A Festival of Lights

Batei Tsibur, NYCHA’s organization of Jewish employees, ushered in Chanukah with its annual celebration on December 12, the first night of this eight-day “Festival of Lights.” Revelers lit the Chanukah menorah, sang traditional songs, and enjoyed refreshments and each other’s company.

Batei Tsibur President Alan Pelikow discussed how Chanukah – “dedication” in Hebrew – commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the second century B.C.E., following the Jewish uprising against an oppressive Greek-Syrian regime. Mr. Pelikow explained that “During the rededication, oil for lighting the Temple menorah was available only for one day, but it lasted eight days” – another Chanukah miracle.
Guest speaker Rabbi Shmuel Pevzner encouraged attendees to “reach new heights every day” by doing daily deeds that benefit both spiritual growth and our fellow humans.
To join Batei Tsibur, please contact Nina Winer at 212-306-8558.