Fire Safety Tips
NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department works to ensure decent, safe, and sanitary environments for our residents and employees. To promote safe and healthy environments, EH&S inspects work performed at NYCHA related to mold, lead, asbestos, heat, elevators, fire safety, and pests. EHS&S also maintains a complaints forum and investigates reports of unsafe EH&S conditions. To carry out this vital work, EH&S is organized into the following units: Environmental Hazards, Building Systems Safety, Employee Safety Oversight, and Analysis and Engagement. To contact EH&S, please visit or call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center (CCC) at 718-707-7771.
In recognition of Fire Prevention Month, which is every October, EH&S would like to provide you with the below fire safety tips from the FDNY that can help keep you, your family, and your neighbors safe.
Please keep in mind that if a resident’s smoke/carbon monoxide detector is not working, they should call the CCC at (718) 707-7771 or use the MyNYCHA app to create a work order for a replacement.
Thank you,
NYCHA’s Environmental Health and Safety Department