General Cyber Security Tips
Glenn Davis, IT Deputy Director for Administration Physically secure your work area and data before leaving it unattended. Lock your screen. Remember, you are
responsible for activity performed using your user ID. - Use passwords that can’t be easily guessed. A non-word with one or more numbers inserted in the middle (not at the end) is the best choice. To make a memorable and secure password use the letters from a phrase/song, add digits, special characters and use upper and lower case letters.
- Keep your password private. Do not give your password to anyone or type it when someone is watching.
- Don’t leave portable equipment including laptops, tablets, phones and Blackberries unattended. Lock it up, lock it down, or take it with you.
- Lock doors and cabinets when you walk away. Employ clear desk/clear screen practices.
- Practice safe Internet use. Don’t install or download unknown or unsolicited programs on your computer. These can harbor behind-the-scenes computer viruses or open a “back door” giving others access to your computer without your knowledge.
- Dispose of confidential information in a secure manner.You may email questions about cyber security to Mr. Davis at