Watch “Ras” at Urban Decision-Makers Conference

On July 19, Rasmia (“Ras”) Kirmani- Frye, President of the Fund for Public Housing and the Director of NYCHA’s Office of Public/Private Partnerships, participated in a conference sponsored by the New York Times called “Cities for Tomorrow: The Pre-eminent Conference for Urban Decision-Makers.” People value public systems such as police, libraries, parks, and schools but not so much public housing, Ras lamented. “But it’s the residents of public housing that make all the public systems you love run,” she said. The top three employeers of NYCHA residents are the NYPD, the NYC Department of Education and NYCHA, and the top nine of 10 employers are public systems. “We need to invest in the people who invest in us every day,” Ras said. The Fund for Public Housing partners with public/private entities to improve the way public housing works. Ras urged participants to tell people they know about the Fund. You can watch the presentation at