NYCHA’s NAACP Branch Launches New Campaign

NYCHA’s branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has invited members of college fraternities and sororities to “adopt” public housing developments, where they will positively impact public housing residents and the surrounding community. The volunteers will help provide a series of programs geared toward economic development, civic engagement, health and education, and the criminal justice system.
“Partnering with the NAACP provides these organizations and other non-profit groups with an opportunity to advance their public service mission while creating real change in public housing communities,” said Lynn Spivey, president of the NYCHA NAACP branch, who came up with the idea. “Many of these organization members are also former public housing residents,” she noted. “In doing this, we are also introducing success models to our residents, making them aware of greater possibilities for a better future.”
The Adopt a Development Campaign extends partnership opportunities offered by the national NAACP in conjunction with the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc., a collaborative organization of nine historically African American, Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities. The new initiative will reach out to all fraternal organizations, as well as churches and other non- profit organizations.
To participate or for additional information, please call 347-669-2421.