Congratulations NYCHA Marathon Runners

Congratulations to nine tenacious runners who successfully completed the TSC New York City Marathon on November 1 or other recent marathons as far away as Alaska. Just finishing a 26.2-mile marathon is an accomplishment, and some of these runners, who are all members of NYCHA’s Running Team, did it with extra challenges or goals in mind.
Computer Specialist Bob Nordman, team co-captain, plans on reaching his quest to run marathons in all 50 states this year and has just two more marathons to run next year for a lifetime total of 100 marathon races or longer.
Supervisor Carpenter Kevin Tunney didn’t let being sick the night before stop him—he walked and coughed the last five miles. How’s that for persistence?
Supervisor Plasterer German Echeverry overcame tendonitis until mile 18 then had to finish the race “almost on one leg.” Comparing a marathon to life, “No matter what happens, don’t give up,” he says.
“My objective in running is to stay healthy,” said Computer Specialist David Eng. “The sight and sounds of thousands of cheering fans lining the sidewalk was priceless,” he added.
Each of NYCHA’s runners deserves recognition for all the training and endurance that completing a marathon entails. See you all next year! For information about NYCHA’s Running Club, contact Bob Nordman at 212-306 8193.
New York City Marathon
German Echeverry, Bklyn. Prop Mgt. Dept., 04:08:28
David Eng, IT – Business Solutions, 05:05:28
Nicole Ferreira, Dept. for Development, 06:00:00
Larry Hillman, Carpenter, Tech. Svs., 03:55:00
Lee Trotman, Resident Engagement, 06:17:19
Kevin Tunney, Capital Projects, 07:56:30
Employees who competed in other marathons
Bob Nordman, IT – Infrastructure, Anchorage, AK
Ramon Lugo, IT – Infrastructure, Schenectady, NY
Jenelle Hudson, Resident Engagement, Phili., PA