID-19 infection, severe disease, and death is reduced for fully vaccinated people, some infections do occur among fully vaccinated people. Additionally, fully vaccinated people who do become infected with the Delta variant can transmit it to others. Therefore, the CDC has stated that fully vaccinated people can further reduce their risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant and transmitting it to others by wearing a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high community transmission. New York City is currently considered an area of “substantial” community transmission.
In response to this change in the CDC guidance, effective Monday, August 2, the following face covering policy is in effect at all NYCHA developments and central offices:
- NYCHA employees, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while indoors at NYCHA developments and central offices.
- NYCHA vendors and contractors, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while indoors at NYCHA developments and central offices.
- Visitors to NYCHA development management offices and central offices, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while indoors.
- All residents, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while in-unit work is performed.
- In addition, all unvaccinated persons should maintain physical distancing at NYCHA developments and central offices.
- Employees who are medically unable to tolerate wearing a mask must apply for a reasonable accommodation to be excused from this requirement.
As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our policies to reflect the current public health guidance.
Please visit for the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 vaccines and where to get one.
If you have any questions about COVID-19 safety protocols, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
7/8/21 update (Reminder about updated mask and physical distancing guidance):
Dear Colleagues,
As a follow-up to our June 25 email outlining the rollback of certain COVID-19 restrictions, we would like to remind you of the following change which took effect on July 6, 2021:
- Fully vaccinated employees are no longer required to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing while on NYCHA premises, except in the following situations:
- All employees and residents, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while in-unit work is performed;
- When meeting with visitors at development management offices; and
- While in public spaces (e.g., lobbies, elevators) at central office locations, unless the landlord or managing agent of the central office location mandates face coverings in additional areas of the building (as noted in signs posted throughout the facility).
- Unvaccinated employees must continue to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing at all times while on NYCHA premises.
While we are encouraged about the progress being made in the fight against the coronavirus, we remain concerned about its impact on those who are not vaccinated. We strongly encourage employees to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Please visit for the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 vaccines and where to get one.
If you have any questions about COVID-19 safety protocols, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
7/1/21 update (Update to NYCHA’s return to office plan for remote employees):
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to provide you with another update on NYCHA’s return to the office plan for employees who have been working remotely.
Office Work Schedules
Effective Monday, July 26, 2021, NYCHA’s central office occupancy will increase from 25 percent capacity to 50 percent capacity, meaning that the employees on each floor will be assigned to one of two cohorts – each cohort will be in the office every other week.
Your department head/supervisor will inform you of your updated cohort and the weeks that you will be assigned and expected to report to the office. Central office staff who must perform specific tasks on specific days in the office will also be expected to report to the office on those days, in addition to their assigned weeks. Reporting times will be within the existing timeframe of 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
As communicated in the message from the Chair and Chief Operating Officer on June 25, 2021, effective Tuesday, July 6, 2021, fully vaccinated employees are no longer required to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing while on NYCHA premises, except in the following situations:
- All employees and residents, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while in-unit work is performed.
- When meeting with visitors at development management offices.
- While in public spaces (e.g., lobbies, elevators) at central office locations, unless the landlord or managing agent of the central office location mandates face coverings in additional areas of the building (as noted in signs posted throughout the facility).
- Unvaccinated employees must continue to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing at all times while on NYCHA premises.
Reasonable Accommodations
Staff who are unable to return to the office due to their own underlying medical condition may seek a reasonable accommodation. Staff should complete and submit the Reasonable Accommodation Request (RAR) Form, with appropriate documentation, to NYCHA requires a recent doctor’s note (dated within two weeks of the date of the RAR submission), which clearly sets forth the accommodation needed for an employee to perform the essential functions of his or her job. Please include your first name, last name, employee ID number, and cohort information in your email.
More Information About the Return to Office Plan
Please click here for some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about these plans. The FAQs will be updated as additional information becomes available.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
Keeping our employees and other stakeholders informed is one of our top priorities, and we will continue to share information with you once it is available – additional communications are forthcoming as we work toward a full return later in the year.
Thank you, as always, for your dedication to the NYCHA community.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, Chief Operating Officer
6/25/21 update (Rolling back certain COVID-19 restrictions):
Dear Colleagues,
New York State recently reached an important milestone in the recovery from the pandemic: at least 70 percent of adults in the state have received at least one vaccine dose, resulting in the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines. Accordingly, we are pleased to announce that we will begin to roll back the following COVID-19 safety protocols as of the dates listed below:
Effective immediately:
- In-person meetings are permitted.
- There are no limits on the number of people permitted in shared spaces such as conference rooms, training rooms, maintenance areas, NYCHA development elevators, pantries, and lunch rooms.
- Routine cleaning of central office locations and developments will return to normal schedules.
- Shared meals and beverages are allowed.
- While staff are no longer required to abide by the “clean desk” policy (which facilitates cleaning and disinfection), we strongly encourage staff to maintain clean work surfaces.
- Staff are no longer required to complete the daily health survey before entering the workplace.
- Staff performing in-unit work are no longer required to question residents about their current health status before conducting work and are no longer required to clean and disinfect surfaces contacted during the work or the tools that were used.
- Visitors are permitted at central office locations and development management offices. However, the walk-in-centers will not be receiving customers at this time.
- Groups planning events on NYCHA grounds are no longer required to submit safety plans to receive approval for the event.
- Vendors performing in-unit work do not need to submit safety plans for review and approval.
- All visitors to development management offices, regardless of vaccination status, must still wear face coverings.
Effective July 6, 2021:
- Fully vaccinated employees are no longer required to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing while on NYCHA premises, except in the following situations:
- All employees and residents, regardless of vaccination status, must wear face coverings while performing in-unit work;
- When meeting with visitors in their offices at development management offices; and
- While in public spaces (e.g., lobbies, elevators) at central office locations, unless the landlord or managing agent of the central office location mandates face coverings.
- Unvaccinated employees must continue to wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing at all times while on NYCHA premises.
While we are encouraged about our ability to begin implementing these changes, we remain concerned about the coronavirus and its impact on those who are not vaccinated. The emergence of new variants may also impact the safety of our residents and fellow staff members and we strongly encourage employees to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Please visit for the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 vaccines and where to get one.
Additionally, in the coming weeks, we will be announcing changes to the Return to Office Plan for employees assigned to our central offices.
If you have any questions about changes to the COVID-19 safety protocols, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
6/23/21 update (COVID-19 Vaccine Info Sessions with the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene):
Dear Colleagues,
All New Yorkers ages 12 and up are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and many sites no longer require appointments.
In partnership with the NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), NYCHA is hosting two COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sessions. During each session, a public health doctor will provide information about the vaccine, side effects, safety, and what to do after vaccination. There will be time for questions and answers to help NYCHA staff make informed decisions about getting vaccinated. You may submit questions in advance of the info sessions to
The sessions are open to all employees. Supervisors are advised to excuse interested staff so they can participate in one of the two sessions. Employees can join via Zoom or a dial-in number (audio only). Please click here for a flyer with the Zoom links and dial-in information that should be distributed to staff at our developments and other locations.
Click the link below during the scheduled Information Session to access the Zoom meeting. We recommend downloading Zoom before the meeting.
NYCHA Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Info Sessions with DOHMH
Please see this flyer for Zoom links and call-in details.
If you have any questions about these info sessions, please email
And you can visit for the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 vaccines and where to get one.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
5/18/21 update (Update on mask guidance):
*This message (in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian) was also emailed to residents.
Dear Colleagues,
Yesterday, Governor Cuomo announced that New York State will adopt the CDC’s new mask guidance for fully vaccinated individuals, effective Wednesday, May 19. While we applaud this positive step in the ongoing fight in the pandemic, NYCHA is currently evaluating the impacts to our operations and safety protocols, and until that evaluation is complete, all current safety protocols regarding masks and social distancing remain in place until further notice.
Since the start of the pandemic, NYCHA has been thoughtful and intentional when implementing protocols to keep our employees and residents safe. Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate this changing landscape.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, Chief Operating Officer
Kerri Jew, Chief Administrative Officer
5/12/21 update (Update on COVID-19 Vaccine):
Dear Colleagues,
It’s now easier than ever to get a COVID-19 vaccine. All New Yorkers 16 or older can walk into any City-run vaccination site without an appointment, including pop-up clinics. Visit to find the location nearest you. Appointments are also widely available citywide. To schedule your vaccination, visit or call 877-VAX-4NYC. Vaccine locations are subject to change, so please check the websites frequently for updates.
As a reminder, NYCHA has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID-19 vaccine is accessible. NYCHA employees who receive vaccinations during work hours are eligible for up to four hours of excused time per injection and fully vaccinated employees are eligible for three hours of comp time with proof of vaccination. Please review the HR policy on COVID-19 vaccination for more details.
The three available vaccines are safe and effective at preventing serious COVID-19 illness and help protect you, your family, and friends. To learn more about how the vaccines work, view these infographics from the NYC Health Department: Pfizer and Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. If you still have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your healthcare provider, visit, or call 311.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
5/5/21 update (Updated Work Order Guidance for NYCHA Employees as of May 3, 2021):
Dear Colleagues,
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, NYCHA has modified our business practices to reduce the risk to our employees and residents and to align with guidance provided by the NYC Health Department, Executive Orders, and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners. As more has become known about the coronavirus and with significant increases in vaccinations, these entities have modified restrictions in order to slowly return life to pre-pandemic activity.
In response, NYCHA will be taking steps to return our business operations to pre-pandemic levels by returning Central Office employees back to the office on a regular and recurring schedule and by rescinding aspects of the “Work Order Guidance,” effective May 3, 2021.
What changes:
- All work in occupied units, including scheduled repairs for non-emergency work, annual inspections and other skilled trades or maintenance work, is no longer suspended.
- Air conditioner and window guard visual inspections can be conducted by various titles.
What does not change:
- Capturing resident signatures on handheld devices remains suspended. When prompted to sign, please write the word “suspended.” For court-ordered repairs, please attach a picture of the completed repair to the appropriate work order.
- There will be no in-person rent collection. Rent should be paid via one of the other available methods.
- Staff will continue to use the “Temporarily Deferred” code in Maximo if work is unable to be completed due to resident responses to health questions.
- The “Employee Safety” protocols and the “Working Within an Apartment” safety protocols below do not change.
- Wednesday evening hours remain suspended.
- Weekend maintenance blitzes continue to be suspended.
Employee Safety
Respiratory Protection:
According to the latest NYC Health Department guidance, respirators (N95 and N100 masks or approved equivalents) are not recommended to protect NYCHA personnel from the spread of COVID-19 while performing their assignments. This specific equipment is currently only required for healthcare professionals (such as doctors and nurses) providing care to patients with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Staff are advised to use other masks or face coverings and to maintain social distancing and good hand hygiene while performing duties during this crisis.
Working Within an Apartment:
Staff performing work in apartments will receive a face covering such as a surgical/dust mask. The purpose of this face covering is an added protection, in addition to social distancing, to help prevent the staff member from unknowingly spreading COVID-19 to a resident or fellow staff member.
Staff will also be provided additional face coverings for residents and children and disinfection supplies in order to adhere to the enhanced safety protocols.
All residents over the age of 2 (and any guest in the apartment) must wear a face covering while NYCHA staff are working within the apartment. Staff performing work in apartments must bring extra masks to distribute to the resident(s) if they will be remaining in the unit and do not have their own face covering. If a resident or guest declines to wear a face covering, they must isolate themselves in a separate room with the door closed or leave the apartment while the work is being performed. If a resident does not comply with this requirement, the NYCHA worker should leave the apartment and report the non-compliance to their supervisor.
Before Entering an Apartment, Ask the Following:
- Politely ask the resident to maintain at least a six-foot distance from the staff member while the repair is completed.
- Politely ask, “Would you mind covering your face (suggest a scarf, cloth, or towel) while I am performing work in your apartment?” [Please note, residents are obligated to wear a face covering while an employee is in their unit if they are not physically isolated in a separate room with the door closed.]
- “Does anyone in the household have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath or confirmed to have been infected with coronavirus?”
Staff can ask the above three questions either at the door after knocking or by calling the resident, using the phone numbers stored in Maximo, immediately before walking to the resident’s unit ahead of a scheduled appointment. If a resident does not answer the phone, the employee should still proceed and attempt to ask the questions at the resident’s door.
If the resident answers “yes” to question 3 and the appointment is not an emergency, staff should leave the unit and reschedule the appointment using the “Temporarily Deferred” code in Maximo, first instructing the resident to call the CCC to reschedule once they are feeling better. If the resident answers “yes” to question 3 and the appointment is an emergency, politely ask the resident to remain in a separate room (where possible) with the door closed until the work is completed. If a separate room is not available, politely ask the resident to wear a face covering and maintain at least a six-foot distance from the staff member until the repair is completed.
A resident may ask you these same questions before you enter. Please be courteous and polite.
After Entering an Apartment:
As a reminder, NYCHA employees must conduct the “five-alive” safety check, and correct any related deficiencies, each time an employee enters a unit.
Employees must also maintain physical distance of at least 6 feet from other employees (unless the safety of the job requires employees to be closer to one another) and from residents while in the apartment.
Staff should open a window within the unit to increase ventilation during the repair.
If the resident refuses to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet and/or refuses to wear a face covering during the course of the work, remove yourself from the unit and immediately contact your supervisor for guidance.
Prior to and after completing work within an apartment, employees must use cleaning and disinfection supplies to wipe down any tools and/or equipment used for the work order and any common surfaces touched during the completion of the work order.
NYCHA purchased Bioesque Disinfectant, an EPA-registered (EPA Reg. 87742-1-92595) one-step disinfectant and cleaner for staff to use for this purpose.
Instructions for using Bioesque Disinfectant:
- For use on hard, nonporous surfaces. Spot test to check compatibility with the surface.
- Spray to thoroughly wet the surface to be disinfected. Surfaces must remain wet for 1 minute to eliminate viruses. Allow to air dry. If desired, wipe dry.
- No rinse required, even on food contact surfaces.
Staff should wear latex/nitrile/vinyl gloves while cleaning/disinfecting tools or surfaces and should change gloves after completing cleaning and disinfection actions.
While Bioesque contains no harmful chemicals and requires no personal protective equipment (PPE) to apply, staff who would like to review the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) should speak with the location Property Maintenance Supervisor or contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
Staff should not place Bioesque in secondary containers that are not properly labelled.
After Visiting an Apartment:
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, with warm water and soap
- If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Keep your hands away from your face, nose, and eyes
- Disinfect all tools and equipment before proceeding to the next appointment or ending the work day
Reporting concerns:
Your work is essential, and your health and safety is our number one priority.
We are asking employees to contact with any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, and if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving.
As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
Chief Operating Officer
4/27/21 update (REMINDER: Complete your daily COVID-19 health screening):
Dear Colleagues,
As reminder, NYCHA staff and visitors must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering any NYCHA work location on any given day, in accordance with State and City mandates. This screening is done via a health screening survey to be completed by staff members before arriving at the worksite. Please note that the survey questions will be updated on May 3.
Upon completion of the survey and depending on the responses, staff members will either receive clearance to enter their worksite (and a wristband indicating this clearance) or be asked to contact their supervisor.
The daily screening is accessible in one of the following two ways:
- Online through any device that has internet access by visiting; or
- Via the Now® App, downloadable from the Apple Store or Google Play (search for “Now Mobile” by ServiceNow) or the NYCHA App Store. Please note that NYCHA mobile devices already have the app installed – look for this app icon on your home screen:

Instructions for both the browser-based access and the app are here. If you are unable to access or complete the online health screening, please contact the IT Service Desk at 212-306-7000 or create a ticket in the NYCHA IT Service Portal.
Thank you for your cooperation and all that you do in service to the NYCHA community.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
4/20/21 update (Update on Expanded Vaccine Locations For NYCHA Employees):
Dear Colleagues,
Scheduling vaccines and getting vaccinated for COVID-19 just got easier. NYCHA has been working with City Hall and the Vaccine Command Center to set aside COVID-19 vaccines for NYCHA employees only at select locations and times. We are pleased to announce that starting today, NYCHA employees will have a hotline to call and schedule their initial vaccine appointments at these dedicated sites.
Please call the hotline at 718-707-8980, Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 8 PM.
Manhattan: American Museum of Natural History
200 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024
Hours of operation: Friday-Tuesday, 8 AM-6 PM
Queens: Plaxall Gallery
5-17 46th Road Queens, NY 11101
Hours of operation: Thursday-Sunday, 10 AM-12 PM
These sites are ADA accessible. In addition to a government-issued ID, please bring proof of employment to the vaccination site, such as a NYCHA employee ID card or a NYCHA pay stub.
Employees may continue to schedule appointments at any of the public vaccination sites at NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder or one of the five vaccination sites specifically for City employees (including NYCHA employees), all of which are ADA accessible. In addition to a government-issued ID, please bring proof of employment to the vaccination site, such as a NYCHA employee ID card or a NYCHA pay stub. To sign up for an appointment at a City site in the borough most convenient for you, please click the relevant link below:
- The Bronx:
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd Street, Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Brooklyn:
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Manhattan:
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th Street, New York, NY 10024
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Queens:
John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Boulevard, Queens, NY 11417
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM-8 PM - Staten Island:
Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Road, Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM-8 PM
As a reminder, NYCHA has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID-19 vaccine is as easy as possible. Please review the HR policy on COVID-19 vaccination for more details.
If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your healthcare provider, call the NYC Health Department Coronavirus Call Line at 855-491-2667 or 311, or visit You may also sign up for a virtual vaccine conversation with the NYC Health Department to have your questions answered by a public health official at For frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please review the COVID-19 Vaccines FAQs.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
4/16/21 update (FAQs on NYCHA’s return to office plan for remote employees):
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to provide you with another update on NYCHA’s return to the office plan for employees who have been working remotely. We met recently with our labor partners to review these plans, and below are some of the details we shared with them.
Office Work Schedules
We expect that employees will begin returning to NYCHA’s central offices on May 3. Occupancy will be limited to 25 percent capacity, meaning that the employees on each floor will be assigned to one of four cohorts – each cohort will be in the office for one full workweek out of every four weeks.
Your department head/supervisor will inform you of your cohort and the weeks that you will be assigned to the office. In addition, central office staff who must perform specific tasks on specific days in the office will also be expected to report to the office on those days, in addition to their assigned week. Reporting times will be within the existing timeframe of 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Since we will not be holding in-person meetings in compliance with social distancing requirements, central office staff will be provided with webcams and headsets to participate in Microsoft Teams meetings at their desks.
Reasonable Accommodations
Staff who are unable to return to the office due to an underlying medical condition may seek a reasonable accommodation.
Health Screenings
In accordance with State and City mandates, all staff and visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before entering our central offices each day via a survey. Upon completion of the survey and depending on the responses, staff will either receive clearance to enter their worksite or be asked to contact their supervisor.
The daily screening is accessible in one of the following two ways:
- Online through any device that has internet access by visiting; or
- Via the Now® App, downloadable from the Apple Store or Google Play. Please note that NYCHA mobile devices should already have the app installed.
Instructions for both browser-based access and the app are here. If you are unable to access the online health screening, or are unable to complete the screening, please contact the IT Service Desk at 212-306-7000 or create a ticket in the NYCHA IT Service Portal.
More Information About the Return to Office Plan
Please click here for some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about these plans. We will update these FAQs regularly with additional information; you can access them anytime on Connect here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
Keeping our employees and other stakeholders informed is one of our top priorities, and we will continue to share information with you once it is available.
Thank you, as always, for your dedication to the NYCHA community.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer;
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
4/14/21 update (Update on Johnson & Johnson vaccine and NYCHA development COVID-19 vaccine clinics):
A version of the below email was also sent to residents and posted on the NYCHA Journal.
Dear Colleagues,
Out of an abundance of caution, all Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine administration in NYC is currently paused. The Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have recommended this pause in the use of this vaccine while they investigate six reported U.S. cases of a rare blood clot.
The City is contacting everyone scheduled to receive the J&J vaccine to reschedule their appointments to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.
The pause of the J&J vaccine impacts many vaccination sites; however, the City’s provider NYC Health + Hospitals will be switching NYCHA vaccination clinics to the Moderna vaccine. Based on availability, NYCHA vaccination clinics, which were open to residents and employees, are only able to keep appointments already scheduled — no additional appointments will be scheduled.
NYCHA vaccination clinics switching to Moderna:
- Van Dyke I Community Center
- Carey Gardens Cornerstone/Community Center
- Nicholas/Central Harlem Senior Citizens Center
- Conlon Lihfe Tower/JSPOA Friendship Center
- Forest Community Center
- Gompers Senior/Community Center
- Queensbridge/Riis Community Center
- Johnson Community Center
- Kingsborough Extension Senior Center
- Roosevelt II Community/Maria Lawton Senior Center
- Ocean Bay Apartments (Oceanside) Community Center
- Parkside Senior Center
- Mitchel Senior Center
- Red Hook Senior Center
- Douglass Addition Senior Center
*The clinic at Rutgers Community Center is postponed due to lack of appointments currently scheduled at the site.
Because the Moderna vaccine is a two-dose immunization, second-dose clinics for four weeks out will also be scheduled at these locations, limited to the patients who receive their first dose this week only.
We will keep you updated on clinic days for each of NYCHA’s community vaccination sites and schedules once we receive finalized guidance from the City.
Employees may continue to schedule appointments at any of the public vaccination sites at NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder or one of the five vaccination sites specifically for City employees (including NYCHA employees), all of which are ADA accessible. In addition to a government-issued ID, please bring proof of employment to the vaccination site, such as a NYCHA employee ID card or a NYCHA pay stub. To sign up for an appointment at a City site in the borough most convenient for you, click the relevant link below:
- The Bronx:
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd St., Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Brooklyn:
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Manhattan:
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th St., New York, NY 10024
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Queens: John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Blvd., Queens, NY 11417
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM-8 PM
- Staten Island:
Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Rd., Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM-8 PM
As a reminder, NYCHA has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID-19 vaccine is as easy as possible. Please review the HR policy on COVID-19 vaccination for more details.
If you have previously received a Johnson & Johnson vaccine:
- There has been a small number of a rare serious adverse event involving the J&J vaccine. Of the 6.8 million doses of J&J that have been administered nationally, there were 6 of these adverse events reported.
- People who have received the J&J vaccine who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their health care provider.
If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your healthcare provider, call the NYC Health Department Coronavirus Call Line at 855-491-2667 or 311, or visit You may also sign up for a virtual vaccine conversation with the NYC Health Department to have your questions answered by a public health official at For frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please review the COVID-19 Vaccines FAQs.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
4/12/21 update (Update on NYCHA’s plan for remote employees to return to the office):
Dear Colleagues,
Many NYCHA employees have been reporting to work locations throughout the last year, and we are grateful for their dedication to NYCHA residents throughout this time. NYCHA is currently working on a return to the office plan for employees who have been working remotely. As of last week, NYCHA began engaging our labor partners regarding the physical work space. NYCHA will continue to keep them advised of any return to work plans.
While we are still formulating the details, we anticipate having employees begin to return to the office on May 3 in a limited capacity, meaning all employees will not be in the office at once, but will be scheduled to come in on regularly scheduled days each month. Employees who are currently remote will be updated on the ‘back to office’ structure and schedule when it is finalized and approved. We will provide more specifics as they become available and look forward to a positive transition and process.
Thank you for your continued cooperation during this unprecedented time.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
4/9/21 update (Employees eligible to be vaccinated at NYCHA development COVID-19 vaccine clinics):
Dear Colleagues,
As you may have heard, the COVID-19 vaccine is now available to all New York residents 16 and older.
We have been working with City partners to set up COVID-19 vaccination clinics for residents at NYCHA developments. In addition to residents, NYCHA employees can now schedule vaccination appointments at these clinics, which offer the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Appointments are open to NYCHA residents and employees only. Interested employees should schedule an appointment by calling 332-240-3330. Please bring a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, non-driver ID, or passport, as well as your NYCHA ID to your appointment.
All NYCHA vaccination clinics operate Thursdays to Sundays, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (except for the Fulton Community Center site – see below for its days and hours). Below is a list of the City vaccination clinics currently in operation at NYCHA developments, all of which are ADA accessible. We will keep you updated as new vaccination clinics open.
Bronx | Brooklyn | Manhattan | Queens |
Forest Houses Community Center 955 Tinton Ave. Bronx, NY 10456 April 1 – May 16 Parkside Houses Senior Center 644 Adee Ave. Bronx, NY 10467 April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 | Van Dyke I Houses Community Center 392 Blake Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11212 April 1 – April 25 Red Hook East Houses Senior Center 120 West 9th St. Brooklyn, NY 11231 April 8-11, 15-18 Kingsborough Extension Senior Center 447 Kingsborough 4th Walk Brooklyn, NY 11233 April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 | Johnson Houses Community Center 1833 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10029 March 25 – June 20 Gompers Houses Community/Senior Center 80 Pitt St. New York, NY 10002 April 1 – May 23 Saint Nicholas Houses Senior Center 210 West 131st St. New York, NY 10027 April 1 – May 2 Fulton Community Center/Hudson Guild 119 9th Ave. New York, NY 10011 *Please note, this vaccination clinic operates Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Starting April 12, you can make an appointment at this location by visiting or by calling 877-VAX-4NYC. | Queensbridge North Houses Community/Senior Center 40-11 10th St. Long Island City, NY 11101 April 1 – April 25 Ocean Bay Apartments (Oceanside) Community Center 339 Beach 54th St. Queens, NY 11692 April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 |
In addition, employees may continue to schedule appointments at one of the five vaccination sites specifically for City employees (including NYCHA employees), all of which are ADA accessible. In addition to a government-issued ID, please bring proof of employment to the vaccination site, such as a NYCHA employee ID card or a NYCHA pay stub. To sign up for an appointment at a City site in the borough most convenient for you, click the relevant link below:
- The Bronx:
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd St., Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Brooklyn:
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Manhattan:
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th St., New York, NY 10024
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM
- Queens:
John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Blvd., Queens, NY 11417
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM-8 PM
- Staten Island:
Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Rd., Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM-8 PM
Employees may also visit any of the public vaccination sites. You can access a complete list of those locations here.
NYCHA has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID-19 vaccine is as easy as possible:
- By law, employees are entitled to up to four hours of excused leave per injection during work hours for travel (to and from) and administration of the vaccine, up to a total of eight hours for a two-dose vaccine. (You are not eligible for excused leave if you are vaccinated during your non-working hours.)
- Upon successfully completing the vaccine and providing proof to your supervisor, you will be eligible for three hours of comp time.
- Employees experiencing adverse effects to the COVID-19 vaccine may be entitled to additional leave time under NYCHA’s COVID-19 leave policy.
Please review the HR policy on COVID-19 vaccination for more details.
If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your healthcare provider, call the NYC Health Department Coronavirus Call Line at 855-491-2667 or 311, or visit You may also sign up for a virtual vaccine conversation with the NYC Health Department to have your questions answered by a public health official at For frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please review the COVID-19 Vaccines FAQs.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
4/8/21 update (Reminder: Today at 10AM, COVID-19 Vaccine Info Session with DOHMH):
Dear Colleagues:
In partnership with the NYC Health Department, NYCHA is hosting its second COVID-19 Vaccine Information Session this morning. During this info session, a public health doctor will provide information about the vaccine, side effects, safety, and what to do after vaccination. There will be time for questions and answers to help NYCHA employees make informed decisions about vaccination.
The info session is open to all employees. Supervisors are advised to excuse interested employees to participate. Employees can join via Zoom or a dial-in number (audio only). Please find attached a flyer with dial-in information to be distributed to staff at our developments and in various locations.
Click the link below during the scheduled information session to access the Zoom meeting. We recommend downloading Zoom prior to the meeting.
NYCHA Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Info Session with NYC Department of Health
Thursday, April 8th, 10 – 11 AM
Please see this flyer for the Zoom link and call-in details.
Email if you have questions about the info session.
For more information on how to schedule a vaccination appointment, please refer to guidance in the March 24th email.
Visit for the most up to date information on COVID-19 vaccines.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
Guidance Regarding COVID-19 – News @ NYCHA
4/2/2021 update:
NYCHA has been working with City partners to set up COVID-19 vaccination clinics at NYCHA developments. In addition to NYCHA residents, NYCHA staff can also get vaccinated at these clinics. These vaccination clinics at NYCHA developments are offering the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine. Appointments are required. Call 332-240-3330 to make an appointment. Bring your government-issued photo ID and your NYCHA ID to your appointment.
All NYCHA vaccination clinics operate Thursdays – Sundays, 8am – 6pm. Below is a list of the City vaccination clinics at NYCHA in operation during at this time. This list will be updated as new vaccination clinics open up.
Bronx | Brooklyn | Manhattan | Queens |
Forest Community Center April 1 – May 16 Parkside Senior Center April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 | Van Dyke Community Center April 1 – April 25 Red Hook Senior Center April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 Kingsborough Ext. Senior Center April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 | Johnson Community Center March 25 – June 20 Gompers Community/Senior Ctr April 1 – May 23 Saint Nicholas Senior Center April 1 – May 2 | Queensbridge Community/Senior Ctr April 1 – April 25 Ocean Bay Apartments (Oceanside) Community Center April 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 |
3/29/21 update (COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sessions with DOHMH):
Dear Colleagues:
As we shared last week, all NYCHA employees are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
In partnership with the NYC Health Department, NYCHA is hosting two COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sessions. During each Session, a public health doctor will provide information about the vaccine, side effects, safety, and what to do after vaccination. There will be time for questions and answers to help NYCHA staff make informed decisions about vaccination.
The Sessions are open to all employees. Supervisors are advised to excuse interested staff to participate in one of the two sessions. Employees can join via Zoom or a dial-in number (audio only). Please find attached a flyer with dial-in information to be distributed to staff at our developments and in various locations.
Click the link below during the scheduled Information Session to access the Zoom meeting. We recommend downloading Zoom prior to the meeting.
NYCHA Employee COVID-19 Vaccine Info Sessions with NYC Department of Health
Monday, April 5th, 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Thursday, April 8th, 10 – 11 AM
Please see this flyer for Zoom links and call-in details.
Email if you have questions about these Info Sessions.
For more information on how to schedule a vaccination appointment, please refer to guidance in the March 24th email.
Visit for the most up to date information on COVID-19 vaccines.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/24/21 update (All NYCHA staff eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccine):
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to provide an update regarding COVID-19 eligibility for NYCHA employees: All NYCHA employees, including employees currently working remotely, and those working at NYCHA through our staff augmentation vendors, are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Interested employees should schedule an appointment, and bring proof of employment to the vaccination site, such as a NYCHA employee ID card or a NYCHA pay stub.
The City has established five vaccination sites specifically for City employees (including NYCHA employees), all of which are ADA accessible. To sign up for an appointment at a City site in the borough most convenient for you, click the relevant link below:
- The Bronx:
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd St, The Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of Operation:?Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Brooklyn:
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Manhattan:
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th St, New York, NY 10024
Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Queens:
John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Blvd, Queens, NY 11417
Hours of Operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM - Staten Island:
Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Rd, Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of Operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM
With high schools reopening this week, some of the current vaccination sites may change locations. If you currently have an appointment for a vaccination at a high school site, your appointment will be honored at an updated location.
You may also visit any of the public sites. You can access a complete list of those locations here.
If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your healthcare provider, call 311, or visit
NYCHA has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID-19 vaccine is as easy as possible:
- By law, employees are entitled to up to four hours of excused leave per injection during work hours for travel (to and from) and administration of the vaccine, up to a total of eight hours for a two-dose vaccine. (You are not eligible for excused leave if you are vaccinated during your non-working hours.)
- Upon successfully completing the vaccine and providing proof to your supervisor, you will be eligible for three hours of comp time.
- Employees experiencing adverse effects to the COVID-19 vaccine may be entitled to additional leave time under NYCHA’s COVID-19 leave policy.
HR will issue updated guidance on NYCHA’s COVID-19 vaccination policy shortly.
For frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please review the COVID-19 Vaccines FAQs.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/24/21 update (Update on NYCHA’s plan for remote employees to return to the office):
Dear Colleagues,
NYCHA employees have been reporting to work locations throughout the last year, and we are grateful for your dedication to NYCHA residents throughout this time. NYCHA is currently working on a return to the office plan for employees who have been working remotely. While we are still formulating the details, we anticipate having remote employees return to the office beginning in May in some limited capacity, meaning all employees will not be in the office at once but may be scheduled to come in on certain days throughout the month. Remote employees will be updated on the ‘back to office’ structure and schedule when it is finalized, and will be provided with at least two weeks’ notice before they are expected to return to the office. We will provide more specifics as they become available and look forward to a positive transition and process.
Thank you for your continued cooperation during this challenging time.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/17/21 update (Updated COVID-19 vaccine eligibility):
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that beginning today, March 17, the COVID-19 vaccine will be available to NYCHA employees who fit within the criteria established by New York State.
The following groups of workers are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine starting today, March 17:
- Public-facing government and public employees;
- Not-for-profit workers who provide public-facing services to New Yorkers in need; and
- Essential in-person, public-facing building service workers.
The City established five vaccination sites specifically for City employees (including NYCHA employees), all of which are ADA accessible. With high schools reopening this month, some of the current Vaccination Workforce sites may change locations. Appointments made at the original locations will be honored and rescheduled for the new locations. To sign up for an appointment at a City site in the borough most convenient for you, click the relevant link below:
- The Bronx:
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd St, The Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Brooklyn:
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Manhattan:
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th St, New York, NY 10024
Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Queens:
John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Blvd, Queens, NY 11417
Hours of Operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM - Staten Island: Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Rd, Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of Operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM
You may also visit any of the public sites. Find a complete list of those locations here.
You must bring proof of eligibility to the vaccination site:
- If you are eligible by virtue of underlying conditions or comorbidities, you will be asked to provide proof of NYC residence and will be asked to attest to your condition during the scheduling process.
- If you are eligible by virtue of age, you will be asked to provide proof of NYC residence and proof of age.
- If you are eligible by virtue of job function, you must bring proof of employment (you must bring proof of City employment if visiting a Vaccination Workforce site). This can include an employee ID card, a letter from an employer or affiliated organization, or a pay stub.
NYCHA has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID vaccine is as easy as possible:
- The policy provides up to two hours of excused leave during work hours for travel (to and from) and administration of the vaccine.(You are not eligible for excused leave if you are vaccinated during your non-working hours.)
- Upon successfully completing the vaccine and providing proof to their supervisors, the employee is eligible for three hours of comp time.
- Employees experiencing adverse effects to the COVID-19 vaccine may be entitled to additional leave time under NYCHA’s COVID-19 leave policy.
Please review the HR policy on COVID-19 vaccination for more details.
For frequently asked questions about the COVID vaccine, please visit COVID-19 Vaccines FAQs.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/12/21 update (NYCHA public-facing employees are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine):
Dear Colleagues,
On March 9, 2021, New York State expanded COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to include people age 60 and older, public-facing government employees, essential in-person building service workers, and more. Beginning March 17, 2021, NYCHA’s front-line staff, as well as staff who regularly interact with residents, will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Next week, eligible employees will receive a confirmation letter from NYCHA’s Human Resources, which can be shared at vaccination sites as proof of eligibility. Please see the list of eligible civil service titles below.
For a list of all currently eligible groups in New York State, visit
Vaccine appointments may be made online here or by calling 877-VAX-4NYC for assistance in multiple languages. For appointments at City workforce sites, employees can schedule appointments in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan here and in Queens and Staten Island here.
If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your healthcare provider, call 311, or visit
NYCHA implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure that getting a COVID-19 vaccine is as easy as possible:
- The policy provides up to two hours of excused leave during work hours for travel (to and from) and administration of the vaccine. (You are not eligible for excused leave if you are vaccinated during your non-working hours.)
- Upon receiving the vaccine and providing proof to their supervisors, employees are eligible for three hours of comp time.
- Employees experiencing adverse effects to the COVID-19 vaccine may be entitled to additional leave time under NYCHA’s COVID-19 leave policy.
Please review the HR policy on COVID-19 vaccination for more details.
Thank you for your hard work to help keep our NYCHA communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to provide updates as vaccine eligibility is expanded.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Eligible Employees
Essential in-person building service workers include the skilled trades and front-line titles listed below:
Administrative Supervisor of Skilled Trades (HA)
Assistant Housing Manager
Assistant Resident Buildings Superintendent
Auto Mechanic
Caretaker (HA) E
Caretaker (HA) G
Caretaker (HA) H
Caretaker (HA) I
Caretaker (HA) J
Caretaker (HA) L
Caretaker (HA) P
Caretaker (HA) S
Caretaker (HA) X
Chief Caretaker
City Laborer
Clerical Associate
Electrician’s Helper
Elevator Mechanic
Elevator Mechanic’s Helper
Emergency Service Aide (HA)
Heating Plant Technician – Advanced (HA)
Heating Plant Technician (HA)
Housing Assistant
Housing Assistant (Bilingual)
Housing Caretaker J
Housing Caretaker X
Housing Exterminator
Housing Exterminator-AL
Housing Exterminator-AL
Housing Manager
Lead Abatement Worker
Maintenance Worker
Mason’s Helper
Motor Grader Operator
Oil Burner Specialist
Plumber’s Helper
Principal Administrative Associate
Printing Press Operator
Resident Buildings Superintendent
Secretary (Word Processor Secretary)
Supervising Housing Groundskeeper
Supervisor Bricklayer
Supervisor Carpenter
Supervisor Electrician
Supervisor Elevator Mechanic
Supervisor Glazier
Supervisor of Housing Caretakers
Supervisor Painter
Supervisor Plasterer
Supervisor Plumber
Supervisor Roofer
2/25/21 update (Free COVID-19 testing for City employees):
Dear Colleagues,
To promote the health and safety of City employees, WorkWell NYC is offering free and confidential COVID-19 testing to City employees. While this testing is not mandatory, we encourage employees to take advantage of this opportunity.
The tests, which are by appointment only, can be booked here. Please click here for testing locations.
Who can get tested?
These specific testing sites are for City of New York employees only. Be sure to bring your insurance card and photo ID with you. This testing is for asymptomatic individuals only. If you are experiencing symptoms, see your health care provider for testing.
Is testing covered by insurance?
There is no co-pay for COVID-19 testing for City employees. If you have questions, please contact your insurer to understand what’s covered for COVID-19 testing on your plan.
How do I know if I should get tested?
Everyone should get tested for COVID-19, whether or not you are experiencing symptoms. Learn more about when to get tested here. If these locations aren’t convenient for you, you can also find test sites by visiting or by texting “COVID TEST” to 855-48.
What should I do if I test positive?
If you test positive, please notify the Environmental Health and Safety Department at can reach out to the Human Resources Department at for questions about the leave options that are available to you. You will receive a call from the Test & Trace Corps to make sure that you receive care and can safely self-quarantine to prevent the spread. Be sure to answer any calls from NYC Test & Trace or 212 area codes to get free resources and support.
Will NYCHA be notified of my test results?
Your privacy is important, and your medical information will not be shared with NYCHA.
Thank you for doing your part to keep NYC healthy and safe from COVID-19.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
2/18/21 update (Updated eligibility criteria for the COVID-19 vaccine)
Dear Colleagues,
Pleased be informed that as of February 15, New Yorkers with the comorbidities and underlying conditions listed here are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Subject to availability, appointments may be made online at or by calling 877-VAX4NYC for assistance in multiple languages.
Proof of eligibility
- City staff who are eligible by virtue of underlying conditions or comorbidities will be asked to provide proof of NYC residence and will be asked to attest to their condition during the scheduling process.
- City staff must bring proof of City employment if visiting a City workforce site. This can include an employee ID card, a letter from an employer or affiliated organization, or a pay stub.
- City staff who are eligible by virtue of age will also be asked to provide proof of NYC residence and proof of age.
The City has established five vaccination sites specifically for City employees, all of which are ADA accessible. To sign up for an appointment at a City site in the borough most convenient for you, click on the relevant link below:
- Bronx:
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd St, The Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Brooklyn:
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Manhattan:
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th St, New York, NY 10024
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM - Queens:
John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Blvd, Queens, NY 11417
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM - Staten Island:
Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Rd, Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
2/3/21 update (Update Work Order Guidance for NYCHA employees):
Dear Colleagues,
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to modify our policies in accordance with guidance provided by the NYC Health Department, as well as Executive Orders and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners.
Today, we are issuing updated Work Order Guidance to Supervisors and Managers, for implementation throughout the Authority, in order to continue slowly expanding the types of work employees will be permitted to conduct in apartments. Please read the Guidance here.
Under this updated Work Order Guidance, NYCHA is now authorizing painting related to mold.
As a reminder, the Work Order Guidance requires that employees maintain physical distance of at least six feet from other employees (unless the safety of the job requires employees to be closer to one another) and from residents while in the apartment. All staff and all residents over the age of 2 (and any guest in the apartment) must wear a face covering while NYCHA staff are working within the apartment. If a resident refuses to maintain physical distance or refuses to wear a face covering, employees should stop work, leave the apartment, and immediately contact supervision to advise them of the unsafe condition.
As a reminder, NYCHA employees must also conduct the “five-alive” safety check, and correct any related deficiencies, each time an employee enters an apartment. We are asking employees to contact with any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, and if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving. As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
Your health and safety is our number one priority. We are incredibly proud and grateful for the work you do every day, and especially during this time of crisis; your work is essential to NYCHA.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
2/2/21 update (Volunteer to assist at the City’s COVID-19 Vaccine Hubs):
Dear Colleagues,
NYC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Hubs (also known as Points-of-Dispensing, or PODs) are a vital part of New York City’s historic mass vaccination effort. The City’s Vaccine Command Center is working with the NYC Health Department to help recruit NYCHA employees to volunteer at the 15 hubs across the city over the next several months. Volunteer roles consist of greeters, administrative support, and non-clinical positions.
You may have already received communications from the Health Department with a survey link to volunteer at the Vaccine Hubs. If you already indicated a willingness to volunteer by completing the survey or have signed up to volunteer, no further action is needed. If you have not yet received or responded to the survey and would like to volunteer, please complete the survey here.
Please note:
- If you volunteer and fulfill at least three shifts, you are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at PODs.
- While volunteer staffing at PODs is a priority for the City, NYCHA staff will be allowed to volunteer on your regular days off, and participation must be approved by your immediate supervisor to ensure that staff hours are allocated responsibly.
- Eligibility for overtime will be based on the collective bargaining agreement applicable to your title. If you have questions about overtime, please send an email to
We hope that you can contribute to our City’s recovery efforts. Thank you for all that you do for New Yorkers.
Greg Russ
Chair & CEO
1/25/21 Section 8 program update:
We emailed to Section 8 participants and posted on the Journal the below Section 8 program update:
During the current state of emergency for COVID-19, NYCHA continues to work closely with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to monitor the situation regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to adhere to any Executive Orders. Additionally, we are monitoring and adhering to all guidance issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
New York City has begun distributing COVID-19 vaccines. Adults age 65 and older are now eligible to be vaccinated, joining healthcare workers and other essential medical staff, teachers, public transit workers, and other front-line essential workers in this first phase. For a list of all eligible groups, visit, and check this site frequently as the information is subject to change.
The COVID-19 vaccine is free for all New Yorkers, regardless of insurance or immigration status. Visit to find a convenient location nearest you. Appointments are available throughout the five boroughs and must be made in advance. If you would like to make an appointment by phone, or need language assistance, please call the Vaccine Reservation Call Center at 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692). The Vaccine Reservation Call Center can schedule an appointment for you for Health + Hospitals and NYC Health Department vaccination sites only. Because the supply of vaccine is very limited and will fluctuate daily, people may not be able to make an appointment right away. Additional sites are coming online every day, so please check back frequently. For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine, visit
As the health and safety of our employees, property owners, and participants is our top priority, our walk-in centers will remain closed to the public while the City is under a state of emergency. However, the Owner Extranet and Self-Service Portal remain available for (1) online submission of requests and documents; (2) status updates; and (3) general case information. The Owner Extranet and Self-Service Portal can be accessed online via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. In addition, for those unable to access the online portals, please call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8am and 5:30pm.
For your convenience, we created the below comprehensive update to outline how Section 8 processes are being managed at this time.
Eligibility Interviews | • Eligibility interviews will be held over the phone. • If approved, the voucher can be downloaded from the Self-Service Portal at • Please call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 if you require a voucher extension. • NYCHA will issue a 120-day voucher extension to Section 8 applicants whose voucher had an expiration date between January 1, 2021, and February 28, 2021. An additional 60 days voucher extension will be issued to those Section 8 applicants whose initial 120-day extension expired without an accepted rental packet through February 28, 2021. • A copy of the updated voucher is available under the “Lease Up Documents” tab on the Self-Service Portal. • To request an additional voucher extension, please call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. |
Evictions | • NYCHA encourages all landlords to assist in connecting their tenants with rental assistance programs. • New York City offers a variety of rental assistance programs for tenants in need. Please refer your tenant to ACCESS NYC or have them call 311 and request the “Tenant Helpline.” • The COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act is a new State law that prevents landlords from evicting tenants if the tenants have lost income or have increased expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic or if moving from their home would pose a hardship during the pandemic. To be protected under this law, tenants must sign a “Hardship Declaration” and deliver it to their landlord. This new law applies to both nonpayment and holdover proceedings. For more information on this new law, please visit the City’s “Information and Resources for NYC Tenants Impacted by COVID-19” webpage. • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an order prohibiting landlords from evicting some tenants for nonpayment of rent; this order has been extended through January 31, 2021. In order to be protected by this Order, tenants must meet specific criteria, including providing their landlord with a signed declaration, which are detailed here. Here is the sample declaration form provided by the CDC. • The Tenant Safe Harbor Act is a State law stating that tenants who have experienced financial hardship any time from March 7, 2020, to the date when all COVID-19-related safety restrictions are lifted in the region may not be evicted for failing to pay rent first owed during that period. More information about this State law can be found here, along with information about other State resources. • For the latest information about eviction moratoria impacting the NYC area, please visit the Mayor’s Office to Protect Tenants website. |
Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections | • NYCHA is not conducting in-person HQS inspections until further notice. • NYCHA will accept an owner’s certification for initial inspections (e.g., New Rentals, Transfers, and Restorations) and Certification of Completed Repairs NE-2, NYCHA form 059.307, for inspections that initially failed only for non-life-threatening conditions. • NYCHA will temporarily accept, until further notice, an alternate form of verifying completed repairs for life-threatening (“24-hour”) HQS violations for inspections conducted 12/31/19 or later. • The suspension timeline for non-life-threatening HQS violations has been extended until further notice. • NYCHA is conducting remote video inspections (RVI) as part of a pilot program to reinspect life-threatening conditions and select complaint inspections. To request an RVI and determine eligibility, owners should call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. • Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on Temporary Program Changes to Housing Quality Standards for more information. |
Informal Conferences | • Informal conferences requested will be held over the phone. |
Lease Renewals & Contract Rent Changes | • Submissions are accepted via the Owner Extranet. |
Owner Incentive Program for Rentals | • An owner incentive for rentals is available for: (1) New rentals. Tenants who have recently been issued a Section 8 voucher and will be new Section 8 participants on NYCHA’s Section 8 program; (2) Restorations via transfer. Tenants seeking to have their Section 8 benefits restored by transferring to a new unit; and (3) Port-In. Tenants who are moving to New York City and are transferring their Section 8 assistance to NYCHA. • To receive the rental incentive payment, the rental must take place between July 1, 2020, through May 31, 2021, and NYCHA must receive the signed HAP contract and Confirmation of Key Issuance form within the specified timeframe. • Owners can check the status of the Owner Incentive Payment on the Owner Extranet. • For more information on this incentive program, please visit |
Owner Incentive Program for HQS | • An owner will receive a one-time incentive payment in the amount of $1,250 when they make repairs and bring a unit that has been suspended for more than 60 days into HQS compliance. • Eligible units are those that are “Active” in NYCHA’s Section 8 program and when the HAP contract has been suspended for 60 days or more due to unrepaired HQS violations (within the unit and/or the public space). • The unit and/or public space must be brought into HQS compliance between July 1, 2020, and May 31, 2021. NYCHA must receive the certification of completed repairs no later than May 31, 2021. • Owners can check the status of the Owner Incentive Payment on the Owner Extranet. • For more information about this incentive program, please visit |
Owner Incentive Program for Repayment Agreements | • An owner will receive an incentive in the amount of $500 for each repayment agreement they enter into with an active NYCHA Section 8 participant to repay tenant-share rental arrears, provided the following conditions are met: • Nonpayment period must be for at least three months (meaning the tenant owes at least three months of the tenant-share portion of the rent). • Parties must execute the NYCHA Repayment Agreement form and include a copy of the current rent ledger and a calculation of the rent arrears. • The repayment agreement is only for the tenant-share portion of rent. • The additional monthly repayment amount is not greater than one third of the amount of the tenant-share portion of the monthly rent. • The repayment agreement must be executed between January 15, 2020, and May 31, 2021. NYCHA must receive the fully executed repayment agreement no later than May 31, 2021. If the repayment agreement is received after May 31, 2021, it will not eligible for an incentive. • Owners can check the status of the Owner Incentive Payment on the Owner Extranet. • For more information on this incentive program, please visit |
Broker’s Fee Incentive Program | • NYCHA will pay the fee for the services of a New York State-licensed real estate agent or broker of your choice. Please note that this program is ONLY available for tenants in “long-term” suspension due to a failed HQS inspection. This program will end on May 31, 2021. To qualify for this program, eligible tenants must complete the following steps: 1. Contact a licensed real estate agent or broker to assist with finding an apartment. A list of available apartments can be found at 2. When a suitable apartment is found, complete the rental package with the property owner. 3. Submit the completed rental package to NYCHA via email at 4. Once NYCHA has approved the rental package and keys to the unit are received, complete the Broker Fee Request form with the broker. 5. A completed Broker Fee Request form must be submitted, along with a copy of the W-9 form and broker’s license, to |
Ownership Changes | • Ownership changes, including changes to address and direct deposit, can be submitted via mail (address listed below), fax at 1-866-794-0744, or email at Address changes and direct deposit updates can also be submitted online via the Owner Extranet. |
Reasonable Accommodations | • Reasonable accommodations can be requested via the Self-Service Portal ( or by calling NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. • NYCHA has provided all participants with an additional 30 days to submit any additional documentation required to review their reasonable accommodation requests. • NYCHA will provide other accommodations, as required, to obtain documents by granting additional extensions of time to obtain supporting documentation or obtaining medical verification by email or by phone. • To help expedite processing, NYCHA is not requiring any supporting documentation for the following accommodations: Voucher Extensions and Requests for 5-borough or Portability Transfers (over 10 months after Lease Up date). |
Recertifications | • Loss of income can be reported via the Self-Service Portal (; the PO Box noted below for Annual Review (AOI) Documents; or by calling NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. • Annual Recertification is still a program requirement. • Supporting documentation is still necessary for completion of an Annual Recertification. However, in the absence of pay stubs and/or employer letters, NYCHA will accept self-certification of income. |
Rental Package Returns | • Rental packages will be accepted via the mail (address listed below) or email at If you mail your rental package, please call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 to confirm that NYCHA has received the rental packet. • NYCHA will accept rental packages for Family Unification Program (FUP) youth up to the age of 26. |
Restoration Requests | • NYCHA will continue to process restoration requests. Requests can be made by calling NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. |
Transfer Requests | • Transfer requests are being processed. However, there will be a delay in receiving transfer vouchers in the mail. Please periodically check the Self-Service Portal, where you will be able to print vouchers, if possible. • NYCHA will issue a 120-day voucher extension to Section 8 participants whose transfer voucher had an expiration date between January 1, 2021, and February 28, 2021. An additional 60 days voucher extension will be issued to those Section 8 participants whose initial 120-day extension expired without an accepted rental packet through February 28, 2021. • A copy of the updated voucher is available under the “Lease Up Documents” tab on the Self-Service Portal. • To request an additional voucher extension, please call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. |
Terminations | • Termination actions have been suspended while the City is under a state of emergency until further notice. This includes termination actions related to annual recertification, inspection, and fraud. • Please note: All Section 8 participants must continue to comply with their obligations under the Section 8 program, including the requirement to complete and submit their annual recertification. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. |
Note: Please be aware that there may be delays in processing times, including printing and mailing of documents, during this state of emergency. Please visit the Self-Service Portal and Owner Extranet periodically for status updates and to print any needed documents.
Please visit the Owner Extranet for information on inspection results, suspension status, the status of submitted certifications, and more. You may also call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Mail-in options for Section 8 participants without internet access:
Annual Review (AOI) and Supporting Documents | PO Box 19196 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9196 |
Rental Transfer Documents* | PO Box 19199 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9199 |
Letters or Questions | PO Box 19201 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9201 |
Portability Documents | PO Box 1631 New York, NY 10008-1631 |
*Please call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at (718) 707-7771 to confirm that NYCHA received the rental packet.
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
1/19/21 update:
NYCHA kicked off regular outreach to inform residents age 65 and older of the opportunity to get a COVID-19 vaccine at various NYCHA locations.
1/15/21 update: Information about the COVID-19 vaccine
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year! We thank you for your partnership and efforts in 2020 to help keep our NYCHA communities safe during an unprecedented health crisis. We look forward to working together in the New Year with renewed focus and the hope of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
New York City has begun distributing COVID-19 vaccines. Adults age 65 and older are now eligible to be vaccinated.
NYCHA staff age 65 and older may make an appointment by visiting to find the location nearest you or by calling the Vaccine Reservation Call Center at 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692). The Vaccine Reservation Call Center can schedule an appointment for you for Health + Hospitals and NYC Health Department vaccination sites only. Appointments must be made in advance. Because the supply of vaccine is very limited and will fluctuate daily, people may not be able to make an appointment right away. Additional sites, as well as essential workers and other priority groups are coming online every day, so please check the NYC Health Department website frequently and we will continue to keep you updated.
Another option for NYCHA staff age 65 and older and/or who are immunocompromised is to visit one of the five vaccination sites specifically for City employees, all of which are ADA accessible. These sites are subject to change. You must bring proof of City employment if visiting a City site, such as an employee ID card, a letter from an employer or affiliated organization, or a pay stub. For both the public and City employee sites, you must bring ID that shows proof of age.
Current City Employee Vaccination Sites
X410 Taft High School Campus
240 E 172nd St, Bronx, NY 10457
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM
George Wingate High School
600 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM
Louis D. Brandeis High School
145 W 84th St, New York, NY 10024
Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM – 10 PM
John Adams High School
101-01 Rockaway Blvd, Queens, NY 11417
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM
Staten Island:
Susan E. Wagner High School
1200 Manor Rd, Staten Island, NY 10314
Hours of operation: Monday-Sunday, 12 PM – 8 PM
The City has implemented a Time and Leave Policy to ensure getting a COVID-19 vaccine is as easy as possible:
- The policy provides up to two hours of excused leave during work hours for travel (to and from) and administration of the vaccine.
- Upon successfully receiving the vaccine, the employee is eligible for three hours of comp time.
Before your appointment, complete the New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Form found at Remember to wear a face covering to your appointment or you won’t be allowed into the site. If you aren’t feeling well on the day of your appointment, please reschedule.
Even though people are being vaccinated, it is still important for everyone to take steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining social distance, and wearing a mask or face covering that covers both the nose and mouth. If you need a COVID-19 test, there are
sites in all five boroughs. To find a site, visit, text “COVID TEST” to 855-48, or call 212-COVID19 (212-268-4319) or 311.
We will continue to provide you with updated information from the NYC Health Department as it becomes available. If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, talk to your healthcare provider, call 311, or visit
We thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Together, we can keep our NYCHA community safe and supported, and we will recover from this pandemic stronger than ever.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
1/13/21 update:
We emailed to residents and posted in The NYCHA Journal the two messages below.
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Dear Residents,
Happy New Year! We thank you for your partnership and efforts in 2020 to help keep our NYCHA communities safe during an unprecedented health crisis. We look forward to working together in the New Year with renewed focus and the hope of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
New York City has begun distributing the first phase of COVID-19 vaccines to healthcare workers and other essential medical staff, and Governor Cuomo recently announced that adults age 65 and older, teachers, public transit workers, and other front-line essential workers are eligible for the vaccine beginning January 11. (See below for more information about the COVID-19 vaccine.) Even though people are being vaccinated, it is still important for everyone to take steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining social distance, and wearing a mask or face covering that covers both the nose and mouth. Additionally, residents age 65 and older and those with underlying health conditions should continue to limit their activities outside of their home.
As we have promised since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’d like to update you on NYCHA’s continued work to protect your health and safety.
Repairs, Services, and Maintenance
Our top priority is keeping our residents and employees safe while continuing to provide you with necessary services. Staff performing work in apartments must wear a face covering such as a surgical/dust mask. When our staff is in your apartment, we request that you and your family members over the age of 2 wear face coverings and maintain social distancing.
NYCHA employees ask residents three health screening questions over the telephone prior to the appointment or at the door before entering the apartment. If the resident chooses not to allow a staff member into their apartment, or follow these instructions, we will work to reschedule the appointment for a later date.
- “Will you maintain six feet distance while work in your apartment is being performed?”
- “Will you and all other occupants wear a face covering while work is being performed in your apartment?”
- “Does anyone in the household have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or confirmed to have been infected with coronavirus?”
In September, NYCHA began expanding the work that employees perform inside of residents’ apartments for some health and safety-related non-emergency work, such as extermination, broken windows, lead paint assessments, leaks, kitchen appliances, and other items. NYCHA staff has and will continue to respond to and perform emergency maintenance and repair requests in apartments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Apartment work may also be performed by outside vendors and contractors. Vendors and contractors working with NYCHA must wear surgical/dust masks and provide the Authority with a COVID-19 health and safety plan with information on measures they will take to keep residents and their staff safe.
Additionally, you may ask NYCHA staff, vendors, and contractors about their health before allowing them into your apartment. Residents with concerns about COVID-19 safety practices by NYCHA staff, vendors, or contractors may make a confidential report to NYCHA’s Compliance Department at
Rent, Evictions, and Terminations
Residents who have had their hours cut or lost their jobs may apply for a Rent Hardship by filling out an Interim Recertification. If you have no income at this time, your rent will be zero. There are three ways to apply: visit the Self-Service Portal (, call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 (option 5), or contact your Property Management Office to have a paper application mailed to you.
Residential evictions for those who have experienced COVID-19-related hardships are suspended until May 1, 2021. To prevent eviction, residents must submit a document explaining the source of the hardship.
Get tested: There are COVID-19 testing sites in all five boroughs. To find a site, visit, text “COVID TEST” to 855-48, or call 212-COVID19 (212-268-4319) or 311. There are also sites that prioritize NYCHA residents; visit: for more information.
COVID-19 vaccine: The vaccine is currently being provided to healthcare workers, staff with direct patient contact, and other essential medical staff; adults age 65 and older; teachers and education workers; public safety workers; public transit workers; first responders; and more. To make an appointment, visit If you would like to make an appointment by phone, or need language assistance, please call the Vaccine Reservation Call Center at 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692). The Vaccine Reservation Call Center can schedule an appointment for you for Health + Hospitals and NYC Health Department vaccination sites only. Appointments must be made in advance.
Before your appointment, complete the New York State COVID-19 Vaccine Form found at Remember to bring ID that shows proof of age and/or employment, wear a face covering to your appointment, and reschedule if you are not feeling well. To stay up to date on the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine eligibility, visit
NYCHA is hosting a series of virtual “Community Conversations on COVID-19 Vaccines” for NYCHA residents age 65 and older in partnership with the NYC Health Department. We invite you to attend these presentations to learn more about the vaccine and ask questions. The presentations will be held on Zoom, which must be downloaded to your device before the event.
Friday, Jan. 15, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (with Spanish interpretation) | Register here |
Friday, Jan. 15, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (with Mandarin interpretation) | Register here |
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (with Russian interpretation) | Register here |
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (with American Sign Language) | Register here |
If you have any questions or need help registering, contact Kim Truong at or 929-459-1900.
Food assistance: NYCHA residents in need of food and other resources can email NYCHA’s Family Partnerships Department ( to ask to be enrolled in the home food delivery program or connected to other services. You may also call your borough office for assistance: Bronx: (718) 409-8699; Brooklyn: (212) 306-6027; Manhattan: (212) 306-6717; Queens: (718) 969-6240; Staten Island: (718) 816-1521.
For the latest updates on NYCHA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit our website at We will continue to communicate with you whenever new information is available.
We thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Together, we can keep our NYCHA community safe and supported, and we will recover from this pandemic stronger than ever.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
Information about the COVID-19 Vaccine
Dear Resident,
New York City has begun distributing COVID-19 vaccines. Adults age 65 and older are now eligible to be vaccinated, joining healthcare workers and other essential medical staff, teachers, public transit workers, and other front-line essential workers in this first phase. For a list of all eligible groups, visit, and check this site frequently as the information is subject to change.
The COVID-19 vaccine is free for all New Yorkers, regardless of insurance or immigration status. Visit to find a convenient location nearest you. Appointments are available throughout the five boroughs and must be made in advance. If you would like to make an appointment by phone, or need language assistance, please call the Vaccine Reservation Call Center at 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692). The Vaccine Reservation Call Center can schedule an appointment for you for Health + Hospitals and NYC Health Department vaccination sites only. Because the supply of vaccine is very limited and will fluctuate daily, people may not be able to make an appointment right away. Additional sites are coming online every day, so please check back frequently.
Before your appointment, you must complete the New York State (NYS) COVID-19 Vaccine Form found at Paper copies of the form will be available at vaccination locations, and on-site staff will be available to help you submit the form electronically. New York State requires health care providers administering vaccines to confirm completion of this form.
NYCHA is hosting a series of virtual “Community Conversations on COVID-19 Vaccines” for NYCHA residents age 65 and older in partnership with the NYC Health Department. We invite you to attend these presentations to learn more about the vaccine and ask questions. The presentations will be held on Zoom, which must be downloaded to your device before the event.
Friday, Jan. 15, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (with Spanish interpretation) | Register here |
Friday, Jan. 15, 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (with Mandarin interpretation) | Register here |
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (with Russian interpretation) | Register here |
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (with American Sign Language) | Register here |
If you have any questions or need help registering, contact Kim Truong at or 929-459-1900.
If you are eligible for a vaccine based on your age, you will need to show proof of age, such as an ID card or birth certificate. Remember to wear a face covering to your appointment or you won’t be allowed into the site. If you aren’t feeling well on the day of your appointment, please reschedule. Even after you receive your vaccination, it is still important to continue to take steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining social distance, and wearing a mask or face covering that covers both the nose and mouth. Additionally, residents age 65 and older and those with underlying health conditions should continue to limit their activities outside of their home.
We will continue to provide you with updated information from the NYC Health Department as it becomes available. If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, talk to your healthcare provider, call 311, or visit
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
12/31/20 update:
Dear Colleagues,
You may have received the below email from the City about completing a survey that will aid the City’s efforts to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine. The survey is voluntary and anonymous, and we encourage you to take a few moments out of your day to complete it.
For development staff who do not have access to a NYCHA handheld or desktop, you can use the desktop computer at your property management office to complete the survey.
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & CEO
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
Dear Colleagues,
As we close out 2020, I want to thank you for continuing to serve New York City through an unprecedented crisis. The City remains in a state of emergency, but we have cause for hope: COVID-19 vaccine distribution has begun in New York City.
The City has opened its Vaccine Command Center (VCC). The VCC is working closely with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to make sure the safe, free and easy vaccine is accessible to all New Yorkers over time. Healthcare workers, who have been on the frontlines of this fight every step of the way, are receiving the vaccine first. We are awaiting further guidance from New York State in alignment with the CDC regarding subsequent priority groups for distribution, and are working closely with our State colleagues as we coordinate plans for the City’s workforce.
As we begin this historic effort, we need your help. Please complete this survey , which will be used by the VCC to better understand attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccine among the City workforce to inform Citywide and Agency planning. This voluntary survey is anonymous and will not collect any personally identifiable information, nor will it be shared with your supervisor or your Agency.
In the meantime, everyone needs to continue getting tested regularly, staying 6 feet apart from others, wearing face coverings anytime you are outside your home, keeping your hands clean, and staying home if you are sick, have recently traveled or were a close contact of someone with COVID-19.
We understand you may have a lot of questions, and we will be providing more updates soon on the Health Department’s website , the VCC website and through regular communication channels with Agencies. Thank you again for your dedication and sacrifice this past year as we work together to end the COVID-19 pandemic.
Melanie Hartzog, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services
Links to resources:
- Factsheet: What New Yorkers Need to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccines
- DOHMH COVID-19 Information
- Holiday guidance
- Travel guidance
12/15/20 update (NYC Health Department COVID-19 guidance for the holiday season):
Dear Colleagues,
In preparation for the holiday season and winter months during the COVID-19 state of emergency, we would like to provide you with the most current and relevant NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) guidance to help keep you and your family safe.
It has recently been reported that COVID-19 cases are once again on the rise, so it is more important than ever to follow these steps to prevent the spread of the virus:
- Wear a mask when you are in public. You can be contagious without fever or other symptoms. Wearing a face covering outside your home prevents the spread of the virus to your family, friends, and neighbors.
- Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Keep physical distance. Stay at least 6 feet away from other people.
- Avoid large indoor gatherings of people. This is another way the virus spreads quickly, so avoiding crowded spaces can minimize your exposure and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in your community.
- Avoid travel if possible. New Yorkers should stay local and connect with out-of-town family and friends through telephone and other virtual communications this year. Traveling puts you, your family, and your community at risk. Read New York State’s COVID-19 travel advisory for more information.
- Stay home if you are not feeling well. If you do get sick, stay at home when possible, or only leave home for essential medical care and testing.
- Get tested. There are free COVID-19 testing sites in all five boroughs. To find a site, visit or text “COVID test” to 855-48.
- If you do test positive, please answer your phone. A City operator will call you to connect you to resources and help identify others who may be sick and not know it. All information collected will be kept confidential. The City is here to help you – you will not be penalized in any way for testing positive.
We encourage you to check out these other DOHMH tips for staying healthy during the holiday season:
Also, NYCHA’s website has the latest information from our City, State, and federal health partners:
The health and safety of NYCHA residents and employees is our number one priority. Working together, we can prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you; we wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season!
Greg Russ, Chair & CEO
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
12/9/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below COVID-19 holiday guidance from the NYC Health Department:
Dear NYCHA Resident:
In preparation for the holiday season and winter months during the COVID-19
state of emergency, NYCHA would like to provide you with the most current and
relevant NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) guidance to help
keep you and your family safe.
It has recently been reported that COVID-19 cases are once again on the rise,
so it is more important than ever to follow these steps to prevent the spread
of the virus:
- Wear a mask when you are in public. You can be contagious without fever or other symptoms. Wearing a face covering outside your home prevents the spread of the virus to your family, friends, and neighbors.
- Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Keep physical distance. Stay at least 6 feet away from other people.
- Avoid large indoor gatherings of people. This is another way the virus spreads quickly, so avoiding crowded spaces can minimize your exposure and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in your community.
- Avoid travel if possible. New Yorkers should stay local and connect with out-of-town family and friends through telephone and other virtual communications this year. Traveling puts you, your family, and your community at risk. If you must travel, we encourage all NYCHA residents to get tested and quarantine after travel. See New York State’s travel quarantine requirements for more information.
- In NYCHA developments and other residential apartment buildings, don’t congregate in lobby areas and keep elevator usage to two people per ride.
- Stay home if you are not feeling well. If you do get sick, stay at home when possible, or only leave home for essential medical care and testing.
- Get tested. There are free COVID-19 testing sites in all five boroughs. To find a site, visit or text “COVID test” to 855-48.
- If you do test positive, please answer your phone. A City operator will call you to connect you to resources and help identify others who may be sick and not know it. All information collected will be kept confidential. The City is here to help you – you will not be penalized in any way for testing positive.
We encourage you to check out these other DOHMH tips for staying healthy during the holiday season:
Finally, NYCHA’s website has the latest information from our City, State, and federal health partners, including guidance on properly ventilating your apartment, especially during holiday dinners and when hosting visitors who are not members of your household. For this, and more COVID-19 information, please visit
The health and safety of NYCHA residents is our number one priority. Working together, we can prevent the spread of COVID-19 in NYCHA developments and across New York City.
Thank you; we wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season!
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
11/17/20 update: Updated Work Order Guidance for NYCHA Employees as of Nov. 12, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
As we have promised since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, every day we are modifying our policies in accordance with guidance provided by DOHMH, as well as Executive Orders and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners.
Today, we are issuing updated Work Order Guidance to Supervisors and Managers, for implementation throughout the Authority, in order to continue slowly expanding the types of work employees will be permitted to conduct in-units. Please read the Guidance here.
Under this updated Work Order Guidance, NYCHA staff can now:
- Kitchen Appliances: Perform any repairs associated with kitchen appliances, including stoves, ovens and refrigerators, as outlined in the Work Order Guidance.
- Leaks: Perform all repairs associated with an additional set of leak work orders, described in further detail in the Work Order Guidance, regardless of Priority Code.
- Windows: Perform any repairs associated with windows during the heat season, as outlined in the Work Order Guidance.
As a reminder, the Work Order Guidance requires that employees must maintain physical distance of at least six feet from other employees (unless the safety of the job requires employees to be closer to one another) and from residents while in the apartment. All staff and all residents over the age of 2 (and any guest in the apartment) must wear a face covering while NYCHA staff are working within the apartment. If a resident refuses to maintain physical distancing or refuses to wear a face covering, employees should stop work, leave the apartment and immediately contact supervision to advise them of the unsafe condition.
As a reminder, NYCHA employees must also conduct the “five-alive” safety check, and correct any related deficiencies, each time an employee enters a unit. We are asking employees to contact with any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, and if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving. As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
Your health and safety is our number one priority. We are incredibly proud and grateful for the work you do every day, and especially during this time of crisis. Your work is essential to NYCHA always.
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & CEO
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
10/28/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of Oct 28, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – Oct 28, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Wisconsin
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
10/15/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below Section 8 program update:
During the current state of emergency for COVID-19, NYCHA continues to work closely with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to monitor the situation regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to adhere to any Executive Orders. Additionally, we are monitoring and adhering to all guidance issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
As the health and safety of our employees, property owners, and participants is our top priority, our walk-in centers will remain closed to the public while the City is under a state of emergency. However, the Owner Extranet and Self-Service Portal remain available for (1) online submission of requests and documents; (2) status updates; and (3) general case information. The Owner Extranet and Self-Service Portal can be accessed online via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. In addition, for those unable to access the online portals, please call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
For your convenience, we created the below comprehensive update to outline how Section 8 processes are being managed at this time.
Eligibility Interviews |
Eligibility interviews will be held over the phone. – If approved, the voucher can be downloaded from the Self-Service Portal at – Please contact or call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 if you require a voucher extension. – NYCHA has issued a 120-day voucher extension to applicants whose Section 8 voucher had an expiration date between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. An additional 60 days voucher extension was issued to applicants whose initial 120-day extension expired without an accepted rental packet. A copy of the updated voucher is available under the “Lease Up Documents” tab on the Self-Service Portal. – To request an additional voucher extension, please send an email to or call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. |
Evictions |
NYCHA encourages all landlords to assist in connecting their tenants with
rental assistance programs. – New York City offers a variety of rental assistance programs for tenants in need. Please refer your tenant to ACCESS NYC or have them call 311 and request the “Tenant Helpline.” – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an order effective Sept. 4, 2020, which prohibits landlords from evicting some tenants for nonpayment of rent through Dec. 31, 2020. To be protected by this Order, tenants must meet specific criteria, including providing their landlord with a signed declaration, which are detailed here. Here is the sample declaration form provided by the CDC. – The Tenant Safe Harbor Act is a new State law stating that tenants who have experienced financial hardship any time from March 7, 2020 to the date when all COVID-19-related safety restrictions are lifted in the region may not be evicted for failing to pay rent first owed during that period. This moratorium lasts until January 1, 2021, at the earliest, pursuant to an executive order issued by the Governor. More information about this state law can be found here, along with information about other State resources. |
HQS Inspections |
NYCHA is not conducting HQS inspections until further notice. – NYCHA will accept an owner’s certification for initial inspections (e.g., New Rentals, Transfers, and Restorations) and initial inspections that initially failed only for non-life-threatening conditions. – NYCHA will temporarily accept, until further notice, an alternate form of verifying completed repairs for life-threatening (“24-hour”) HQS violations for inspections conducted 12/31/19 or later. The suspension timeline for non-life-threatening HQS violations has been extended until further notice. – Please refer to the FAQs on Temporary Program Changes to HQS for answers to frequently asked questions ( |
Informal Conferences | – Informal conferences requested will be held over the phone. |
Lease Renewals & Contract Rent Changes | – Submissions are accepted via the Owner Extranet, mail (address listed below), and email at |
Owner Incentive Program for Rentals |
An owner incentive for rentals is available for: (1) New rentals. Tenants who have recently been issued a Section 8 voucher and will be new Section 8 participants in NYCHA’s Section 8 program; (2) Restorations via transfer. Tenants seeking to have their Section 8 benefits restored by transferring to a new unit; and (3) Port-In. Tenants who are moving to New York City and are transferring their Section 8 assistance to NYCHA. – To receive the rental incentive payment, the rental has to take place between July 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021, and NYCHA must receive the signed HAP contract and Confirmation of Key Issuance form within the specified timeframe. – Owners can check the status of the Owner Incentive Payment on the Owner Extranet. – For more information on this incentive program, please visit: |
Owner Incentive Program for HQS |
An owner will receive a one-time incentive payment in the amount of $1,250
when they make repairs and bring a unit that has been suspended for more than
60 days into HQS compliance. – Eligible units are “Active” in NYCHA’s Section 8 program and the HAP contract has been suspended for 60 days or more due to unrepaired HQS violations (within the unit and/or the public space). – The unit and/or public space must be brought into HQS compliance between July 1, 2020 and May 31, 2021. NYCHA must receive the certification of completed repairs no later than May 31, 2021. – Owners can check the status of the Owner Incentive Payment on the Owner Extranet. – For more information on this incentive program, please visit: |
Ownership Changes | – Ownership changes, including changes in address and direct deposit, can be submitted via mail (address listed below), fax at 1-866-794-0744, and email at Address changes and direct deposit updates can also be submitted online via the Owner extranet. |
Reasonable Accommodations |
Reasonable accommodations can be requested via the Self-Service Portal (
or by calling NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. – NYCHA has provided all participants with an additional 30 days to submit any additional documentation required to review their reasonable accommodation requests. – NYCHA will provide other accommodations, as required, to obtain documents by granting additional extensions of time to obtain supporting documentation or obtaining medical verification by email or by phone. – To help expedite processing, NYCHA is not requiring any supporting documentation for the following accommodations: Voucher Extensions and Requests for 5-borough or Portability Transfers (over 10 months after Lease Up date). |
Recertifications |
Loss of income can be reported via the Self-Service Portal (;
the PO Box noted below for Annual Review (AOI) Documents; or by calling
NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. – NYCHA will accept self-certification of income in the absence of pay stubs and/or employer letters. – Annual and Interim Recertifications that result in an increase to the tenant rent share will be processed with a later effective date. This will prevent the immediate increase to households during this time period. |
Rental Package Returns |
Rental packages will be accepted via the mail (address listed below) or email
If you mail your rental package, please call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center
at 718-707-7771 to confirm that NYCHA has received the rental packet. – NYCHA will accept rental packages for Family Unification Program (FUP) youth up to the age of 26. |
Restoration Requests | – NYCHA will continue to process restoration requests. Requests can be sent via email to |
Transfer Requests |
Transfer requests are being processed. However, there will be a delay in
receiving transfer vouchers in the mail. Please periodically check the
Self-Service Portal, where you will be able to print vouchers, if possible. – NYCHA has issued a 120-day voucher extension to Section 8 participants whose transfer voucher had an expiration date between March 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. An additional 60 days voucher extension was issued to those Section 8 participants whose initial 120-day extension expired without an accepted rental packet. – A copy of the updated voucher is available under the “Lease Up Documents” tab on the Self-Service Portal. – To request an additional voucher extension, please send an email to or call the Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771. |
Terminations | – Termination actions have been suspended while the City is under a state of emergency until further notice. This includes termination actions related to annual recertification, inspection, and fraud. |
Note: Please be aware that there may be delays in processing times, including printing and mailing of documents, during this state of emergency. Please visit the Self-Service Portal and Owner Extranet periodically for status updates and to print any needed documents.
Please visit the Owner Extranet for information on inspection results, suspension status, the status of submitted certifications, and more. You may also call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Mail-in options for Section 8 participants without internet access:
Annual Review (AOI) Documents |
Box 19196 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9196 |
Rental Transfer Documents* |
Box 19199 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9199 |
Letters or Questions |
Box 19201 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9201 |
Portability Documents |
Box 1631 New York, NY 10008-1631 |
*Please call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center at 718-707-7771 to confirm that NYCHA received the rental packet.
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
10/8/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of Oct 8, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – Oct 8, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is
not experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to
work as long as they adhere to the following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
10/6/20 update: Updated Work Order Guidance for NYCHA Employees as of Oct 6, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
As we have promised since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, every day we are modifying our policies in accordance with guidance provided by the City’s Health Department, as well as Executive Orders and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners.
Today, we are issuing updated Work Order Guidance to Supervisors and Managers, for implementation throughout the Authority, in order to start slowly expanding the work employees will be permitted to conduct inside apartments. Please read the Guidance here.
Under this updated Work Order Guidance, NYCHA staff can now:
- Respond to any in-unit Priority Code 4 or 5 work orders for a public health pest type (mice, rats, roaches, and bed bugs). We had previously been responding only to any in-unit Priority Code 6 or 7 work orders for those pest types.
- Perform all repairs associated with a defined set of leak work orders, described in further detail in the Work Order Guidance, regardless of Priority Code.
This Work Order Guidance, based on guidance provided by the NYC Health Department, also removes prior requirements related to the designation of work areas and enforcement of occupancy restrictions in a work area. Instead, the Work Order Guidance now emphasizes that employees must maintain physical distance of at least six feet from other employees (unless the safety of the job requires employees to be closer to one another) and from residents while in the apartment. If a resident refuses to maintain physical distancing, employees should stop work, leave the apartment, and immediately contact supervision to advise them of the unsafe condition.
As a reminder, NYCHA employees must also conduct the “five-alive” safety check, and correct any related deficiencies, each time an employee enters an apartment. We are asking employees to contact with any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, and if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving. As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
Your health and safety is our number one priority. We are incredibly proud and grateful for the work you do every day, and especially during this time of crisis. Your work is essential to NYCHA always.
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
9/23/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of Sept 23, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – Sept 23, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
9/16/20 update (Updated work order guidance for NYCHA employees):
Dear Colleagues,
As we have promised since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, every day we are modifying our policies in accordance with guidance provided by the NYC Health Department, as well as Executive Orders and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners. In the coming weeks and months, we will start to slowly expand the work employees will be permitted to conduct in-units while we also simultaneously enhance our safety protocols across the Authority.
Today, we are issuing updated Work Order Guidance to Supervisors and Managers, for implementation throughout the Authority. Please read the Guidance here. The highlights indicate the changes from the earlier version.
This Work Order Guidance includes a series of additional mandatory safety protocols:
- NYCHA employees will ask three health screening questions before entering an apartment by calling a resident prior to their arrival at the door, or by asking those questions immediately before entering the unit.
- All residents over the age of 2 must wear a face covering while an employee or vendor is in their unit unless they isolate themselves in a separate room with the door closed or leave the apartment while work is being performed. Staff must bring extra masks to distribute to residents.
- After a NYCHA employee enters a unit, the employees must adhere to strict occupancy requirements within a designated work area, as described in the work order guidance, based on the size of the room where the repair is being conducted.
- After conducting work in a unit, NYCHA employees must disinfect any tools and/or equipment used for the work order and any common surfaces touched during the completion of the work order.
- Vendors must upload a Health and Safety Plan to the new vendor portal before conducting work at a NYCHA property.
As a reminder, NYCHA employees must also conduct the “five-alive” safety check, and correct any related deficiencies, each time an employee enters a unit.
Supplies necessary to adhere to the safety protocols, including additional masks for children and adult residents and disinfection supplies, will be distributed to property-based storerooms this week.
In the coming weeks, the Work Order Guidance will also expand the scope of work that can be conducted in occupied units to include a limited set of work orders that are important to maintaining the health and safety of our residents.
We are asking employees to contact with any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, and if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving. As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
Your health and safety is our number one priority. We are incredibly proud and grateful for the work you do every day, and especially during this time of crisis. Your work is essential to NYCHA always.
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
9/15/20 update (Daily COVID-19 health screening information):
Dear Colleagues,
In order to keep our staff and residents healthy and safe — and in accordance with New York State and City mandates — NYCHA staff must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering any NYCHA work location on any given day. This screening will be done via a health screening survey to be completed by staff members before arriving at the worksite.
Upon completion of the survey and depending on the responses, staff members will either receive clearance to enter their worksites or be asked to contact their supervisors. Each survey is valid for entry to the worksite for twelve hours.
The daily screening is accessible in one of the following two ways:
- Online through any device that has internet access by visiting; or
- Via the Now® App downloadable via the Apple Store or Google Play. Please note that NYCHA mobile devices should already have the app installed.
Instructions for both the browser-based access and the app are here. If you are unable to access the online health screening, or are unable to complete the screening, please contact the IT Service Desk at 212-306-7000.
Unless otherwise required by federal, State, or local Executive Order, NYCHA will make best efforts to provide employees who are performing non-essential duties with at least two weeks’ notice of the date that they need to return to their worksite.
As a reminder, here are five ways that we can help keep each other safe:
- Wear a face covering whenever you come into contact with others, including colleagues, residents, and members of the public;
- Maintain social distance of at least six feet;
- Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
- Cover coughs and sneezes; and
- Stay home when you are sick.
Thank you for your cooperation and all that you do in service to the NYCHA community.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
9/11/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below COVID-19-related updates for NYCHA residents:
Dear Residents,
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have modified our policies in accordance with guidance provided by the City’s Health Department as well as Executive Orders and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners.
In the coming weeks and months, we will begin expanding the work that NYCHA employees will perform inside of residents’ apartments, while we further enhance our safety protocols across the Authority.
As you know, we have been responding to – and will continue to respond to – emergency work orders, including:
- No hot water conditions, water leaks, gas leaks, stoppages, electrical issues, interior rat infestations, and hazardous conditions;
- Mold inspections and, if mold conditions are found, the necessary remediation and repair work (except painting);
- Lead inspection and remediation work;
- Gas leaks, stove or refrigerators that are out of order, gas smell, no gas and limited repairs;
- No power in the entire apartment, partial power impacting kitchens or bathrooms, no electrical power to life-sustaining equipment, flooding conditions, cabinets falling off walls, stoppages, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors not working, window guards that are missing/loose, apartment doors not working; and
- In-unit emergency extermination work for mice, rats, roaches, and bed bugs.
In the weeks ahead, we plan to expand work and repairs beyond emergencies.
As we enter this next phase, NYCHA employees will ask residents three health screening questions over the telephone prior to the appointment or at the door before entering the apartment:
- “Will you maintain six feet distance while work in your apartment is being performed?”
- “Will you and all other occupants wear a face covering while work is being performed in your apartment?”
- “Does anyone in the household have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or confirmed to have been infected with coronavirus?”
Staff performing work in apartments will wear a face covering such as a surgical/dust mask. All residents over the age of 2 must wear a face covering for the duration of the time NYCHA staff are working in the apartment, unless they isolate themselves in a separate room with the door closed or leave the apartment while work is being performed. Staff will bring extra masks to distribute to residents, if needed. If a resident refuses to maintain a distance of at least six feet and/or refuses to wear a face covering during the course of the work, staff will leave the unit and reschedule the appointment. If a resident is not feeling well, and the appointment is not an emergency, staff will leave the unit and reschedule the appointment.
After a NYCHA employee enters a unit, they will define a work area, advise the resident of the work area, and adhere to strict occupancy requirements within that work area based on the size of the room where the repair is being conducted. Residents and other occupants will not be permitted in the work area for the duration of the work.
Staff may open a window within the unit to increase ventilation during the repair.
Prior to and after completing work within an apartment, staff will use cleaning and disinfection supplies to wipe down any common surfaces touched during the completion of the work order.
In the coming weeks, we will continue to keep you informed regarding the expanded work that can be conducted in occupied units.
Residents may contact the CCC at 718-707-7771 with any questions. Your health and safety is our number one priority. We are proud to serve you every day, and especially during this time of crisis.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
9/3/20 update: COVID-19-related updates for NYCHA employees
Dear Colleagues,
We know the last several months have been difficult as we navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this time, we’ve seen how NYCHA employees have worked as a team to help keep our residents safe and supported. We’d like to thank and acknowledge you for your dedication and continuous hard work as we address this crisis together.
While New York City continues to make progress every day and is in Phase Four of re-opening, the pandemic is not yet over. As we have promised since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’d like to provide you with an update on NYCHA’s continuing work to protect employee and resident health and safety, which is our top priority.
We are working on ensuring a safe work environment at our offices, which involves updated requirements such as daily health screenings and virtual meetings in place of in-person meetings, as well as providing staff with PPE, sanitizing work areas, and ensuring health and safety protocols like social distancing are in place at developments. More information will be provided once available. As previously advised, unless otherwise required by federal, State, or local Executive Order, NYCHA will make best efforts to provide employees who are performing non-essential duties with at least two weeks’ notice of the date that they need to return to their worksite.
Repairs, Services, and Maintenance
- Planned outages have resumed at NYCHA developments, which includes annual preventative maintenance and capital improvement work. These outages are important for the health and safety of NYCHA residents because they help preserve equipment and infrastructure. This maintenance was delayed due to COVID-19 but resumed during the week of July 13.
- NYCHA continues to
enter apartments for:
- Emergency work orders: no heat and hot water conditions, water leaks, gas leaks or smell, flooding conditions, stoppages, electrical issues, interior rat infestations, high severity bed bug or mice infestations, and other hazardous conditions;
- Work orders for specific conditions: no power in apartment, partial outages affecting kitchens or bathrooms, no electrical power to life-sustaining equipment, cabinets falling off of walls, stoves or refrigerators not working, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors not working, window guards missing or loose, apartment door not working;
- Critical work orders as a result of a court order; and
- Lead or mold remediation.
We continue to stress the importance of keeping everyone safe, by having residents wear face coverings and maintaining social distancing when we enter their apartments to make repairs. Please remember that employees must wear face coverings when working in a central office or development location regardless of the ability to maintain social distancing.
Resources for Employees
- Employees who are also NYCHA residents who experience a loss in their household income may apply for a Rent Hardship by filling out an Interim Recertification. There are three ways to apply: visit the Self-Service Portal, call the CCC at 718-707-7771 (option 5), or contact your Property Management Office to have a paper application mailed to you.
- All residential evictions are suspended until at least October 1.
- NYCHA employees who want to get a COVID-19 test can find local testing sites online or by texting COVID TEST to 855-48.
For the latest updates on NYCHA’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, including information on what to do if you travel out of state, please visit the COVID-19 guidance post on NYCHA Connect and be sure to check your email. We will continue to communicate with you whenever new information is available.
Please keep in mind that although COVID-19 numbers continue to decline, it is still important for New Yorkers to be safe and cautious by practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining social distance, and wearing a mask or face covering that covers both the nose and mouth.
Together, we will continue to overcome these challenges, and we will recover from this pandemic stronger than ever.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
9/2/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of Sept 2, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – Sept 2, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Guam
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Virgin Islands
- Wisconsin
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is
not experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to
work as long as they adhere to the following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
8/31/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below COVID-19-related updates for NYCHA residents:
Dear Residents,
We know the last several months have been difficult as we navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this time, we’ve seen how NYCHA residents have worked as a community to help keep their fellow residents safe and supported. We’d like to thank and acknowledge you for your partnership as we address this crisis together.
New York City continues to make progress every day and is in Phase Four of
re-opening, the pandemic is not yet over. As we have promised since the
beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’d like to provide you with an update on
NYCHA’s continuing work to protect your health and safety, which is our top
Repairs, Services, and Maintenance
- Planned outages have resumed at NYCHA developments, which includes annual preventative maintenance and capital improvement work. These outages are important for the health and safety of NYCHA residents because they help preserve equipment and infrastructure. This maintenance was delayed due to COVID-19 but resumed during the week of July 13.
- NYCHA continues to enter apartments for:
- Emergency work orders: no heat and hot water conditions, water leaks, gas leaks or smell, flooding conditions, stoppages, electrical issues, interior rat infestations, high severity bed bug or mice infestations, and other hazardous conditions;
- Work orders for specific conditions: no power in apartment, partial outages affecting kitchens or bathrooms, no electrical power to life-sustaining equipment, cabinets falling off of walls, stoves or refrigerators not working, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors not working, window guards missing or loose, apartment door not working;
- Critical work orders as a result of a court order; and
- Lead or mold remediation.
When our staff is in your apartment, we request that you and your family wear face coverings and maintain social distancing.
In addition to emergency repair requests, the Customer Contact Center (CCC) has resumed taking all calls related to maintenance repairs, public housing, and Section 8. However, if your call is for a non-emergency maintenance request, CCC representatives will take your request, which will be scheduled at a later date once NYCHA staff resume routine maintenance repairs inside apartments.
The CCC can be reached at 718-707-7771; trained representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residents may also submit emergency repair requests through the MyNYCHA app, however routine maintenance repairs cannot be scheduled at this time.
Rent, Evictions, and Terminations
- Residents who have had their hours cut or lost their jobs may apply for a Rent Hardship by filling out an Interim Recertification. If you have no income at this time, your rent will be zero. There are three ways to apply: visit the Self-Service Portal (, call the CCC at 718-707-7771 (option 5), or contact your Property Management Office to have a paper application mailed to you.
- All residential evictions are suspended until at least October 1.
- NYCHA’s Office of Impartial Hearings continues to be closed until New York State’s “Stay at Home” order is lifted for New York City. All hearings and conferences scheduled during this time period are adjourned. Residents will receive a letter with a new hearing or conference date.
NYCHA’s playgrounds re-opened in June as per guidance from Mayor Bill de Blasio. Any playgrounds that were closed due to safety concerns will remain closed until those issues can be addressed. Basketball courts are also open; however, the City is still in the process of re-installing rims. Visitors to playgrounds and basketball courts must continue to wear face coverings, maintain social distance of 6 feet between each person who does not live in the same household, and avoid high-contact pick-up games. Please also remember that NYCHA playgrounds and basketball courts are not regularly sanitized like NYCHA’s indoor common areas, so please be sure to wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer after each visit.
NYCHA’s Walk-in Centers remain closed.
- NYCHA residents who want to get a COVID-19 test can visit the following link to find testing sites that prioritize NYCHA residents: You may also text COVID TEST to 855-48 or visit to find a testing site near you.
For the latest updates on NYCHA’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, please visit our website at We will continue to communicate with you whenever new information is available.
Please keep in mind that although COVID-19 numbers continue to decline, it is still important for New Yorkers to be safe and cautious by practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining social distance, and wearing a mask or face covering that covers both the nose and mouth.
Together, we will continue to overcome these challenges, and we will recover from this pandemic stronger than ever.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
8/24/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of Aug 24, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – Aug 24, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Virgin Islands
- Wisconsin
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
8/11/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of Aug 11, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – Aug 11, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Virgin Islands
- Wisconsin
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
7/30/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information – as of July 30, 2020 – about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – July 30, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Puerto Rico
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
7/24/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – July 24, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
7/15/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – July 15, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Wisconsin
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is
not experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work
as long as they adhere to the following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
7/9/20 update (UPDATED interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important updated information about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this updated information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim Guidance for NYCHA Employees Arriving in New York State Following Out-of-State Travel – July 9, 2020 Update
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State (NYS) has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is
not experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to
work as long as they adhere to the following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from once of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
7/6/20 update (Interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State after out-of-state travel):
Dear Colleagues,
Please review the below guidance, which contains important information about the procedures that must be followed after traveling to certain states with high rates of COVID-19.
Supervisors, please print and post this information for your staff.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
Interim guidance for NYCHA employees arriving in New York State
after out-of-state travel
Issued July 6, 2020
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states within the United States, and to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
NYCHA employees who return from travel from the following states must adhere to the process outlined in this guidance document:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
Guidance for Travel
The NYS travel advisory is effective at 12:01 am on Thursday, June 25, 2020. If you have traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread as defined above, you must follow the steps described below when you enter New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state.
According to NYS, the requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (i.e., less than 24 hours) through the course of travel. Examples of such brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel.
Essential Worker Requirements
(Please note that non-essential workers (those currently teleworking) should remain home and quarantine as directed by the Travel Advisory)
NYCHA essential workers must take the following steps to comply with the advisory:
- Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival (within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
- If an employee is experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms.
- If an employee is not experiencing COVID-19 related
symptoms, the employee may return to work as long as they adhere to the
following precautions:
- Regular monitoring: Under the supervision of NYCHA’s EHS Department, the employee must self-monitor for a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit every 12 hours and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Wear a mask: The employee must wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- Social distance: The employee must continue social distancing practices, including maintaining, at least, six feet of distance from others.
- Clean and disinfect workspaces: The employer must continue to regularly clean and disinfect all areas, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, and shared electronic equipment.
- Maintain quarantine: The employee must continue to self-quarantine and self-monitor for temperature and symptoms when not at the workplace for 14 days after returning from travel within any of the designated states.
- If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee must be separated and sent home immediately and may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms OR upon receipt of a negative COVID-19 test result.
- If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic or asymptomatic, the employee may return to work upon completing at least 14 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms or 14 days of isolation after the first positive test if they remain asymptomatic.
- Non-essential travel to any state on the above list may impact eligibility for excused leave. Please consult the HR policy for details
Required Notifications
Employees are required to notify EHS, on a daily basis, for 14 days, starting with the first day of work after returning from one of the above States, and his/her direct supervisor if they are experiencing symptoms or receive a positive COVID test, in accordance with the below table:
Health Status | Notify | Frequency | Contact |
No symptoms | EHS | Daily, starting first day of work after returning from the areas above | |
Symptoms | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Positive COVID test | Direct Supervisor | Once, prior to your next scheduled day of work. | Direct supervisor |
Employees who have questions regarding this interim guidance should contact NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department at
6/18/20 update (Information regarding phase 2 of New York’s reopening plan):
Dear Colleagues,
Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that effective this Monday, June 22, New York City will enter Phase 2 of the Moving New York Forward reopening plan. Among other things, entering Phase 2 permits offices, such as NYCHA’s Central Office locations, to begin to allow staff to return to the office. Although New York City is entering Phase 2, NYCHA staff who are currently temporarily working remotely should continue to temporarily work remotely, and will not yet be asked to return to the workplace. NYCHA will provide at least two weeks’ notice to staff as to when they are expected to report back to the workplace. As NYCHA continues to work toward reopening, please keep an eye out for communications regarding next steps. Until then, please continue to be safe and healthy.
Thank you,
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
6/10/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below message about keeping contact information current and how to opt out of receiving text messages with important information from NYCHA:
Dear Residents,
The COVID-19 emergency reminds us of the importance of timely, accurate communication. To deliver important alerts and messages to you, NYCHA is using a new mass notification system called Everbridge. These notifications may be sent via text message, phone call, or email to the head of your household. The messages will be delivered in English, Simplified Chinese, Russian, or Spanish – depending on the language preference noted in your Annual Recertification.
Please take a moment to make sure that we have current contact information for your head of household. You can do that by visiting the “My Profile” section of the NYCHA Self-Service Portal ( or the “Preferences” screen of the MyNYCHA app. You can also call the Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771 to confirm your info with a representative.
If you don’t already have it on your smartphone or tablet, download the MyNYCHA app from the Apple Store or Google Play – it’s free and enables you to create work orders, pay rent online, and more.
Everbridge text messages will appear to come from 89361. Please note that standard text messaging charges from your carrier may apply, depending on your phone plan. If you would like to opt out of receiving these text messages, you can do so through any of these three ways:
· Go to the “My Preferences” screen of the MyNYCHA app and unselect “Enable Text Notifications”;
· In the Self-Service Portal (, go to “My Profile” and uncheck “Opted for Text Alerts”; OR
· Notify a CCC representative at 718-707-7771.
You can also reply to the text message with “STOP” at any time. To resume receiving these text messages, text “RESUME.
Everbridge emails will appear to come from the New York City Housing Authority (from the email address this email address to your contacts to make sure you receive these important emails.
Everbridge phone calls will come from the following numbers, depending on your language preference. Add the relevant phone number to your contacts so you know who is calling. You can call these numbers back at any time to listen to your most recent messages.
· English: 718-865-3518
· Chinese: 718-866-3783
· Russian: 718-612-7878
· Spanish: 718-612-7902
Thank you for your cooperation. We will continue to provide you with timely and important information through a variety of communication channels. If you have any questions, please call the CCC at 718-707-7771.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
5/19/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below Section 8 program update:
During the current state of emergency for COVID-19, NYCHA continues to work closely with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to monitor the situation regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to adhere to any Executive Orders. Additionally, we are monitoring and adhering to all guidance issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
As the health and safety of our employees, property owners, and participants is our top priority, our walk-in centers will remain closed to the public while the City is under a state of emergency. However, the Owner Extranet and Self-Service Portal remain available for (1) online submission of requests and documents; (2) status updates; and (3) general case information. The Owner Extranet and Self-Service Portal can be accessed online via a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
For your convenience, we created the below comprehensive update to outline how Section 8 processes are being managed at this time.
Eligibility Interviews | Eligibility interviews will be held over the phone.If approved, the voucher can be downloaded from the Self-Service Portal at extensions will be granted automatically upon expiration of the voucher. |
Evictions | NYCHA will not approve any Certifications for Basis of Eviction for nonpayment at this time. Reviews will resume on or about August 20, 2020. |
HQS Inspections | NYCHA is not conducting HQS inspections until further notice. NYCHA will accept an owner’s certification for initial inspections (e.g., New Rentals, Transfers, and Restorations) and initial inspections that initially failed only for non-life-threatening conditions. NYCHA will temporarily accept, until further notice, an alternate form of verifying completed repairs for life-threatening (“24-hour”) HQS violations. Suspension timeline for non-life-threatening HQS violations has been extended until further notice. Please refer to the FAQs on Temporary Program Changes to HQS for answers to frequently asked questions. |
Informal Conferences | Informal conferences requested will be held over the phone. |
Lease Renewals & Contract Rent Changes | Submissions are accepted via the Owner Extranet, mail (address listed below), and email at |
Ownership Changes | Ownership changes, including changes in address and direct deposit, can be submitted via the Owner Extranet, mail (address listed below), fax at 1-866-794-0744, and email at |
Reasonable Accommodations | Reasonable accommodations can be requested via the Self-Service Portal ( NYCHA has provided all participants with an additional 30 days to submit any additional documentation required to review their reasonable accommodation requests. NYCHA will provide other accommodations, as required, to obtain documents by granting additional extensions of time to obtain supporting documentation or obtaining medical verification by email or by phone. To help expedite processing, NYCHA is not requiring any supporting documentation for the following accommodations: Voucher Extensions and Requests for 5-borough or Portability Transfers (over 10 months after Lease Up date). |
Recertifications | Loss of income can be reported via the Self-Service Portal ( or via the PO Box noted below for Annual Review (AOI) Documents. NYCHA will accept self-certification of income in the absence of pay stubs and/or employer letters. Annual and Interim Recertifications that result in an increase to the tenant rent share will be processed with a later effective date. This will prevent the immediate increase to households during this time period. |
Rental Package Returns | Rental packages will be accepted via the mail (address listed below) or email at NYCHA will accept rental packages for Family Unification Program (FUP) youth up to the age of 26. |
Restoration Requests | NYCHA will continue to process restoration requests. Requests can be sent via email to |
Transfer Requests | Transfer requests are being processed. However, there will be a delay in receiving transfer vouchers in the mail. Please periodically check the Self-Service Portal, where you will be able to print vouchers, if possible. Voucher extensions will be automatic upon expiration of the voucher. |
Terminations | Termination actions have been suspended while the City is under a state of emergency for at least 60 days. This timeframe will be evaluated as needed. This includes termination actions related to annual recertification, inspection, and fraud. |
Note: Please be aware that there may be delays in processing times, including printing and mailing of documents, during this state of emergency. Please visit the Self-Service Portal and Owner Extranet periodically for status updates and to print any needed documents.
Please visit the Owner Extranet for information on inspection results, suspension status, the status of submitted certifications, and more. For urgent matters, you can contact us via email at (please note that response times may be delayed due to increased volume).
Mail-in options for Section 8 participants without internet access:
Annual Review (AOI) Documents |
Box 19196 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9196 |
Rental Transfer Documents |
Box 19199 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9199 |
Letters or Questions |
Box 19201 Long Island City, NY 11101‐9201 |
Portability Documents |
Box 1631 New York, NY 10008-1631 |
5/15/20 update:
We posted emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below information about NYCHA’s simplified rent hardship policy:
Dear Residents,
NYCHA has simplified its Rent Hardship Policy to make it easier than ever for you to reduce your rent during the COVID-19 crisis.
Who Can Apply for Rent Hardship?
If your hours have been cut at work, or if you have lost your job, please fill out an Interim Recertification application immediately.
As a public housing resident, your rent will always be 30 percent of your household income.
If you have no income at this time, your rent will be ZERO.
There is NO waiting period to report loss of income to NYCHA. Please do not delay.
The standard two-month waiting period normally required to apply for an Interim Recertification has been suspended.
What You Need to Apply for Rent Hardship
Until further notice, NYCHA residents may SELF-CERTIFY their income loss. This means that supporting documents such as pay stubs, a letter from your employer, and/or verification of unemployment benefits, which are usually required to submit the Interim Recertification, are not required at this time.
We will still accept these documents if you have them. We will also accept a handwritten letter from your employer and/or emails, as well as a telephone call from your previous or current supervisor, as verification of your loss of income. However, if none of these items are available at this time, you may provide them to NYCHA at a later date.
With or without these documents, you can SELF-CERTIFY your loss of income, submit your application, and receive a reduction in your rent.
How to Apply for Rent Hardship
For your convenience, there are THREE different ways you may apply for an Interim Recertification:
- Visit NYCHA’s Self-Service Portal at
- Call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7777 (option 5)
- Contact your Property Management Office to request a paper application, which will be mailed to you
- NYCHA Self-Service Portal
Using the NYCHA Self-Service Portal is the quickest and easiest method to apply for rent hardship.
We simplified the online form. Now there are only 6 steps to reduce your rent. Refer to this guide for the step-by-step process.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Identify the person in the household who has lost income.
Step 3: Provide the dates of employment for the job where income was reduced or lost; previous salary; and current salary, if income has been reduced.
Step 4: Provide the type of income that has been lost or reduced.
Step 5: Photograph and upload documents (if available).
Step 6: SELF-CERTIFY and submit.
This online application uses Google Translate to access the application in over 100 languages.
2. Call the Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771 (Option 5)
Residents can now call the CCC at 718-707-7771 (option 5) to complete the Interim Recertification application over the phone. A NYCHA customer service representative will guide you through a brief set of questions; you can SELF-CERTIFY your income loss and submit the Interim Recertification application over the phone.
Residents who require translation services will be simultaneously connected with the Language Helpline, which will assist throughout the process.
3. Contact Your Property Management Office
Residents may also call their Property Management Office to request a paper Interim Recertification application.
You may provide supporting documents with your paper application or take a picture/upload/scan any documents and email them to your Property Management Office.
Once you have completed and submitted the application, you will be contacted by your Property Management Office to SELF-CERTIFY.
For your convenience, we have translated the application into 13 different languages.
You may use the translated application to review the questions in the language of your choice, but you must complete and submit the English application.
When Will the Rent Reduction Go into Effect?
Your rent will be adjusted for the month following the submission of the application. Any rent adjustment that does not take place immediately will be retroactive to the first of the month after you initiated the Interim Recertification request.
If you do not see a change in your rent immediately, NYCHA will accept partial rent payments until the application is processed.
Thank you for your partnership as we navigate these challenging times together.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
5/14/20 update (Updated HR Guidance on NYCHA’s Leave Policy Applicable to COVID-19, effective 5/1/20):
NYCHA’s leave policy has been updated to include many of the recent changes to the City’s leave policy. While the complete policy is linked here and available on NYCHA Connect, the major changes are as follows:
- List of COVID symptoms updated to include additional symptoms, per CDC recommendations.
- Modified definition of “Health Care Providers.”
- An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 is allowed to receive excused leave until the employee is cleared to return to work.
- Clarified language on intermittent leave usage.
- Clarified language on the requirement for doctors’ notes for teleworking employees.
- Clarified language that employees under government or health care quarantine, or caring for someone under government or health care quarantine, must prove they are unable to telework while under the quarantine.
- Documentation requirements for the Expanded Family Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA).
- Clarified that EFMLEA use is reduced by the amount of FMLA leave entitlement taken in the year.
5/13/20 update:
We distributed to residents and posted on the Journal the below message about keeping contact information current and receiving text messages with important information:
Dear Residents,
The COVID-19 emergency reminds us of the importance of timely, accurate communication. To deliver important alerts and messages to you, NYCHA has rolled out a new mass notification system called Everbridge. These notifications may be sent via text message, phone call, or email to the head of your household. The messages will be delivered in English, Simplified Chinese, Russian, or Spanish – depending on the language preference noted in your Annual Recertification.
Please take a moment to make sure that we have current contact information for your head of household. You can do that by visiting the “My Profile” section of the NYCHA Self-Service Portal or the “Preferences” screen of the MyNYCHA app. You can also call the Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771 to confirm your info with a representative.
If you don’t already have it on your smartphone or tablet, download the MyNYCHA app from the Apple Store or Google Play – it’s free and enables you to create work orders, pay rent online, and more.
Everbridge text messages will appear to come from 89361. Please note that standard text messaging charges from your carrier may apply, depending on your phone plan. If you would like to opt out of receiving these text messages, you can reply with “STOP” at any time. To resume receiving these text messages, text “RESUME.”
Everbridge emails will appear to come from the New York City Housing Authority (from the email address Add this email address to your contacts to make sure you receive these important emails.
Everbridge phone calls will
come from the following numbers, depending on your language preference. Add the
relevant phone number to your contacts so you know who is calling. You can call
these numbers back at any time to listen to your most recent messages.
-English: 718-865-3518
-Chinese: 718-866-3783
-Russian: 718-612-7878
-Spanish: 718-612-7902
Thank you for your cooperation. We will continue to provide you with timely and important information through a variety of communication channels. If you have any questions, please call the CCC at 718-707-7771.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
5/5/20 update: News from HR (Updated Information about NYC Subway Service Changes)
Dear NYCHA Employees,
Beginning late tonight (Wednesday, May 6 at 1 a.m.), MTA-New York City Transit will discontinue late-night subway service from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. until further notice. During this time, the MTA will provide expanded bus service, cross honor MetroCards for commuter rails, and provide one free for-hire vehicle trip each night for essential workers.
NYCHA employees who need to access the for-hire vehicle service must register through the MTA’s Essential Connector service. Once registered online, you can call 511 to schedule a trip. Please note that the MTA is limiting this service to those who would otherwise travel more than one hour and twenty minutes by bus or would require more than two bus transfers to get to work.
Please share this information with your staff. Details regarding other MTA late-night services during this time can be found here and here.
Thank you for your commitment to serving New Yorkers.
5/5/20 update: News from HR (Important Information about NYC Subway Service Changes)
Dear NYCHA Employees,
Please note that the MTA announced that, starting May 6, the subway will not be in service from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. daily, and this may impact your commute. To provide transportation to essential workers during these hours, the MTA is enhancing overnight bus service.
For more information on overnight bus service, please visit If overnight bus service does not provide a suitable alternative, essential employees can request a for-hire vehicle to pick them up from work or take them home (i.e., a one-way trip). Please provide your contact information/trip details through this online form to get more information on booking a ride.
Thank you for your commitment to serving New Yorkers.
4/20/20 update:
We distributed to residents and posted on the Journal the below update regarding face coverings and additional protections for residents and employees:
Dear Residents,
The health and safety of our residents and staff is our top priority. Thank you for your ongoing partnership as we work together to address the challenges presented by the Coronavirus pandemic.
We are working around the clock to provide you and your family with essential services and communicate any information that may be helpful and relevant. As the situation develops around COVID-19, we continue to modify our policies according to the guidance we’re receiving from officials like the NYC Health Department and other government partners.
Face Coverings
Governor Cuomo issued important Executive Orders this week about the use of face coverings.
The Governor issued an Executive Order that takes effect on Friday, April 17, 2020, at 8pm which states that any individual, including NYCHA residents, who is over age 2 and able to medically tolerate a face covering will be required to cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth face covering when in a public place and unable to maintain, or when not maintaining, social distance (at a distance of at least six feet). A face covering can include anything that covers your nose and mouth, including dust masks, scarves and bandanas.
You and your family must follow this order when in public spaces and public areas on NYCHA developments, such as hallways, elevators, lobbies, building entrance areas, management offices, playgrounds (which are currently closed), seating areas, and pathways.
In addition, the Governor and the City issued another Order requiring all essential employees to wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose when in direct contact with members of the public – that is, when employees are within six feet or less of any other person in the workplace, including coworkers and residents.
In accordance with this Executive Order, NYCHA is issuing face coverings to all employees working in NYCHA developments and offices where staff may come into direct contact with any other staff member or members of the public, including residents. This includes apartments, public spaces, management office waiting areas, and outdoor areas such as building entrances, playgrounds, seating areas, and pathways.
The purpose of this face covering is to prevent its wearer from potentially spreading COVID- 19 to others. It is not considered to be a substitute to social distancing and hand hygiene.
You should always practice social distancing at a minimum distance of six feet and hand hygiene as the primary measures for protecting yourself against COVID-19.
Additional Protections for Residents and Employees
In addition to wearing face coverings, NYCHA staff visiting residents’ apartments to perform services and repairs will also take other precautionary measures, including asking residents about their health and maintaining at last six feet of social distance from other individuals in the apartment. We also ask that residents wear face coverings to protect NYCHA staff when they are doing work in your apartment.
We recommend that residents also ask staff members about their health before allowing them to enter their apartment. If any member of the household is not feeling well, NYCHA is requesting that family members remain in a separate room with the door closed until the repair is completed. If a separate room is not available, we are asking staff and residents to maintain at least a six-foot distance from each other until the repair is completed.
Staff may also open an apartment window to increase ventilation during the repair.
If the resident chooses to not allow a staff member into their apartment, or to follow these instructions, staff will work with their supervisor to reschedule the appointment.
For the latest updates pertaining to the COVID-19 crisis, please visit our website by clicking here. We will continue to communicate with you whenever new information is available.
Thank you. We will overcome these challenges together, and we will come out of this stronger than ever.
Greg Russ, Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo, General Manager
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
4/16/20 update (Updated Work Order Guidance for NYCHA Employees):
Dear Colleagues,
As we have promised since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, every day we are modifying our policies in accordance with guidance provided by DOHMH, as well as Executive Orders and other mandated protocols issued by our State and local officials and federal partners
We remain committed to informing you of these changes, requirements, and best practices, in real time, so that you can take the proper precautions while performing your duties as essential workers, in service to NYCHA residents and all New Yorkers.
Per Executive Order 202.16, effective April 15, 2020, and DCAS Commissioner Directive 2020-1, all essential employees present in the workplace must wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose when in direct contact with members of the public.
“Direct contact” refers to whenever there is a potential for you to be within six feet or less of any other person, including another staff member or a member of the public, including residents.
To comply with this Executive Order, NYCHA is issuing face coverings to all employees conducting work in NYCHA developments and Central Office locations, where staff may come into direct contact with any other staff member or members of the public, including residents. This includes apartments, public spaces, management office waiting areas, and outdoor areas such as building entrances, playgrounds, seating areas, and pathways
This requirement also applies in any business location – offices, maintenance offices, unoccupied apartments where you may be performing moveout work – where there is the potential for NYCHA staff members to be within six feet or less of another staff member.
The purpose of this face covering is to prevent its wearer from potentially spreading COVID-19 to others. It is not considered to be a substitute to social distancing and hand hygiene.
You should always practice social distancing at a minimum distance of six feet and hand hygiene as the primary measures for protecting yourself against COVID-19.
We issued updated Work Order Guidance to Supervisors and Managers, for immediate implementation throughout the Authority. Please read the Guidance here.
Since the start of the COVID crisis, NYCHA has been advising employees to make a risk assessment about entering or doing work in the apartment by asking key questions. Before entering an apartment, we ask you to politely cooperate with residents to establish the following safe conditions:
- Ask the resident about their health, including if any member of the household is confirmed to have been infected with Coronavirus.
- Encourage residents to ask you questions about your health before you enter.
- Ask the resident to maintain at least a six-foot distance while the repair is being completed.
- Ask the resident to wear a face covering for the duration of the repair.
- If the resident is confirmed to have been infected with Coronavirus, ask the resident to remain in a separate room (where possible) with the door closed until the work is completed.
- If a separate room is not available, ask the resident to wear a face covering and maintain at least a six-foot distance until the repair is completed.
- You may open a window within the unit to increase ventilation during the repair.
- If the resident chooses to not allow you into the apartment, or if they refuse to follow any of the recommended protocols, you may remove yourself from the apartment and immediately contact your supervisor for guidance.
- Please wash your hands with soap and water, and use hand sanitizer if available, after performing repairs inside apartments.
We are asking employees to contact with any questions or concerns regarding time and leave policies, and if you need clarification or have questions regarding this or any work guidance you are receiving. As always, if you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
We continue to make information available to NYCHA employees through direct contact, emails, Everbridge text messages and emails, daily social media posts, and NYCHA Connect. We also launched a COVID-19 resources page for NYCHA employees, residents, and the public.
Your health and safety is our number one priority. We are incredibly proud and grateful for the work you do every day, and especially during this time of crisis. Your work is essential to NYCHA always.
Thank you,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
4/15/20 update:
We issued updated Work Order Guidance to Supervisors and Managers (Version 4, updated 4/14/20), for immediate implementation throughout the Authority. Please read the Guidance here.
4/13/20 update (Updated Guidance on NYCHA’s Leave Policy Applicable to COVID-19):
Effective April 1, 2020, NYCHA’s leave policy for COVID-19 related absences has been revised. Please click here for details.
4/6/20 update:
We distributed to residents and posted on the Journal the below property management update:
Dear Residents:
Thank you for all you have done to keep our NYCHA community and all New Yorkers safe and healthy during this time of crisis.
NYCHA is working 24/7 to ensure that residents receive continuous essential services; to provide you with COVID-19 best practices from national, state and local health officials; and to update you with real-time changes we are making to NYCHA policies and services, based on the information we are receiving.
Please carefully review the following updates.
Services and Suspensions
While all planned heat, hot water and water outages are suspended until further notice, special heating and elevator crews, and other emergency teams, continue to provide 24/7 coverage and repairs.
NYCHA staff will continue to respond to and perform EMERGENCY work orders defined as no heat and hot water conditions, water leaks, gas leaks or smell, flooding conditions, stoppages, electrical issues, interior rat infestations, high severity bed bug or mice infestations, and other hazardous conditions.
NYCHA is also responding to work orders to correct the following specific conditions:
- No power in entire apartment
- Partial power outages impacting kitchens or bathrooms
- No electrical power to life sustaining equipment
- Cabinets falling off walls
- Stoves or refrigerators not working
- Smoke/carbon monoxide detectors not working
- Window guard missing/loose
- Apartment door not working
- We will also respond to work orders related to intercoms and lobby doors, and will provide hot plates to residents without gas.
Additionally, NYCHA is performing certain critical work orders generated as a result of a court order, a commissioner order to abate or other violation, or through our own compliance process.
NYCHA is continuing to enter residents’ apartments to conduct lead remediation, and collect dust wipe samples, only in units in the 92 developments where we presume there is lead based paint and a child under six resides or visits and/or have a positive XRF test result at any development, regardless of having a child under six residing or visits.
We are also conducting mold inspections and, if mold conditions are found, the necessary remediation and repair work. Paint related to mold conditions is suspended.
Furthermore, we are responding to, and follow-up on any interior rat infestations, and previously identified high severity infestations of bed bugs or mice. We have suspended all proactive pest inspections and treatments (including NPII and Targeted Relief) and will only conduct work in common areas and basements as part of our Clean Buildings Initiative.
Residents can call the CCC at 718-707-7771 if they need to request an emergency repair. Trained representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Protections for Residents and Employees
People who do not show symptoms may still be able to spread COVID-19. This week, DOHMH, as well as Federal and State health officials have provided guidance stating that by wearing a face covering, you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to other people. A face covering can include anything that covers your nose and mouth, including dust masks, scarves and bandanas.
Therefore, we are advising all NYCHA residents: please wear a face covering whenever you leave your home, and whenever NYCHA staff or other visitors enter your apartment.
NYCHA staff visiting residents’ apartments to perform the above-mentioned services and repairs will also take precautionary measures before entering, including wearing face and other protective coverings, asking residents about their health, and maintaining social distance – six or more feet – from other individuals in the apartment.
Additionally, we strongly recommend that residents also ask staff members about their health, before allowing entrance into their apartments. If any member of the household is not feeling well, NYCHA is requesting that family members remain in a separate room with the door closed, until the repair is completed. If a separate room is not available, we are asking staff and residents to maintain at least a six-foot distance from each other, until the repair is completed.
Staff may also open a window within the unit to increase ventilation during the repair.
If the resident chooses not to allow a staff member into their apartment, or follow these instructions, staff will work with their supervisor to reschedule the appointment.
Please be aware, in some emergencies, NYCHA staff may need to enter anyway, with the assistance of the local NYPD Police Service Area (PSA) or other first responders if a resident is in danger or immediate action is required because of a safety concern such as shutting down a gas line.
We will continue to make COVID-19 information available through emails, telephone calls, robocalls and signage throughout your developments. For more information, please go to, and download MyNYCHA app, to complete your transactions and receive push notifications.
We thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Together we can keep our NYCHA community safe and healthy.
View this letter in: Español |中文 (繁體 / 简体) | Русский
4/1/20 update (News from HR):
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
Generally, employers covered under the Act must provide employees:
Up to two weeks (80 hours, or a part-time employee’s two-week equivalent) of paid sick leave based on the higher of their regular rate of pay, or the applicable state or Federal minimum wage, paid at:
- 100% for qualifying reasons #1-3 below, up to $511 daily and $5,110 total;
- 2/3 for qualifying reasons #4 and #6 below, up to $200 daily and $2,000 total; and
- Up to 12 weeks of paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave paid at 2/3 for qualifying reason #5 below for up to $200 daily and $12,000 total.
A part-time employee is eligible for leave for the number of hours that the employee is normally scheduled to work over that period.
In general, employees of private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees, and certain public sector employers, are eligible for up to two weeks of fully or partially paid sick leave for COVID-19 related reasons (see below). Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days prior to their leave request may be eligible for up to an additional 10 weeks of partially paid expanded family and medical leave for reason #5 below.
An employee is entitled to take leave related to COVID-19 if the employee is unable to work, including unable to telework, because the employee:
1. is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19; | 5. is caring for his or her child whose school or place of care is closed (or child care provider is unavailable) due to COVID-19 related reasons; or |
2. has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine related to COVID-19; | 6. is experiencing any other substantially-similar condition specified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. |
3. is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis; | |
4. is caring for an individual subject to an order described in (1) or self-quarantine as described in (2); |
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) has the authority to investigate and enforce compliance with the FFCRA. Employers may not discharge, discipline, or otherwise discriminate against any employee who lawfully takes paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave under the FFCRA, files a complaint, or institutes a proceeding under or related to this Act. Employers in violation of the provisions of the FFCRA will be subject to penalties and enforcement by WHD.
To print and post an official copy of the poster you can go to NYCHA Connect or the HR Corner.
For additional information or to file a complaint: 1-866-487-9243; TTY:1-877-889-5627.
Supervisors: Please post in a conspicuous area.
3/30/20 update:
We emailed to residents and posted on the Journal the below information about waste management best practices:
Dear Residents,
Now more than ever we must work together to keep our families healthy and our developments clean and safe.
COVID-19 impacts all of us, including the NYCHA workforce. We are grateful for your cooperation and for all you have done to share accurate information with neighbors, follow and promote social distancing, and maintain safety precautions throughout our developments.
We are disinfecting high-touch, high-traffic areas of our buildings, including trash chute doors, several times a week. But we need your help. Here are some simple things that we can do to keep healthy, help manage waste and reduce pests in our apartments and grounds, and help NYCHA focus on providing continued, essential services to families:
- Collect household trash in small bags and dispose of them in the trash chute on your floor daily. Trash left in hallways or other non-designated areas can attract pests.
- If you have larger bags of trash, please put those in the containers outside your building (or in the ground-floor trash chute with an enlarged door, if your development has one).
- Bulk items should be taken to your development’s designated drop-off site.
- Please put recyclables (mixed paper/cardboard, metal, rigid plastic, glass, and cartons) in the designated bins outside.
- To help reduce pests, please keep food covered in the kitchen, avoid disposing food outdoors, and pick up your dog’s waste from the grounds.
- Maintain safe health practices, including frequent handwashing, to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
We continue to make COVID-19 information available through direct outreach to residents, including robocalls, emails, multilingual posters, the MyNYCHA app, daily social media posts, and posts on our resident, employee, and public websites (such as
We strongly encourage residents to download the MyNYCHA app to receive push notifications on your smartphone about new guidance as soon as it becomes available.
Please call the CCC at 718-707-7771 if you need to request an emergency repair. Trained representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank you for helping to maintain the health and safety of our NYCHA community.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/26/20 update (Employee confidentiality in the age of COVID-19):
Dear Colleagues,
Supervisors are not permitted to disclose that an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This is information that must remain confidential. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits the disclosure of confidential medical information unless a supervisor must implement work restrictions for public health and safety reasons.
Please be reminded that it is a violation of the New York City Conflict of Interest Law and NYCHA’s General Regulations of Behavior to disclose confidential New York City or NYCHA information or use confidential information for any non-New York City or non-NYCHA purpose, even after termination of employment. This includes medical information you may learn regarding your staff members during the COVID-19 crisis.
If a supervisor receives confirmation of a diagnosis from an employee, the supervisor must contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) by sending the documentation to Documentation may include a note from a healthcare provider or public health authority. The supervisor may then advise location employees of their potential exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace (but should not identify the infected employee by name).
If a case is suspected but not yet confirmed, communicate with affected employees to let them know that an employee has not tested positive for the virus but has been exhibiting symptoms and diagnosis is pending. Maintain confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
If you think you or your staff may have been exposed to COVID-19, monitor your health more closely than usual for cold or flu symptoms.
If you or your staff develop symptoms (cough, fever, or shortness of breath), stay home and contact your medical provider if symptoms worsen. If symptoms develop during business hours, place the person who is ill in a separate room/area away from others and ask them to wear a face mask. Sick employees should be sent home immediately. We appreciate your hard work and commitment to keeping NYCHA moving forward while we adapt to new and ever-changing circumstances in response to COVID-19. Please feel free to reach out via email ( or through other means as we all adjust to these difficult times.
Thank you for your service,
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/25/20 update:
We posted the below information, in English and Spanish, on The NYCHA Journal to let New Yorkers impacted by the coronavirus pandemic know about vital resources, including home-delivered food, available from other City agencies and community-based organizations:
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting all New Yorkers and increasingly disrupting the city’s daily life. The most vulnerable members of our community, including seniors and people with chronic health conditions, are being significantly impacted and need additional support.
In response, the City of New York is providing home-delivered food to seniors and people with chronic health conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, who have been advised to stay home as much as possible for their safety. If you or someone you know is a highly vulnerable resident who cannot leave their home to get food and has no other way of getting food, you or they may be eligible to receive home delivery. For more details, visit
As we continue to monitor COVID-19, NYCHA is working with a range of City agencies and community-based organizations to connect residents to local resources. Below is a list of food and other resources available. We will continue to update this list as we learn of more resources. Together, we can help take care of our NYCHA community.
Department for the Aging (DFTA):
- DFTA is providing grab-and-go meals at senior centers, including DFTA-operated centers at NYCHA. Visit DFTA Senior Centers to find the nearest center.
Department of Education (DOE):
- Starting Monday, March 23, the DOE is providing three free grab-and-go meals for children at 400 sites across the city. Visit NYC DOE Free Meals or call 311 for locations and information.
- DOE is also providing tablets for students who need internet connectivity and hardware for distance learning. To register your family, visit NYC DOE Remote Learning Devices.
SNAP Benefits
- To apply for SNAP benefits, visit Access HRA or call 718-557-1399 to have an application mailed to you.
City Harvest and Food Bank:
City Harvest and Food Bank are distributing fresh food and household products at several NYCHA developments throughout the city. Additional locations will be added next week. Here are the currently scheduled sites:
3/28: Dyckman, Queensbridge
4/1: Mariners Harbor
4/4: Astoria, Tompkins
4/7: Stapleton
4/8: Dyckman
4/9: Prince Hall
4/11: Melrose, St. Mary’s
4/14: Queensbridge
4/15: Tompkins
4/16: Astoria
4/18: Mariners Harbor, Stapleton
4/22: Melrose
4/25: Dyckman, Queensbridge
4/28: St. Mary’s
Food Pantries:
Many food pantries are continuing to distribute food throughout the city. For a list of pantries, please click here.
Visit for additional resources and information and to download the latest fliers and fact sheets in multiple languages. To receive important updates about COVID-19 in New York City, text COVID to 692-692 or COVIDESP to 692-692 for Spanish.
3/22/20 update:
NYCHA Human Resource Guidance #3 updated March 22, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
NYCHA has been in regular communication with New York City Emergency Management, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and other City agencies to discuss COVID-19 and how it could impact our agency operations, as well as the safety and well-being of NYCHA and its employees.
We recognize that a health matter like COVID-19 and the responses recommended by public health officials could impact some employees’ ability to report to work in a safe manner. In consultation with the New York City Law Department, Department of Citywide Administrative Services, and the City’s Office of Labor Relations, we issue this guidance on special leave policies applicable to NYCHA staff.
On March 7, 2020, NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department issued guidance on COVID-19. Consistent with this guidance, the below summary provides more specific information about NYCHA’s leave policies as they apply to COVID-19. This guidance supersedes prior Guidance on NYCHA Leave Policy Applicable to COVID-19.
If you have questions or need further guidance regarding NYCHA’s leave policies, please email in Human Resources for assistance.
Essential Employees: Essential employees must telework where possible, subject to the terms and conditions of the telework policy issued on March 15, 2020. Essential employees who cannot telecommute must report to work. Your supervisor will advise you whether you are essential or non-essential. As COVID-19 develops, designation of an employee as essential or non-essential may change.
Non-Essential Employees: Non-essential employees are expected to telework where possible. Non-essential employees may also be re-assigned to perform essential services within NYCHA or as needed by other agencies.
Employees who refuse to perform assigned work or to obtain equipment provided by NYCHA necessary to telework shall be charged accrued leave and may be subject to discipline. In the rare instance where a non-essential employee is unable to work due to lack of equipment or work, the employee will be granted excused leave with pay without charge to leave accruals.
Employees performing essential functions who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19
Employees performing essential services who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 that are not due to a pre-existing condition must stay home. Symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- Fever (temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius)
- Cough
- Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
- Sore throat
An employee who does not exhibit these symptoms but has been exposed to another person who is (or may be) infected with COVID-19 may choose to stay home to monitor symptoms, but will have to use their accrued leave balance to do so. If an employee is concerned about exposure and does not have the accrued leave balances to stay home, NYCHA may advance up to 10 days leave while the employee monitors for symptoms. Please email in Human Resources for further guidance.
If the employee had or may have had COVID-19, the employee must not report to work for seven days after the symptoms started or for three days after the fever has stopped, whichever is longer. Such absences will be deemed excused and the employee will be granted leave with pay and without any charge to leave accruals. Employees should provide proof that they meet the conditions of excused leave. Documentation obtained from Teladoc or other online doctor’s services will be accepted. Any further absence after the subsiding of symptoms, as described in this paragraph, will be charged to leave accruals.An employee may be granted excused leave for absence due to symptoms of COVID-19 without receiving confirmation of infection one time only. Any subsequent leave that the employee takes because the employee is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will be charged to accrued leave, unless the employee provides proof of a positive test for COVID-19.
If an employee is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, the employee’s supervisor or manager should instruct the employee to go home. Within 24 hours of instructing an employee to go home under this circumstance, the employee’s supervisor or manager must notify the Human Resources Department.
Effective immediately, the length of absence that requires an employee to submit required documentation upon return to work is extended from absences of more than three consecutive days to absences of more than five consecutive days.
Employees who are impacted by school closings
Employees who cannot report to work because their child’s school has closed may use their accrued leave. Employees who do not have adequate accrued leave may request up to 10 days of advanced leave in accordance with the terms of NYCHA’s HR manual. If you believe you will or have exhausted your available annual leave as a result of your child’s school closing, please email in Human Resources for further guidance.
Please keep in mind, information that an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 must be held confidential. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits the disclosure of confidential medical information unless a supervisor must implement work restrictions for public health and safety reasons.
As a reminder, an employee may seek a reasonable accommodation for a medical condition, including a COVID-19-related condition, by submitting a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation, consistent with the process described in SP 007:01:1. An employee requesting a reasonable accommodation must submit medical documentation in support of his/her request.
The well-being of our residents and employees is paramount. We know that we can count on your leadership during this ever-changing situation to keep our NYCHA community healthy and safe. We are informing NYCHA residents and employees of best practices for staying healthy and stopping the spread of germs, through ongoing direct outreach, notifications at our developments, and digital communications. We will continue to keep you up to date in the days and weeks ahead.
In the meantime, DOHMH recommends the following:
- It’s not too late to get your flu shot! Although it will not protect you from COVID-19, it will help prevent the flu, which has similar symptoms to this Coronavirus.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing – do not use your hands.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
- Stay home when you are sick.
For more information, go to
Thank you for your service.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/20/20 update:
We provided NYCHA residents the below guidance regarding how NYCHA is working to help keep both residents and NYCHA employees safe and healthy:
Dear Residents,
NYCHA’s Property Management Offices are open, but to further implement social distancing best practices, we have reduced the number of staff in every office and we have suspended direct-contact meetings between staff and residents.
Management Office staff will continue to assist residents via telephone, email, and through scheduled appointments to speak to staff from behind the reception desk.
Property Management Offices will accept documentation in the office or via email; they will be available to discuss confidential information via phone or in the office; they will accept notices of intent to vacate and return keys, and requests for cylinder/mailbox changes or copies of keys; and they will accept responses to the Annual Window Guard Notice and Child Under 6 Survey.
There will be no in-person rent collection. Rent should be paid via mail, phone, the MyNYCHA app, and online through authorized banks. If you are concerned about paying your rent or you are experiencing financial hardship, please get details here for more information about programs you may qualify for.
NYCHA Development Services Update
While all planned heat, hot water, and water outages are suspended until further notice, special heating and elevator crews, and other emergency teams, continue to provide 24/7 coverage and repairs.
NYCHA staff will continue to perform EMERGENCY maintenance and repairs in apartments.
- We will be responding to EMERGENCY work orders, which include no heat and hot water conditions, water leaks, gas leaks, flooding conditions, stoppages, electrical issues, and hazardous conditions.
- We will respond to work orders to correct the following specific conditions: No power in the entire apartment; partial power impacting kitchens or bathrooms; no electrical power to life-sustaining equipment; cabinets falling off walls; pest infestations; stove or refrigerators not working; smoke/carbon monoxide detectors not working; window guard missing/loose; apartment door not working.
- We will conduct lead remediation, and will collect dust wipe samples, only in units in the 92 developments where we presume there is lead-based paint and a child under 6 resides or visits and/or there is a positive XRF test result regardless of whether a child under 6 resides or visits.
- We will perform critical work orders generated as a result of a court order, a commissioner order to abate or other violation, or through our own compliance process.
Residents can call the Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771 to report emergencies.
NYCHA staff visiting residents’ apartments to perform the above-mentioned services and repairs will take precautionary measures before entering apartments, including asking about residents’ health and maintaining social distance.
Staff may also wear masks or gloves while working in residents’ apartments, and may ask to open windows to increase ventilation during the repair. If safe health conditions are not possible, or if residents refuse entry, NYCHA may need to reschedule the appointment.
In some emergencies, NYCHA staff may need to enter anyway, with the assistance of the local Police Service Area (PSA) or other first responders, if a resident is in danger or immediate action is required because of a safety concern such as shutting down a gas line. We hope you understand that we must put the safety of residents first, and these actions would be necessary to protect you and your neighbors.
Please note, these services may be amended in the days ahead as we receive further guidance from New York State and local officials regarding additional precautions we must take to stop the spread of COVID-19.
We continue to make COVID-19 information available through direct outreach to residents, including robocalls, emails, multilingual posters, the MyNYCHA app, daily social media posts, and posts on our resident, employee, and public websites (such as
Please call the CCC at 718-707-7771 if you need to request an emergency repair. Trained representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We thank you for your continued cooperation, support, and valuable feedback. Together we can keep our NYCHA community safe and healthy.
3/17/20 update:
NYCHA has taken steps to alleviate financial hardships that public housing and Section 8 residents may face due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), including suspending all termination actions during the City’s state of emergency and informing residents of how they can report a reduction in income to NYCHA. Click here for more information applicable to public housing residents and here for more information applicable to Section 8 voucher holders.
3/17/20 update:
Dear Colleagues,
The NYCHA workforce is critical to successfully preventing the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to providing ongoing quality services to our public housing and Section 8 residents.
New York City workers are world-renowned for their heroism, leadership, and profound compassion in times of crisis, and right now these remarkable qualities are required again.
3/17/20 update:
NYCHA has taken steps to alleviate financial hardships that public housing and Section 8 residents may face due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), including suspending all termination actions during the City’s state of emergency and informing residents of how they can report a reduction in income to NYCHA. Click here for more information applicable to public housing residents and here for more information applicable to Section 8 voucher holders.oda
We are confident that every NYCHA employee will work proudly, in collaboration, to address this emergency.
It is imperative that all NYCHA managers and employees follow the directives we are providing to you through direct management channels, emails, text messages, telephone messages, and our online communications platforms, including the NYCHA website and the NYCHA Connect intranet page.
This week we provided information to all employees regarding our telework policy for staff members with duties that can be performed remotely, in order to implement NYC Health Department social distancing best practices and maintain the health of our workforce.
Additionally, we provided an updated Human Resources leave policy, to address specific circumstances related to this health emergency.
We also provided guidance to employees who may have direct contact with residents, as well as guidance regarding temporarily suspending internal and public meetings and events.
While property management offices are still open, we are suspending direct meetings with residents per social distancing best practices; management office staff will continue to assist residents via phone, email, and scheduled appointments with staff from behind the reception desk.
NYCHA staff will continue to perform emergency maintenance and repairs. However, we are suspending all planned outages until further notice. Residents should use MyNYCHA to reschedule work orders and submit emergency repair requests.
We are also halting resident evictions for as long as the City is under a state of emergency, postponing administrative hearings, and informing residents about our rent hardship policy.
To help prevent the spread of coronavirus, we are conducting deep cleanings of seniors-only buildings and applying an additional product that prevents germs from spreading on surfaces. All our buildings are being cleaned daily, with increased frequency.
NYCHA leadership is working closely with our government partners to ensure our plans are responsive to this rapidly changing health event, and we will continue to keep you informed in real-time.
If you have questions or need clarification on guidance you’ve received, please email
If you receive guidance or observe a practice or event that is not aligned with our values, or you believe is deceptive, please submit your concern by visiting or by calling the CCC at 718-707-7771 (and selecting menu option 7).
And we encourage employees to sign up for Direct Deposit, which deposits your pay into your checking or savings account on payday. Visit to sign up.
We are working every day to transform NYCHA, and today we are counting on your extraordinary talent and professionalism to ensure the health and safety of our public housing and Section 8 residents.
Thank you for your service.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/15/20 update
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below NYCHA’s Emergency Telework Policy that is consistent with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s request for 10 percent of the City’s workforce to work from home, as well as guidance from the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on best practices for social distancing to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). This policy is also available in PDF format on HR Corner. Your supervisor will advise you if you have been selected for telework in the next few days.
- Purpose of the Emergency Telework Policy
NYCHA’s Emergency Telework Policy During the COVID-19 Outbreak is intended to continue essential services during a declared state of emergency. Employees may be permitted to telework during a declared state of emergency under the following conditions.
- Terms and Conditions of Participation
- Telework is generally not appropriate for field workers or other employees who provide direct resident services.
- Telework arrangements must be approved by the employee’s supervisor and the Human Resources Department.
- Employees must have the necessary hardware, software and internet service to telework. The employee’s direct supervisor is responsible for confirming that the employee has internet access, and necessary hardware and software. Employees are responsible for maintaining this equipment, exercising reasonable care with NYCHA-owned hardware, and Internet Service Provider costs.
- Employees participating in telework must be available to participate in conference calls and team meetings as necessary.
- Employees must enter all their time in KRONOS. Non-managerial employees who are ineligible to enter time in KRONOS must submit alternate timesheets to their supervisor before 4:00 PM the Monday after the pay period closes.
- Requests for leave must be submitted and approved in advance unless due to illness, injury or emergency. Employees may be required to provide documentation.
- Employees must report injuries occurring at the telework worksite during work hours in accordance with the procedures for Worker’s Compensation claims.
- Employees will not perform personal business or activities during agreed-upon work hours.
- Supervisors must check in with their staff who are working remotely to assign and check on deliverables a minimum of 3 times per week. Supervisors should use their discretion and check-in more frequently as needed.
- Employees must follow all information security protocols when using NYCHA electronic equipment and/or accessing NYCHA systems.
- Employees must safeguard NYCHA records from unauthorized disclosure or damage and will comply with all applicable NYCHA and NYC policies and standards on information security.
- Overtime must be approved in advance.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/13/20 update:
Dear Colleagues,
The health and safety of our employees and residents is NYCHA’s top priority. Today, we are asking NYCHA managers to temporarily suspend in-person internal group meetings, public meetings, and events.
This guidance is consistent with the best practices that we are promoting to stop the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), effective immediately. We will reevaluate this policy in 30 days.
During this time, we are encouraging the following:
- Host internal group meetings via conference calls and Microsoft Teams.
- Convene staff for in-person meetings only when it is absolutely necessary.
- If your department is hosting a meeting or event for residents and other external audiences, inform residents as soon as possible about the postponements or cancellations. Please work with Community Engagement and Partnerships, the Department of Communications, and development staff to publicize.
- If appropriate, consider hosting webinars and/or providing residents and external stakeholders with conference calls or virtual meeting options.
For more information, go to
We know that we can count on your leadership during this ever-changing situation to keep our NYCHA community healthy and safe. We will continue to keep you up to date in the days and weeks ahead.
3/13/20 update:
Dear Colleagues,
We are presently working to finalize a teleworking policy that is consistent with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s request for 10 percent of the City’s workforce to work from home, as well as guidance from the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on best practices for social distancing to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
This policy will be rolled out over the next couple of days and will apply to a small portion of our workforce. Out of an abundance of caution, we encourage all staff throughout the Authority to identify and prepare the tools that are most necessary to their job function, so that we can continue to serve our residents under all circumstances.
Staff may access their office computers by using VPN on a Windows-based laptop or desktop computer. Your office computer needs to be on for VPN access to work; you may sign out at the end of the day, but please do not shut down. If you do not currently have VPN access, please submit an IT Services Request form through Movaris. Check the box “SSL (VPN Access)” and a drop-down menu will appear asking if terminal services are required; select “Yes.”
For more information on how to set up VPN on your laptop or desktop computer, please reference “Windows 10 Remote Access” and watch this video.
Staff may also access their NYCHA email by visiting, and they may also use the cloud-based OneDrive to save, access, and share documents.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
3/13/20 update (Human Resources Guidance #2):
Dear Colleagues,
NYCHA has been in regular communication with New York City Emergency Management, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and other City agencies to discuss COVID-19 and how it could impact our agency operations, as well as the safety and well-being of NYCHA and its employees.
We recognize that a health matter like COVID-19 and the responses recommended by public health officials could impact some employees’ ability to report to work in a safe manner. In consultation with the New York City Law Department, Department of Citywide Administrative Services, and the City’s Office of Labor Relations, we issue this guidance on special leave policies applicable to NYCHA staff.
On March 7, 2020, NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department issued guidance on COVID-19. Consistent with this guidance, below is a short summary that provides more specific information about NYCHA’s leave policies as they apply to COVID-19. We will provide updated guidance as it becomes available.
If you have questions or need further guidance regarding NYCHA’s leave policies, please email in Human Resources for further guidance.
Employees who have been diagnosed with COVID-19
Employees who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 will receive excused time for the period that they are symptomatic, and 10 calendar days after resolution of their symptoms. After this period, time off will be charged against accrued leave balances. If an employee has exhausted his/her accrued leave balances, at the Authority’s discretion, NYCHA may either advance annual leave or grant excused leave in accordance with the terms of NYCHA’s HR manual. Employees will be required to submit proof of diagnosis.
Employees under a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) (or another municipal health department) order or Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendation to isolate, quarantine, or home self-monitor
The CDC website is updated regularly with guidance about who is recommended to self-monitor. Employees directed to isolate, quarantine, or home self-monitor by CDC, DOHMH, or another municipal health department will receive up to 10 days excused leave to isolate, quarantine, or self-monitor. Employees will be required to submit proof that they were ordered or recommended to isolate, quarantine, or self-monitor by CDC, DOHMH, or another municipal health department.
Employees who choose to self-monitor at home (i.e., are not self-monitoring based on a health department order or CDC recommendation)
Employees who choose to self-monitor at home (i.e., are not self-monitoring, isolating, or quarantined based on a health department order or CDC recommendation) must use accrued leave balances for such absences. If an employee has exhausted his/her accrued leave balances, NYCHA may, at the Authority’s discretion, advance annual leave or grant excused leave in accordance with the terms of NYCHA’s HR manual. If you believe you will or have exhausted your available annual leave during isolation, quarantine, or home self-monitor, please email in Human Resources for further guidance.
Employees who are impacted by school closings
Employees who cannot report to work because their child’s school has closed may use their accrued leave. Employees who do not have adequate accrued leave may request up to 10 days of advanced leave in accordance with the terms of NYCHA’s HR manual. If you believe you will or have exhausted your available annual leave as a result of your child’s school closing, please in Human Resources for further guidance.
Employees who exhibit flu-like symptoms
If an employee is exhibiting flu-like symptoms and NYCHA reasonably determines that the employee’s health condition may threaten the safety of other employees, NYCHA can instruct the employee to go home and require the employee to provide a health care provider/doctor’s note clearing the employee to return to work. The employee will be required to use annual leave. If the employee has exhausted his/her accrued leave balances, NYCHA may, at the Authority’s discretion, advance annual leave or grant excused leave in accordance with the terms of NYCHA’s HR manual.
Please keep in mind, information that an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 must be held confidential. The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits the disclosure of confidential medical information unless a supervisor must implement work restrictions for public health and safety reasons.
As a reminder, an employee may seek a reasonable accommodation for a medical condition, including a COVID-19-related condition, by submitting a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation, consistent with the process described in SP 007:01:1. An employee requesting a reasonable accommodation must submit medical documentation in support of his/her request.
Employees who report to work despite a DOHMH (or other municipal health department) order to quarantine
If an employee reports to work despite a DOHMH (or other municipal health department) order to quarantine, isolate, or self-monitor at home, or NYCHA has reason to believe that the employee meets the CDC’s criteria for recommended self-monitoring, the supervisor should contact NYCHA Human Resources. Human Resources will coordinate with the Environmental Health and Safety Department to notify DOHMH. DOHMH may order the person to quarantine or take them under supervision.
Except for those employees who are isolated or quarantined or self-monitoring (as described above) and those employees who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (as described above), there is no obligation beyond NYCHA’s Time and Leave Regulations to pay a sick employee who is instructed to stay home or who is sent home. Where an employee is advanced leave, it must be repaid according to the policy in NYCHA’s Human Resources manual.
The well-being of our residents and employees is paramount. We know that we can count on your leadership during this ever-changing situation to keep our NYCHA community healthy and safe. We are informing NYCHA residents and employees of best practices for staying healthy and stopping the spread of germs, through ongoing direct outreach, notifications at our developments, and digital communications. We will continue to keep you up to date in the days and weeks ahead.
In the meantime, DOHMH recommends the following:
- It’s not too late to get your flu shot! Although it will not protect you from COVID-19, it will help prevent the flu, which has similar symptoms to this Coronavirus.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing or coughing – do not use your hands.
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
- Stay home when you are sick.
For more information, go to
Greg Russ
Chair & Chief Executive Officer
Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager
3/7/20 update:
Dear Colleagues,
In light of the emergence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, please review the below information about NYCHA’s time and leave policies during an emergency. NYCHA provides service to our residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For this reason, NYCHA employees are required to report to work during their regularly scheduled work hours.
Employees Who Provide Essential Services
All employees who provide essential NYCHA services must report to work. Unless there is specific guidance from Human Resources otherwise, employees who provide essential NYCHA services will not be excused from their scheduled shifts and work obligations and will be approved for leave only if it was previously approved.
If an employee is unable to report to work due to a personal emergency or illness, leave may be granted according to NYCHA’s Time and Leave rules and regulations only at the discretion of the Department Director or their designee. Documentation may be required to support the request. Exceptions may be made under limited circumstances by Human Resources.
Declared Emergency
In the event of a declared emergency in the five boroughs of New York City, NYCHA will make reasonable attempts to post instructions on its website (, and employees should follow those announcements.
NYCHA is awaiting guidance from the City of New York regarding telecommuting for eligible employees. However, it is critical that all employees, especially those who provide direct services to NYCHA residents, have plans in place to address personal and family needs so that they are able to report to work.
Thank you for all that you do in service to our communities.