Crime Drops at NYCHA

Chief Nelson on NY1Crime is down 7 percent at NYCHA this year, with decreases in all five boroughs. ABC 7 covered this news in a recent broadcast.

“In 2017, we made great progress in combating serious crime and safety issues across the Authority,” explained NYCHA’s Vice President for Public Safety “Chief” Gerald Nelson. “The Mayor’s Action Plan and our partnerships with the NYPD and residents are critical to improving resident quality of life at NYCHA.”

To date, $140 million has been allocated from the City Council and Speaker, the Mayor’s Office, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for security enhancements at the 15 developments that are the focus of the Mayor’s Action Plan (MAP). By the end of the year, NYCHA will have finished installing new exterior lighting at 14 MAP developments – more than 6,200 state-of-the-art LED lights. NYCHA installed CCTV cameras at six developments and began that work at eight more. Installation of layered access control (secure building entry doors) is complete at three developments and underway at 11 sites.

Watch Chief Nelson discuss these security investments on NY1: