Community Visioning for the Future of Todt Hill and St. Nicholas Houses
Residents of Todt Hill and St. Nicholas Houses recently had the opportunity to provide their ideas and feedback on the repair and modernization project coming to their developments as part of NYCHA’s Comprehensive Modernization initiative. Once complete, these large-scale renovations — $115 million for Todt Hill and $342 million for St. Nicholas — will drastically improve conditions and bring the two developments (collectively comprised of 20 buildings and 2,028 apartments) into compliance with the 2019 HUD agreement, benefitting over 4,400 residents.
“These sessions provide an opportunity to have direct engagement with residents through educational and discussion-based workshops to understand their needs and formulate a vision for the project based on their ideas,” said Michele Moore, NYCHA’s Director of Comprehensive Modernization. “The goal is to make sure residents are with us on this progress every step of the way.”

NYCHA’s Transformation Plan outlines how the Authority will provide critical improvements to better serve residents and improve their quality of life, specifically addressing lead-based paint, leaks and mold, heating and elevator services, and pest and waste management. Comprehensive Modernization considers all the needs of a development and makes much-needed upgrades from top to bottom, repairing systems, apartments, common areas, and grounds that have not been upgraded for decades. The initiative allows NYCHA to use funds to combine renovations into one project, fully rehabilitating developments while saving money and limiting the inconvenience to residents.
Residents have been part of the project from the beginning, through virtual and in-person meetings that kicked off in November 2021 at St. Nicholas and in February 2022 at Todt Hill. The community visioning sessions allowed residents to share their renovation priorities; design and contractor requirements; materials, colors, finishes, and fixtures they prefer; and their thoughts on how construction and temporary moves due to the renovations should be planned.

One resident surveyed after a visioning session said: “I felt like I was finally being heard and that my opinion matters. I really appreciate how empathetic [the event] was and not just someone there for show. I am very hopeful about the Comprehensive Modernization changes. It looks like a real home and not just the ‘projects.’”
“As property manager of Todt Hill, I was informed of the Comprehensive Modernization initiative and was more than happy to hear this great news for residents,” said Nicole Casertano. “The Todt Hill staff are approaching this project with a positive attitude and providing continuous support for our residents. Our main focus is keeping residents informed about any updates and allowing them to be part of the team by taking their input seriously. We’re excited for the end result of this project that will greatly benefit our residents.”