Employee Saves Baby from Fall

On April 18, while supervising a roof repair from the top of a building at Unity Plaza in Brooklyn, Technical Advisor Anthony Vecchi saw something that grabbed his attention: A baby in diapers was holding onto a window ledge by one hand, swinging back and forth.
“I immediately screamed down for somebody to do something,” Mr. Vecchi said. That’s when Led Abatement Worker Clay Snyder sprang into action.
“I jumped onto the scaffold, climbed six stories up on the fire escape to the top floor, and grabbed the baby with one hand,” he said. “Then I called for someone to come from the apartment.”
Fortunately, the baby’s father quickly appeared to take his son back through the open window. He thanked Mr. Snyder and then closed the window guard.
“I thought I was going to see something that you hear about in the news,” said Mr. Vecchi, before Mr. Snyder’s quick response.
Asked how he felt about the rescue, Mr. Snyder responded, “I felt relieved and happy that I could respond fast enough.” Describing himself as “pretty nimble,” Mr. Snyder scaled the fi re escape steps up the six stories in about 30 seconds to grab the dangling child.
When Mr. Snyder told his finance what he had done, she was impressed, he said. She’s not the only one!